Trump assassination attempt in PA: Murky murky

Sat 13 Jul 2024 08:20 PM CDT

Insane news, just breaking. Someone tried to shoot Donald Trump during a campaign rally in PA earlier this evening.  Evidentially the shooter is dead, and a rally attendee was killed. You can see someone go down in the audience to the above right of Trump after shots were fired. Trump was grazed by a bullet to his right ear, but is okay, according to reports. All this violence plays into the hands of the far right, which is why all socialists condemn assassination as a political weapon.

The US Secret Service has probably already identified the shooter, but aren’t releasing any information to the public yet. Everything is kept secretive in events like this. A narrative needs to be established (behind close doors) that doesn’t make Uncle Sam look bad before info can be released. Any unpleasant facts (ex-military, far-right, etc) will be buried, or at least overlooked in the media. This is standard operating procedure.

I was just chatting this afternoon with someone who has to work downtown next week, with all the security restrictions surrounding the Fiserv Forum & beyond. There are “red zones” you can’t go into, “pedestrian zones” surrounding that where no vehicles are allowed, etc. Parking & traffic downtown is always a problem, as everyone who lives in Milwaukee knows, and now it’s going to be much worse for the week of the RNC.

There are ~50,000 Republicans coming to town, who all think they are VIPs and demand immediate service. Everything is gonna be way worse now, after this. For instance, this could affect the ability of prostitutes to get to the major hotels and service clients. That would cause outrage among these politicians.

These streets & buildings that Milwaukee taxpayers don’t have access to for the next week are to be used for a gigantic orgy of wealth & debauchery. This shooting that Trump was a target of today is a result of his countless incitements to violence. He has himself to blame for this, but he will blame the far-left & socialists, as always.

If there’s anything crazy that ties the Trump shooter to the US military or Intelligence, it’s being deep-sixed right now. This tampering of evidence was prevalent during the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando back in 2016. The shooter’s father had ties to US Intelligence in Afghanistan. The bin Laden family was protected and flown out of the US after 9/11, etc. Controlling the information the public gets during murky events such as these prevents uncomfortable truths from becoming widely known. This censorship & withholding of facts is essential to news propaganda.

It feels like Trump has angered so many dangerous people that this was inevitable. self reflection is important here. The whole world wants to know who this asshole was, but the US Secret Service/FBI have things locked up tighter than the Virgin Mary. Where is the network reporting here? They all still have nothing and it’s nearing midnight, hours after the event. These media lapdogs are too used to being spoon-fed stories to know what to do here. National security BS. A witness says he informed agents and they just stood around as the shooter was bear crawling onto a rooftop with a rifle.

I keep mentioning the Black Hand as a powerful force that works imperceptibly to the public eye. That’s active now. Keep you eyes open & a clear head. “Two officials told The Associated Press that the shooter was not an attendee at the rally.” Officials must know the identity of the shooter to make that statement. Still nothing to the public…

Well after midnight, the shooter was finally identified to the public as Thomas Crooks, a while male age 20. He was a registered Republican.

Sun 14 Jul 2024 11:30 AM CDT

Thomas Crooks was killed by Secret Service snipers. The FBI is still keeping his motive airtight. Why? How did he get the weapon & ammo? Why did he do it? We are being kept in the dark on that by the FBI– standard procedure. Narratives were being created & crafted in the meanwhile.

Apparently in 2017, Crooks donated $15 to ActBlue a centrist-Democrat PAC. Crooks obviously drifted to the far-right since. The fake media describes ActBlue as “left-leaning,” when it is actually centrist. A 2017 donation means Crooks was age 13 when he donated $15 to the Dems. Why was this information released, instead of facts & a motive?

The concealed motive of the FBI, Biden & Trump will be to cover-up anything embarrassing and blame the left. Trump has incited & encouraged this type of violence for years, while Biden has stood silent. By all indications, this Trump shooting was blowback. The US government doesn’t want to talk about that– especially during an election.

Try to imagine being grazed in the ear by a bullet. Trump was speaking as a megalomaniac in front of his die-hard supporters when he discovered there are people who really hate him and are willing to act on that. One supporter died hard and two others are critically injured. Trump is fortunate that shooter wasn’t steady & accurate because he reacted very slowly, lowering himself to the ground awkwardly after being hit. He didn’t realize. The JFK shooters [!!] would have gotten Trump easily.

Of course, now Donald Trump is a martyr to his fanatics. Sad really. We won’t see Trump for awhile, he’s never endured such physical pain in his life. Perhaps worse is the psychological pain he can never get rid of. A near-death experience teaches you are vulnerable. It also reminds Trump he is hated. This will affect him personally & politically.

Historically, Trump is Hitler. When a group of top Wehrmacht officers tried to assassinate Adolph Hitler in July, 1944, he was injured & shaken by it. The Wehrmacht was then ruthlessly purged. Serious questions need to asked on all sides. What Thomas Crooks teaches us politically is that the Republicans are just as divided as the Democrats. Crooks was a registered Rep… killed by US Secret Service. Murky murky

Lawmakers this morning are urging people not to jump to conclusions, the FBI is on it, etc. That’s their “leadership” on this. Let’s see this kid’s social media posts, online activity, etc– PRONTO! Perhaps that would help people understand better. Where & how did he get the military assault rifle & ammo? This could be a black eye for the NRA.

Lots of security questions being covered up presently, that’s for sure. Murky murky. Ex-presidents get Secret Service protect for life. Evidentially, Trump’s assigned security team isn’t entirely enthusiastic about protecting him. Agents were told there was a threat and they apparently didn’t act. I imagine there are those who feel the same way whose job it is to protect Joe Biden.

Sun 14 Jul 2024 08:00 PM CDT

Final update: Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican who was a bullied loner, according to classmates. The political conclusion is that he took his right-wing anger & violent aggression out on the chief bully of the Republican Party. Trump is lucky the kid was a confirmed lousy shot. That’s hard for certain people to say or admit.

Joe Biden blathered on & on to us again about the importance of unity with Republicans on national TV. He did this after 1/6, but had taken the opposite position during his 2024 “campaign,” stating that Trump is a tyrant who condones violence, etc. This was Joe Biden’s political position as recently as last Thursday evening… But when this violence he encourages blows back to Trump directly, Biden is there to defend him & prop him up. It’s the ‘presidential’ thing to do. The shooter is a “monster” and Trump must be saved, that’s all we need to know.

Unasked question to Joe Biden: Why do you keep flip-flopping on Trump?

Where did Thomas Crooks get his gun & ammo? It been over 24 hours and the public still hasn’t been told. And what about his politics? The FBI, etc, absolutely know. “Don’t listen to online chatter,” we’re being told by leading politicians & pundits. Instead listen to the people who told us Jeffery Epstein committed suicide in prison. Anything else is a conspiracy theory to be ridiculed.

Trump was lucky, but a firefighter & two others weren’t. Violence begets collateral damage, which becomes propaganda. That’s where everything is going here in the fake media and both parties of capitalism. This completes the propaganda cycle and another dramatic episode in the US civil war election campaign.


Artists are the culture

Film, music & art are highly personal & aesthetic tastes. With that said, there are objective processes to all of them. It’s the objective material forces of imperialist capitalism that are acting on all artists, and what we get is a reflection of that in their work. The best artists understand imperialism from a Trotskyist perspective and can make great art that will have lasting influence. The creators of House of Cards (S1-5) are an example of great art. Those who can’t (won’t) understand the world as it really is are limited by that. That’s why most movies & television today is unwatchable.

The Velvet Underground (2021) documentary speaks about 1960’s music, art & culture. The VU, Andy Warhol, Captain Beefheart, the Stooges, Sun Ra, etc, were considered & labeled ‘subculture’ by the mainstream press & entertainment industry. But Jonas Mekas makes it clear in that film that these artists were (& still are) the culture. These are the visionaries who pushed things forward in an era of Beatles-style hippie idealism. Drummer Maureen Tucker speaks about how the VU despised naive hippies who thought they could change the world by wearing flowers in their hair & smiling at everyone. They were right.

And gay rights, that started with Andy Warhol & the VU– as Lou Reed was bisexual. David Bowie pushed through his sexuality in the 1970’s and by the end of the decade it was okay for Elton John to be gay, at least in Hollywood. These are the true artists who re-invent our culture. To carry that artistic torch, you have to be influenced by them.

Under capitalism, corporations eventually appropriate the culture (created by these mostly unattributed artists) for itself. It censors what it doesn’t like, and filters any progressive content into its propaganda through identity politics. It was female alternative-rockers & hip-hoppers in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s that established women as artistic & earning equals in music entertainment. When Madonna was attacked for “Justify my Love” and such, she became alternative-influenced and arguably made her best albums while the feminists mostly hated on her.

In sports, it was the 1999 USWNT that made ‘soccer moms’ a phenomenon that has stayed. They did it all with passion, as there was very little money. For years when the USWNT were WC champions (1991) and #1 in the world, no one knew or cared. It wasn’t any easier for race car driver Danica Patrick, who broke though by competing against men (and attracting sponsorship) for many seasons in Indycar & later NASCAR. The feminist crowd had nothing do with any of these iconic sporting moments & cultural advances, as they ignored Danica Patrick getting intentionally-wrecked weekly in NASCAR, yet they claim the be the infallible arbiters & guardians of all culture. That’s their big lie. The artists & athletes create the value, but only those who “play ball” are recognized & compensated. Corporate wins in all these cases.

By the 1990’s, the kids had gotten the message, largely through music & sports culture: men & women are equal, don’t be a gay bigot or racist Nazi skinhead, etc. Gay-themed shows started appearing on network TV making homosexuality mainstream because the kids had (largely) already accepted it, but that didn’t stop the networks from taking credit for this sudden phenomenon of gay awareness. That’s what they do.

Since then, it’s been about getting MORE rights for these elite gay, feminist & black groups, so they can be more equal than others in Orwellian doublespeak. Identity politics is about unequal rights for those making the demands. Equal rights isn’t good enough for them, and that’s the fundamental issue with all reactionaries & philistines.


Indianapolis 500: 2024 notes

I now watch the Indianapolis 500 annually. That event far eclipses anything NASCAR has to offer. The political purpose of the race is to promote nationalism & militarism on Memorial Day weekend. I try to block the politics out and focus on the sporting event, but that’s somewhat impossible in racing. All this high-performance machinery was developed by (& for) the military, and professional circuit racing is an ancillary of this.

People love racing, and that isn’t going to change, but I watch these spectacles to observe the spectacle in all its glory & decadence, not because I love motorsports. Going fast doesn’t appeal to me, but I do appreciate the innovation and what it can do for humanity– if it’s equally shared. When the sponsors & mouthpieces for the Indianapolis 500 talk about “tradition & respect,” they use the same tone & moral authority that Genocide Joe & university officials use to talk down to student protesters before sending in the police. With that said, it was a great race and congratulations to the winning driver & team.

As for the NBC broadcast: I love Mike Tirico, he’s the best (with Jim Nantz) so you hardly notice his corporate shilling. Danica Patrick is now becoming stiff. NBC needs her for sure, but she asks fake questions with fake interest & name-drops too much. Jimmie Johnson, who had to leave early for the Charlotte 600, wasn’t fooled. She does much better when the race starts as that’s her passion & aptitude. You can see that Danica Patrick lives entirely in an elite bubble, surrounded by security & handlers, even during the broadcast with all those fans there. Class divisions are out in the open & in your face every year at the Indianapolis 500.

One of my favorite broadcast moments was pre-race when NASCAR’s Jeff Burton was trying to explain how important it was for Kyle Larson to run in the Charlotte 600 that evening. “It could affect his playoff points,” etc. All complete nonsense, as Kyle Larson has won a race which locks him into the playoffs, and from there it’s about finishing well & winning in each round, not “bonus points” going in. I think Jeff Burton’s idea was for Kyle Larson to skip the Indy 500 when the rains came. Hilarious NASCAR stupidity & arrogance, promoting the idea that the Charlotte 600 is more important than the Indianapolis 500 to Kyle Larson. Kim Coon (whom I love) stood next to Jeff Burton, but stayed quiet on that…

Storms held off the race (and pre-race ceremonies) in Indianapolis for ~4 hours, so it’s a long day just to watch. “Adjust your schedule and do something else” is my attitude when that happens to an event I want to watch on TV. When the race finally got going, it was a mess for the first third or so. Danica Patrick correctly stated that too many drivers appeared to be too caffeinated coming out of the rain delay. For me it was like a ballplayer popping too many greenies, and then having to wait out a rain delay when wired to go. Adderall (or an equivalent) is the PED choice of professional race car drivers.

I’m getting ready for bed, and I decide to flip on Fox one last time. It’s total darkness in Charlotte and NASCAR has their jet-dryer trucks mopping up the track after a spring deluge. No sun to dry the cold, wet track; so Mike Joy & Kevin Harvick (love them both) are talking about the Ricky Stenhouse Jr/Kyle Busch team fight last week and how NASCAR promoted it to the point where no one remembers who won the million dollar All-Star race. I’m thinking, “They’ve run over half the race, why haven’t they called it? They can’t get this track dry! No bleeping way I’m waiting for the ‘re-start’ they are promising fans. Christopher Bell is the winner of the rain-shortened Charlotte 600.” Click.

I wake up Monday morning, and check ESPN dot com to learn they called the race sometime after. This was all about Kyle Larsen getting into his car and driving laps at Charlotte. That (& the fight) are the only things NASCAR old-guard cared about promoting on Memorial Day weekend. Having some “sports sense” will tell you when a story is over and thus spare you the agony of staying up late for nothing, such as the finish of the 2024 Charlotte 600 with Kyle Larson running laps.

Kyle Larson’s performance illustrated the difference in competitiveness between Indycar & NASCAR. If you make a mistake which sends you to the back, you are finished in Indycar. In NASCAR, Kyle Busch & Denny Hamlin are regularly caught speeding on pit road, etc, and are sent to the back of the field, but they always get right back up front after not-too-long because their cars are so much faster than two-thirds of the grid.

At Indy yesterday, we saw a few engines blowout & some rookie mistakes in the back, but you had to have a great car with not too many driver mistakes just to be top-20. Kyle Larson was busted for pit road speeding and that took him from top-5-ish, to a lap down and he finished 18th. Actually, it was a very good performance for a rookie at the Indianapolis 500, but NASCAR is humbled by it. He’ll try again next year. NASCAR hates it on a certain level which I’ve explained, but they also recognize how it helps them so there’s nothing they can do to stop him.


Bond Market backs Trump

Digital World Asset Company (DWAC) is the blank check company that partnered with Donald Trump for his IPO of Truth Social– the shitshow social media platform he formed after he was banned from Twitter & Facebook for his coup attempt on Jan 6, 2021. A blank check company is a publicly traded company that has no operations or assets at the time of its IPO. Also known as a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), these are people with money to burn and no ideas of their own, but always with a political axe to grind. That axe is being sharpened to cut down working class opposition to fascism, which is the billionaire class preference over Genocide Joe Biden.

Truth Social (DJT) reaches <2% of Americans, and by all metrics it is hemorrhaging active users. Truth Social lost over $50M last year, and only had $5M in total revenue. Five million dollars is a fair measure of what Donald Trump’s grassroots support is worth in a year. But as always, it is the cost of Donald Trump that decisively outweighs any of his cash flow.

Trump Social (DJT) as a publicly traded company is grossly overvalued & insanely out-of-proportion with its underlining business metrics– because of politics. Trump reportedly owns about 79 million shares of Trump Media, 70% of the total. Trump Media stock closed at $57.99 on Tuesday, March 26, giving the company a market value of roughly $8 billion. That is the bond market speaking. Donald Trump will not be threatened with asset seizure, prison time, etc, due to debts he can’t pay. The bond market backs Trump. That eight billion bucks surely isn’t coming from his grassroots supporters.

In an illuminating side note, one of the partners in the deal, Patrick Orlando the former CEO of Digital World is already suing Trump, claimed he was short-changed. Patrick Orlando, Digital World, and Trump Media are all “no comment” on this– it’s a ruling class affair. After the deal was signed last October, Trump fired CEO Patrick Orlando, changed the company name to Trump Media, and replaced its board of directors with Trump loyalists. The SEC approved the Trump-Digital World merger last month.

According to the bond market, the “leftist” credentials of Bernie Sanders, AOC, etc, have been worn out, and Joe Biden doesn’t inspire any confidence, so it’s time to prepare for fascism in the form of Donald Trump.

There is no need to talk of the Republican Party anymore. Republicans are now the Trump Party, which is the right-wing, anti-science lunatic fringe. Donald Trump has purged the entire Republican Party of those deemed insufficiently loyal, and is in control of its political machinery & bank accounts. It’s the Trump Party & the Democrats now.

The right-wing “independent” campaign of RFK, Jr represents more of a ballot-box threat to the Trump campaign than to Joe Biden & his Democrats. It’s the Democratic Party that is going after the RFK, Jr campaign with everything it has got because their job is to disorient the working class and pave the way for Trump. Democrats are always moving to the right.



Bibi & the bond market

In Israel, at least one-third of Jews oppose Bibi & his criminal Zionist regime. Anti-semitism is defined as hated & persecution of Jews. Jews in Israel who oppose Zionism are branded ‘antisemitic’ in the Western propaganda media, which is nonsense. Jews for peace in Israel are dismissed & marginalized because they don’t correspond to the interests of Western imperialism.

Photo credit: Matty STERN/U.S. Embassy Jerusalem

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is a Jew who is a Zionist. Bibi is a criminal because he is the leader of a reactionary tendency that uses the Holocaust as political cover for genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. This is a class issue– first & foremost. Bourgeois politicians & its corporate media partners are the capitalist class that consciously introduces nationalism, racism, religious fanaticism, feminism & sexual orientation into politics– as a tool to divide & disorient the international working class.

You may have seen the term “left anti-semitism” come into the fake media recently. To start, “left anti-semitism” is an oxymoron, a political big lie. It is the technique of the Black Hand– the elitist hidden class that runs US intelligence & the military through Wall Street finance.

Current US national debt is over $34.5T. This debt created & inflated the global bond market, the most powerful expression of capitalism. The bond market is all-powerful & can not be defied under capitalism. The bond market decides US elections long before voters go to the polls in November. But when a revolutionary & united international working class says, “We the working people of the United States & the rest of the world, are canceling all monies owed to the super-rich and declare ourselves debt free,” that will kill the bond market. That’s a revolution. The rest is BS.

For those who ask (and I’ve been asked), hyperinflation is defined as rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month. Right now inflation in the US (depending of whose numbers you read) is 5-10% annually. If US inflation reaches even 20% annually, there will be masses in the streets demanding serious change, because most people can’t afford even those price increases.

Hyperinflation happens in the third world, with Turkey being the latest example. The third world is where the US State Department & CIA exert their nefarious influence to make sure things don’t get out of control as far as workers organizing, etc– all under the banner of “fighting communism.” This keeps Wall Street happy, and makes sure the trains run on time.

The main issue with inflation is workers’ wages, which aren’t keeping up with the cost-of-living. The Federal Reserve Bank has tools to prevent runaway inflation through interest rate hikes, but this cools the economy by putting people out-of-work, which increases the available labor pool and thus suppresses workers’ wages. This is a downward spiral for which bourgeois economists & politicians have no answer.

One last point, whenever you read the Fed is “fighting inflation” by raising interest rates, what they really mean is they are trying to control the inflation of workers’ wages. The price of sellable goods going up (traditional inflation) means more money for corporate, which is good according to the Fed. But a rise in workers’ wages cuts into corporate profits, and therefore is unacceptable “inflation” which must be squashed.

You can not defy the bond market or the Federal Reserve Bank, which transcend political parties & their puppets. You can’t protest against it to any effect. This financial oligarchic set-up is the real power that is oppressing humanity & destroying our planet. You can’t compete playing their game, because everything is rigged for them to win, until everyone loses.

Organize the revolution by thinking outside-the-box. Assume that 100% of what you see & hear in the corporate news is fake. Learn to understand the motive behind the lies, and ask out loud, “Who benefits?” These corrupt institutions, which control the critical levers of capitalist power, rely on being hidden & unaccountable. As soon as sunshine is cast upon their numerous misdeeds, they lose their moral authority to rule.

Political philistines have this notion that revolutionary leaders are the ones who browbeat politicians, chant slogans at rallies, or bang their fists in fury in the tradition of Che Guevara, when history has proven that to be a reactionary dead end. Revolutions aren’t negotiated by liberals and they don’t come from a gun barrel, although guns are always necessary to defend revolutions against liberals who are with the fascist bourgeoisie trying to strangle it.

The bourgeoisie will always seek to attack & kill revolutions with all their venom & hatred, and this must be met with firm & unwavering workers’ resistance with a will-to-win in permanence. Revolutionaries are the ones who educate people by telling them the truth in all things. This has always been the true definition of a revolutionary.


Banned from Fakebook (again): Super Tuesday edition

Preface: Before I had a chance to post this paragraph below, I was locked out of my Facebook account ~9:30 AM CST on Super Tuesday.

Super Tuesday notes– the “Uncommitted” campaign is a DSA strategy to save Joe Biden. It is meant to corral leftist-leaning voters (ie- young kids) back into the Democratic Party. Since Trump isn’t an option for this massive voter constituency, it can’t be allowed to find a 3rd party. Understand that the DSA, Greens, etc, orbit the Democrats; and the Libertarians, Teabaggers, etc, orbit the Republicans. That is the two-party strait-jacket of modern bourgeois politics which always shifts to the right.

Here’s the text from the three (3) emails I sent to Facebook tech support:

What’s the deal with FB locking me out? I entered the code you people emailed (multiple times before it was accepted as valid), but then wasn’t allowed to reset my PW.

I keep entering a new PW and it’s strong, but your system fails to register it every time. Remarkable

It’s Super Tuesday, and I’m blacklisted (again) on Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg is a fascist tool. This is why people call it Fakebook. To Zuckerberg: Make your peace with Trump, he’s your daddy now.


  • BTW, I’m an “antisemite” for calling Mark Zuckerberg a fascist. I’ll update here when/if my unexplained Facebook ban is lifted. Thank you to all who love & support what I do!!

Wed 06 Mar 2024 07:47 AM CST

Tried to log in again, but the still locked out. Here’s my email message to FB in response:

Your code never works. Why can’t you people just admit you’re blacklisting me? Weak

Mon 11 Mar 2024 12:25 PM CDT

I’ve been banned before and have learned to deal with it. Facebook always allows me back because THEY NEED ME. It is exactly the same as a capitalist’s need for a worker to exploit. My posts create interest & provoke thought, and you don’t get that with most people on social media. From personal friends I get mostly family pics, pets & vacations, which is fine, but it’s usually nothing enlightening or thought provoking. For most users, social media is telling your group what your life is like. For celebrities (& wannabes) it’s about shaping an image & brand which they can sell. Celebrities sell to corporate as that is the BIG money which can satisfy them.

I have changed the dynamic of social media by being who I am and connecting with my preferred celebrities though comments & the ‘like’ button. It’s how I talk to my friends, except these people are more worldly & experienced. Always be respectful, since there is a level of admiration, but don’t worship them as idols, which only patronizes & cheapens them. Artists seek to be understood above all else. If you can respectfully understand an artist they will always approve it.

This is how I converse with artists and others on social media. I respect talent and what it does, with the understanding that I’m also at that level, perhaps even beyond. The blacklisting issue is what sets me apart. I was never allowed to break through commercially as a musical artist in any way. No record or distribution deal, no venues available for me. Therefore no tours or merch for the fans. I don’t apologize for it, I just explain it. I publish myself here, so when I’m cut off from social media, I still have an independent online organ.

This always allows me a voice, so fans can understand what’s going on. Being banned from Facebook is a blessing in many ways. Social media can be addictive, and action in the real world is what counts most. Social media is a tool to describe those activities to the world without having to tour & travel. It allows an alternative explanation of events. Without corporate backing, social media is a critical tool for connecting with fans. The contradiction of course is that Facebook (and all the rest) are corporate entities tied into US intelligence, police & the military– and these institutions are the enemy of peace & freedom.

A long time ago I tried Twitter and quickly abandoned it. I should have cancelled my account before Elon Musk bought it, but whatever. Twitter was 120 characters-a-post back then and far too limiting as compared to Facebook. It is mostly gossip and too much white noise, with little depth of thought. It’s like everyone on Twitter is trying to be superficially clever, or make a witty joke. Twitter is for people who don’t want to read too much, and all this is why it didn’t appeal to me.

YouTube has turned me down (sonically) and attacked my videos with algorithms since I started in 2011. Obama/Biden had their Intelligence fingers on me instantly, it was unmistakable. If YouTube is going to turn you down, de-list, and shadow-ban you, then just post thumbnail videos for each song and forget about it. That’s all you can do until things seriously change with YouTube. I have videos for every song I’ve released, a film, interviews, etc, but they are extremely difficult-to-find in searches, and all my ‘likes’ and ‘views’ get deleted. My YouTube page looks abandoned because I had to.

The reason I’m so viciously attacked by corporate is because I’m too good. I’m better than all that corporate fake rock they’ve been jamming down your throat (and up your ass) for the past 20+ years. I kick ass over all that and for the correct reasons. Nothing in modern popular music can beat me– and they know it. That’s why I’m at the top of the blacklist.

To continue with my social media history, I used Disqus for awhile because it was the best option for posting on the WSWS when they started allowing reader’s comments. After becoming a prolific commenter in that forum for years, I was shadow-banned by Disqus on the WSWS, just as the MeToo campaign was coming into being. My comments on Russia Today were also through Disqus, but they weren’t shadow banned. They were selectively deleted at times by RT, but not shadow-banned.

Shadow-banning is when you post and it shows up on your computer/device, but not on anyone else’s. You know you’re shadow-banned when you no longer get any responses or likes to what you post. Disqus clearly didn’t want me posting as Ric Size on WSWS articles. Too influential in the wrong direction. Today, all my WSWS comments have been scrubbed away by Disqus. I have many screenshots to prove their existence. I also dominated the & forums, until comments were abruptly ended around the same time period- largely due to my activity in both cases.

This is what you face for being critical of authority. Julian Assange is in prison on trumped-up charges for exposing the criminality of the ruling elite. Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, and he is owned by Uncle Sam, which is the unaccountable & hidden power behind this blacklist. Expose a blacklist and its authors to the light, and they will shrivel-up in their own ugliness.

All I can do is ask my fans to unite and take action against this evil force known as capitalist imperialism. It is ruthless, unapologetic & stupid. Its arrogance knows no bounds with this class of parasitic billionaires that has been created in the past 30 years. They only answer to their own greed & avarice, and must be beaten down by the masses to be made to yield. Until then, the blacklist & all this suckitude will continue…

Tue 12 Mar 2024 09:15 AM CDT

Logged into FB this morning for the first time in about a week, and PRESTO I’m back. No explanation given to me for being banned. Told you.


US Supreme Court v 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment established birthright citizenship & freed black slaves. It also contains this paragraph below, which specifically applied at the time to President Andrew Johnson who sought to conspire with Southern Democrats after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. President Johnson attempted to use his veto power to block congressional efforts to carry out the Reconstruction of the South.

“No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

As the WSWS has written, ‘This constitutional language leaves little room for interpretation. Trump was “an officer of the United States”— indeed, the chief officer— who took “an oath… to support the Constitution,” but who then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion.” The clause also bars from public office those who have given “aid and comfort” to an insurrection. Donald Trump is therefore barred from holding “any office” by the Fourteenth Amendment, just as Confederate president Jefferson Davis was banned from running for US office after the Civil War.’

FILE PHOTO: U.S. Supreme Court justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Elena Kagan pose for their group portrait at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., October 7, 2022. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/File Photo

Last week the US Supreme Court heard arguments from both sides over a Colorado ruling that Donald Trump should be disqualified from the ballot on the grounds of him violating the 14th Amendment on 1/6/21. The US Supreme Court is packed with far right zealots & Trump appointees, so their decision has already been made– just like ‘Bush v Gore’ in 2000. If the US Supreme Court needed to rule that ‘2+2=5’ then it would find some technicality or distort whatever reality is necessary to confirm that majority opinion. There are no checks & balances on government power, just class interests concealed under the illusion of democracy.

Thousands of MAGA Trumpists swarmed over the Capitol building on 1/6/21 with the purpose of stopping the certification of the 2020 election for Joe Biden. Trumpists attacked Capitol & DC police and were chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” Scores of cops were injured and five people died as a result. Donald Trump told his mob to “Fight like hell or you won’t have a country anymore.” That’s as clear-cut a violation of the US Constitution as it gets, and everyone saw it on live TV. Trumpists act like they are so persecuted, but Joe Biden & his Democrats protect Trump more than anyone.

The State of Colorado’s oral arguments are legally sound, but have been met with hostility & indifference from the justices. Clarence Thomas & Samuel Alito directed a barrage of politically-loaded questions at the attorneys for the State of Colorado, as compared to Trump’s lawyer who rambled technically & incoherently for a few minutes & then quickly signed off with no questions from any of the justices concerning their paper-thin defense [!]. Basically, Trumpists are threatening another insurrection if the Supreme Court upholds Colorado’s decision.

The US Supreme Court is being asked to make a decision it doesn’t want to make– a sure sign it has outlived its usefulness. The State of Colorado (and its voters) are seeking clarity, while the Supreme Court tries to dodge & duck the issue. Justice Clarence Thomas & his wife Ginny were part of the 1/6 insurrection, yet he has not recused himself due to conflict of interest. These are the ethics of the SC, where justices consider themselves (& Trump) to be above the law in a constitutional system of ‘checks & balances’ that is nothing more than out-of-control corruption.

There are six Republican appointed justices and three Democrat appointees on the SC. None of the Democrat appointees are challenging the Trump narrative. No discussion of Trump’s failed coup attempt and what it means. All the Supreme Court wants to do is deflect, split hairs, and keep Trump on the ballot. That’s pre-decided here. The critical question the SC is avoiding is, “Did Trump attempt an insurrection to overthrow the US Constitution on 1/6/21?”

If the Supreme Court refuses to examine the issue of whether Donald Trump incited an insurrection on 1/6/21, then what purpose do they serve except to protect privilege? Two states (Colorado & Maine) have defined Trump’s actions as insurrection. The Supreme Court’s job is to address that issue directly and with impartiality. They are doing neither.

Trump lawyers argue it’s up to Congress to rule on this matter. It’s been three years since the House voted to impeach Trump for insurrection and the Senate acquitted him behind Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell who himself was a target of the Trump mob on 1/6. Nothing since from Congress, or Joe Biden, so it now falls to the Supreme Court. A clear & Constitutionally-sound ruling by the US Supreme Court is required to maintain any illusion of democracy in American politics, yet it will not be allowed to happen. What is being illustrated now is the complete rot & corruption of capitalist politics.

To be fair & balanced, the 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of JFK provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation. Clearly Joe Biden is mentally incapacitated. Disqualification of Donald Trump under the 14th Amendment is entirely justified, just as is removing Joe Biden from the office of President due to his diminished mental capacity. It is entirely reasonable that the people of the Untied States should expect any Presidential candidate to take a mental exam to prove competency, and it is likewise reasonable to bar from public office those who willfully violate the Constitution.


December 8, 2023

How do US representatives who tried to overthrow the US Constitution avoid jail & all accountability for their criminal actions? It’s because Joe Biden & the Democrats have covered for them in the name of ruling class “bipartisanship.” Democrats enable fascists while attacking & censoring true leftists. That’s how Biden’s proxy war in the Ukraine (and now ethnic cleansing of Palestines in Gaza) are being sustained, despite their unpopularity among American working people & youth.

Both Democrats & Republicans agree we need to be at war with China over Taiwan sometime in the near future. Obama/Biden ‘pivoted to China’ after the “war on terror” under Bush/Cheney became an untenable US foreign policy doctrine to sell to the American people.

Donald Trump pushed past that on the far right, by reneging on the long agreed-upon doctrine of One China, which was Richard Nixon’s foreign policy baby to open up China to US business interests. It got him re-elected in 1972 despite strong anti-war & youth opposition on Vietnam, and capitalism flourished through the 1970’s into the early 2000’s because of it.

US recognition of One China was a conscious ruling class policy of economic globalization to lower costs for American corporations and make them more profitable. It brought humanity the internet, mp3s & social media– but it has wrecked our planet with pollution, deforestation & runaway global warming which isn’t being addressed at all. The US military can’t win a world war for many reasons, foremost are: 1) Russia & China (and Israel [!!]) have nuclear weapons and will use them if their existence is seriously threatened, and 2) US businesses depend on the world for supply chains & cheap labor.

Cheap oil means affordable global transportation, and that’s what all the fighting is about in the Middle East and why the Zionist Netanyahu regime of fascists are always proclaimed to be inseparable partners in US foreign policy, which is imperialism. That’s what the IDF’s ethic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza is about. To Zionists. a multi-ethnic state living in peace is out of the question. This racist ruling ideology is opposed by many Jews in Israel, the US & beyond, but this fact is never mentioned in the American fake media.

Zionists are today’s Nazi’s, as is Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, whose fascist cabal are the direct political descendants of Nazis under Adolph Hitler. Zelensky’s war over Crimea with Russia is unwinnable, yet Joe Biden & his CIA Democrat cohorts keep doubling down on it. Republicans will hold up funding in Congress for awhile (when it is politically convenient) to get more anti-immigrant militarization for the US-Mexico border.

Canada is our friendly neighbor to the North, historically a safe haven for Nazis who fled Europe after WW2. Death squad democracies under Truman (Dem) & Eisenhower (Rep) administrations in Latin America harbored WW2 Nazis under US protectorate. They were used to teach the CIA their methods for becoming known globally as Murder, Inc.

This capitalist economic boom period ends with WW3, unless the youth & working class unite to overthrow capitalism before it’s too late. Workers of the world, unite– by joining the Socialist Equality Party in whatever country you live, or form one if there isn’t one yet. The SEP is the only political party of Trotskyism, which is the true socialism of Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.

All other ‘left’ variants, from the DSA & the labor union bureaucracies, are the fake left. So is PBS, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post & Rolling Stone magazine. Pussy Riot is fake, they reek of CIA provocation as its members have been designated “foreign agents” by Russian president Vladimir Putin. Hillary Clinton was Pussy Riot’s biggest fan back in the day. Pop music & entertainment have been thoroughly fake since American Idol & 9/11.

For publishing these truths, you are branded a ‘class reductionist antisemite’ by the fake left, which is well-funded by the CIA Democrats. The Black Lives Matter & MeToo campaigns also originate with the CIA Democrats.

MAGA Trumpists are the ultra-nationalists on the far right. This means white supremacists, holocaust deniers, anti-vaxers, Christian fundamentalists, and other reactionary variants of militia anarchism. They all prefer to let their fists & guns do their talking when it comes to politics, since their limited talking points never hold up.

Historically speaking, December 8 is the day after the date that lives in infamy. What was the American workers’ mood on December 8, 1941? It was anger, which was exploited to the benefit of the American ruling elite. Working kids got drafted and sent overseas to fight & die, while rich kids got deferred. Just like Bill Clinton and just like Donald Trump. They’re all cowards. Enabled bullies, actually.

The danger is this sociopathic class controls all the levers of power, and Trump has fascist shock troops at his behest & command, which the world saw on January 6, 2021. That was a coup attempt by Donald Trump & his fascist cabal which extended to all branches of government & the military/police, and intended to establish a presidential dictatorship.

This threat to human democracy needs to be overwhelmingly crushed by an internationally united working class & youth. That’s the path to victory and saving our planet (& ourselves!) from self-inflicted destruction. The work is in party building and the development of political conscious & united leadership of the working class. Social media is what unites us, so all platforms must be democratized to be de-Nazified.

Leading antisemite Elon Musk bought Twitter last year and changed its name to X. He’s had to cash in more than a few bitcoins to do it, but for Musk it’s worth it. Elon Musk is a Nazi, who pretends he’s a prodigy. He’s acts as if he’s intelligent, but he’s a proven philistine– even in his so-called fields of expertise. Elon Musk needed a big platform he could dominate on every level, so he overpaid for Twitter, which was estimated at around $12B, but Musk was forced to pay $44B.

Elon Musk had to recoup lost value somehow, so he has encouraged his fascist followers by inviting Donald Trump back onto the platform– which the Donald refused. Trump now rants exclusively on his Truth Social platform. Trump, Inc is always lying, ripping people off, and going bankrupt– that’s the Trump business cycle. His hardcore supporters are on Parlor & Breitbart spreading their filth.

A sign of global financial turmoil is the crypto bubble being re-inflated, with bitcoin now at ~$44K after starting 2023 at ~$17K. Bitcoin as ‘digital gold” is a myth, but it’s being hyped as a ‘safe haven’ & ‘good investment’ in the face of weakening currencies. Crypto has to get past SBF/FTX  & CZ/Binance before Elon Musk can sell his crypto garbage as good coin again. The bitcoin market is being pumped again, for sure, but there is still strong opposition among powerful US business & political interests. As mentioned before, US intelligence is the Black Hand in crypto.

Finally, December 8, 1980 was the day John Lennon was murdered in NYC. Beatles fans around the world mourn this tragic anniversary every year by trying to celebrate what John Lennon’s existence brought to humanity. Pop culture & art changed with the Beatles, and the idea that there are deranged people out there who want to kill that is deeply offensive to anyone who thinks & feels.



Bluebloods means privileged status. Until the very end of the 20th-century AP sports-writers were the pollsters who decided the NCAA football champion. Then came the BCS (one letter too many), and now CFP.

This writer has been advocating for a 16-team playoff format since the days of the AP writers picking the winner. Next year the CFP goes from 4 to 12 teams, which will make a lot of this Michigan shit easier for others to swallow.

Conor Stalions was a “low level” Michigan football staffer who advanced scouted opposing teams in clear violation of NCAA rules. He’s been fired by Michigan in the wake of revelations of grainy images (fan screenshots) of Conor Stalions disguised in Central Michigan University coaching garb, standing on the sidelines wearing sunglasses at night to advance-scout Michigan State.

Apparently, no one has been able to contact Conor Stalions since his firing, and here we have this game of cat-and-mouse Michigan gets to play with the NCAA.  The University of Michigan is intentionally not cooperating with an open investigation by making Conor Stalions unavailable for questioning by independent media writers, legal experts, etc. Michigan gets the NCAA nod because they are the bluest of the bluebloods. Plenty of  Wolverine alumni running the NCAA.

Bluebloods rake in BIG buck$ and alumni elites are INTENSELY interested. Football bluebloods are Michigan & Notre Dame, distantly followed by USC, Texas, Oklahoma, FSU. Bluebloods always get favorable treatment because they have prestigious journalism & law schools with alumni who will do anything to support winning in football & basketball.

Basketball bluebloods come from traditions of winning and include Kentucky, Kansas, UCLA & North Carolina. These programs always get the legal wink & nod from the NCAA & conference commissioners. Big 10 commissioner Tony Petitti is in an impossible situation, where all the other football coaches are pointing to evidence of egregious misconduct in sportsmanship, but bluebloods rule.

What Michigan did was clearly against NCAA rules and everyone has seen some of it. There’s a lot more that isn’t being shared because the rule is you don’t punish bluebloods, especially during a championship run even when they’ve been caught cheating to their advantage. It’s Alabama, Oregon, Texas, Washington (in alphabetical order) that are hurt most by Michigan cheating. What it’s really about is who makes the final Football Final Four.

Tomorrow (Friday) is apparently a court holiday and I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know how that precisely impacts a potential University of Michigan legal challenge to an unfavorable Big 10 ruling. Everyone is expecting a ruling by tomorrow, with Michigan @ Penn State on Saturday. A ruling on punishment has been delayed as long as possible in this matter, all to the advantage of Michigan football.

The Pac 10 is dust with UCLA & USC joining the Big 10 next year, so Oregon & Washington are expendable in the Michigan advanced scouting scandal. Texas is a blueblood, but they don’t trump Michigan. Alabama is SEC so forget about it. My prediction of punishment is that Michigan gets a slap on the wrist fine, and Jim Harbaugh stays on the sidelines & at practices. You can’t take away a potential championship season that Michigan cheated so hard for, they’re bluebloods.


Sam Bankman-Fried trial update: Where’s the money?

The SBF trial finished last week with the boy wonder himself testifying, as his attorney Mark Cohen comfortably led the defendant through a benign & naive narrative they are trying to spin to the judge & jury. Below is a courtroom sketch of Mark Cohen, the completely incompetent, ineffective & overpaid defense lawyer for SBF, as depicted by CoinDesk courtroom artist/reporter Nik De.

The SBF trial was paused Monday through Wednesday last week (Oct 23-25), because Mark Cohen was testifying with lots of press, cameras, reporters, etc, in another Manhattan courtroom– specifically in the Donald Trump v. New York fraud trial. That is a civil trial in its punishment & compensation phase, as Donald Trump has already been found guilty of fraud.

DOJ prosecution cross-examination in the criminal trial of SBF is expected to begin Monday (tomorrow), with the trial possibly ending next week, allowing the jury to deliberate a verdict. If convicted, the judge is going to come down hard on SBF, with an appeal highly unlikely to change anything, meaning SBF will need a Presidential pardon to get out of jail. SBF spread a LOT of money around into dark places and Trump loves NFTs, so it could happen. The other murky, unanswered question is, “Did SBF already cut a secret deal?” Its answer is unknowable to the public, but known in inner ruling circles.

Trump pardoned dozens of criminals (pic above) at the end of his Presidency simply because they paid his under-the-table extortion money, or they pledged their undying loyalty to the Donald.

Over $8 billion in customer funds is still missing from the FTX/Alameda fraud. Everyone in crypto assumes SBF has the stolen crypto stashed away in hidden wallet(s) somewhere in dark cyberspace. SBF was allowed plenty of time to do that– as FTX collapsed last November, as he was extradited back to the US from the Bahamas, and surely after he was allowed more-than-generous bail terms by a lenient Manhattan judge who let SBF stay with his parents in Palo Alto, California and work online, even after repeated violations of his bail terms.

Obviously US intelligence was monitoring & scrutinizing SBF’s online activities, but none of this (or its findings & conclusions) have ever been revealed to the public. What was SBF doing online during those months he was out on bail?

Without question, SBF moved massive crypto transfers from the time he was held by the Bahamian police, up until his bail being revoked after he published the personal diary of key DOJ witness (& former girlfriend) Caroline Ellison, who was SBF’s partner in crime. She pleaded guilty, as did a few others at FTX/Alameda, so their prison sentences will be much lighter. But the question still remains, “Where’s the money, SBF?”
