Hurricane Ian floods Sanford, FL

The very beginning of this video is Sanford Landing, where I lived for about four years. I kept telling my neighbors during my daily wild bird feedings, “The mallards & muscovies will eventually take their habitat back. Irma taught us that.” People would look at me funny for that, among other things I said & did.

Here it is now, over a week after Ian roared through Florida. Lake Monroe has crested and the water ain’t goin’ nowhere soon, especially with all that concrete & asphalt the City laid down. Sure hope it don’t rain again soon… Sanford Landing is paradise, until it becomes a flood zone. I’ve told people that before too.

There are very few apartment rentals in Sanford, FL that aren’t near Lake Monroe, so Ian qualifies as a city planning disaster. These “planners” make very little sense from an environmental standpoint. They’re mostly Republicans, so they’re proud of that. Everything the ruling bureaucracy does only makes things worse, especially when there’s a superstorm event, which is now happening every 5 years or so.

I recollect, and then ask, “How are those steel gates around the Sanford City Hall building working for you now? What about all those cyprus tress, sagos, and other natural habitat you ripped out, so you could pour concrete/asphalt, sod, and plant palm trees & oak saplings that die along the Riverwalk?”

Insecurity & irrationality drives capitalist bureaucracy spending. Sanford posts their itemized city spending outside the doors to City Hall regularly, and I’ve read it out loud to passers-by, many times. It’s always the same contractors getting paid. Maybe that’s why they felt they needed the steel gates.

Central Florida is traditionally considered the ‘safe’ part of the state from hurricanes. South Florida & the Panhandle historically get the most severe hurricane hits. Global warming has changed all that. We need to take coordinated action globally, and soon, otherwise Florida will be uninhabitable by mid-century.

Lake Monroe finally crested late Sunday (October 9), at just under 9 feet– above sea level. Lake Monroe is the source of the St John’s waterway which winds its way north until it empties into the Atlantic Ocean at Jacksonville. This “Nile of the West” has been an integral part of commerce, agriculture, fishing, transportation, etc, since Florida became inhabited by humans. It’s management is of vital concern to everyone in the area & beyond.

Hurricane Ian proves that this gross mismanagement of the St. John’s Riverway system can no longer be tolerated, as it is too precious & delicate a resource. Working people in these disaster zones need to take a good look around, and understand the bigger picture and how it’s affecting them. These can no longer be called “natural disasters.” These are human-made disasters.

For instance, blowing-up the Nord Stream pipeline (image above) in the US/NATO infested Baltic Sea, most likely by underwater military drone(s), initiated the single largest global warming emission event in human history. The world knows that Joe Biden is responsible for this crime against humanity & our planet, and he must be held accountable to prevent a nuclear apocalypse.

These are the thoughts I think to myself when I’m on a concrete slab surrounded water. Maybe you have electricity, maybe you don’t. I hope the lift station doesn’t fail. Being surrounded by gators, moccasins, etc, is bad enough, but sewage backing-up means move out now. We’re next to the Regional Hospital & treatment plant, so I don’t think the elites would let that happen, but you can never be sure….

There are parts of Seminole County that are dealing with this now. Residents can’t get back to their homes as these are currently toxic environmental sites. By the time they get back, nothing will be left. It’s just one of those things no one can explain…

At Sanford Landing, the surrounding moisture wicks through the concrete, into the floor & walls. Bugs, spiders, etc, get active, looking for dry ground in your walls & beyond. “Who thought it was a good idea to build apartments here? Who are they…?” These are my deep thoughts in such a spot. I feel for those who remain.
