The great Russian revolutionary leader & theorist Leon Trotsky once explained why swearing needs to be checked & controlled. The synopsis is the reason people swear and use obscenity is because they have ceased to think and are acting on rage. This is dangerous behavior in that it inevitably leads to uncontrolled violence in the service of fascism. Trotsky, more than any political figure since Karl Marx needs to be understood in all his wisdom & prophecy.
With that understood, swear words are part of the human language and good writers are always compelled to use the best words– in terms of accuracy & description. In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the best descriptive of everything that has been brought to the electorate by the ruling class, both political parties, and the corporate-owned mass media is shit.
This shit-show which has been thrown in the American public’s faces every day & night for over a year, is a disgrace to human culture and an abomination of anything decent in civilized history. There are at least 10 million American citizens over age 35, who are better qualified for the office of U.S. president than this shit.
These candidate are human feces. Just look at them physically, and you will see nothing attractive from either one. Just like what you see in the toilet before you flush. What comes out of their mouths, is even worse.
For those who advocate lesser-of-two-evilism, consider this analogy. You’re handed two plates of steaming shit, one conservative & one liberal. Which one do you choose?
When you boil it down to shit, it gets real quickly because everyone understands it. We all have shit, and most of us dump it into religion/politics. That’s why we have all this shit. People need to become active and starting organizing, before this shit gets any more out-of-hand. These shitheads are talking about nuclear war with Russia.
Those who lecture “don’t complain if you don’t vote,” let their brains go to shit a long time ago. They make up the majority of voters. Can’t win against that shit, so don’t play.
Anyone with at least a partially-functioning brain can clearly see the whole capitalist system has gone to shit, with the ‘choice’ down to a fascist business gangster vs. an establishment political gangster. All propped-up and defended with bullshit.
Any so-called ‘3rd party’ candidates funnel into the Republican (Libertarian) or Democrat (Green) party, proving their worthlessness. Same shit, different package. Take notice how quickly the Bernie Sanders ‘revolution’ came & passed. Like shit through a goose.
We need a revolution to avoid a really shitty ending for humanity. Anything less is just turds circling the bowl.
Working people & youth are better than this shit.
It’s time we start handling it.
Update 11-09-16: Shit hits the fan. Trump eats that bitch for breakfast.