I’ve had crazy experiences in my dental career, but none more bewildering than an affair I had with a dental hygienist, while working as an independent contractor. I’ll start from the present, and work backwards, as that’s the most coherent way to explain what happened.
Most recently, I sent this message (through their website) on May 30, 2020.
To Douglas A. Huhn, DMD & staff: my name is Eric Meeker, I’m a DDS who has practiced for 25 years, mostly in Lake County. I have worked as an independent contractor since 2014. I worked with Terri Liddel, RDH at Classic Dental in Lake Mary after she left your practice in 2017. I’ll bet you’re wondering why she left, and what happened that day when the Feds showed up and whisked her away during office hours?
It turns out, she’s in the Witness Protection Program, because she’s the ex-wife of a Terre Haute, Indiana mafia leader who turned federal witness. He tried to enter the state of Florida that day, and the Feds were notified and took ‘Terri’ to a safehouse until he was located and returned to Indiana. I know this because I’m the one she fell in love with and told everything to, in an attempt to be with me permanently. I refused, and soon after, never saw or heard from her again. I just thought you should know. Longtime staff at Classic Dental, including Dr. Garcia can confirm this.
I receive this short & confusing reply a few days later:
June 1, 2020 9:57 AM
Subject: Dental request
Hi Eric
We received your information on Terri Liddil , Terri hasn’t not been employed in our office since September 01, 2017.
Dr, Huhn’s Office
So I replied that afternoon:
If you haven’t already, you should check Terri Liddil’s SSN & references, etc, which are all phony, so you know what to look for in the future. Her first & last names can be spelled many different ways with the same pronunciation, which helps when she’s moved around so much. I haven’t seen any CE or dental school curricula on this.
It would be professional courtesy to share your stories & findings with me, since I told you something you never would have known otherwise, and it included personal information to authenticate. You don’t have to, but realize it’s about respect. Our profession shouldn’t be a dumping ground for government agents, FBI cloak & dagger, etc. Dentists don’t deserve to be played as dupes in their own offices. How does Dr Doug Huhn & staff feel about that?

I’ve received no further reply, and I’m not expecting one. An owner dentist can always claim HIPPA regulations, etc, as privacy protection, and that’s their right. Here’s an explanation of HIPPA from a former dental practice owner.
It’s a bureaucracy formed in the early 2000’s, supposedly designed to protect patient & employee privacy. It applies to leaking sensitive personal/medical information, full names, SSN, etc, to other people in the waiting room, or office records being hacked online, and other such disclosures. Basically, businesses have to respect customer & employee’s right to privacy, while in possession of sensitive information.
But I have too have rights, and I’m not afraid to exercise them. For instance, what about my right to know about government agents being planted in the dental offices I’ve worked in? These are dangerous individuals, who know other dangerous individuals, and therefore put practitioners in danger, without their knowledge or consent. Why am I the only dentist who has a problem with this?
I sent that message to Dr Huhn, because I knew Dr’s Butch Garcia & Jim Flatley hadn’t. They were both told of this circumstance & happening in April 2018, a month after my final break-up with Terri. They had to believe me, because the evidence was overwhelming, yet they refused to completely believe it, because it cut across their political ideologies.
Most dentists are politically conservative, and thus, think the deep state is a ‘left-wing, nut-job’ conspiracy theory. That’s how small-minded so many dentists are, as they mostly only care about their practices, personal lives & making money– and are blind to greater realities. That’s why I don’t attend dental meetings like I used to.
I have no illusions about the profession of dentistry in 2020. It has been destroyed by COVID-19. It is no longer safe for practitioners to practice, without generating huge amounts of medical waste, even for the simplest procedures, and this isn’t sustainable. The ADA is a sellout bureaucracy which has no answers; kept fat, dumb & happy by the insurance companies, dental suppliers & corporate dental.

As for dating someone in the Witness Protection Program, that was a learning experience. What I thought was a safe romance with an attractive older woman, turned reality on its head. When she told me the truth about her life, after a night of intense sex (just like a woman), I was stunned and didn’t know what to think.
Flashing to the present, I just finished watching Jeffery Epstein: Filthy Rich (2020), and in hearing all the stories of these survivors of his sexual abuse, what strikes me is how similar I feel to them. I felt like I was taken advantage of, lied to, and led down a dark path. What the WPP is doing to professional offices, and the workers who staff them, is abusive. This is what angers me, and when other professionals are informed of this, they choose to stick their heads in the sand. That’s a measure of how messed-up the profession of dentistry is today.
I have no tolerance for spinelessness, and I don’t appreciate being left alone on an island with the truth. Dentists are supposed to tell patients the truth, and then fix the problem, at a fair fee. The same respect principle applies with peer relations. I didn’t want to have to write this story up, but I’ve been made to, by all those who live in fear, who have degraded the profession of dentistry & medicine, by refusing to admit they’ve been abused– like the rest of us.
I don’t have that problem, so here’s what you need to know. Medical & dental offices are dumping grounds for WPP/FBI plants. Agents are given accelerated training, in programs such as dental hygiene, and in a few months are placed into volunteer clinics– all under 24/7 federal surveillance. The agents are well-trained, and the irony is that Terri was actually a great hygienist. This gets them noticed, and then hired into private practices. She cleaned my teeth, and it felt great, I have to admit.
Others felt the same way. For instance, here is a Google patient review from Stephanie Mirsky, which I’ve copied & pasted.
4 years ago
I’ve been coming to Dr Huhn’s for over 7 years. Always great service, great staff and hygienists (Terri is awesome!) and Dr Huhn genuinely cares about his patients. Highly recommend!
I’m not violating any HIPPA rules, because this information was publicly released, and “Terri” doesn’t really exist.
I call her Terri anyways, because that’s the only name I ever knew her by. I never got any pictures, and now I know why. WPP agents are trained to avoid contact with others. Taking lunches alone, in their vehicle if necessary. Don’t socialize after hours. If you are asked to be in a picture, and can’t get out of it, then stay on the edges, and look plain. It goes on & on.
Of course, the FBI understands that people do fall in love. There’s no stopping that, but there is procedure. First, the agent must identify the love target for a thorough background check. The target is completely unaware. Once cleared as “clean” by the Bureau, the WPP agent can engage in seduction, without revealing their true identity.
It was always clear to me that Terri fell in love with Dr. Meeker, and had no interest in the music & political activities of Ric Size. But the FBI knew. This made Terri an unwitting agent, meaning she’s gathering intelligence for the FBI, without understanding their intentions.
It all went well enough, until she revealed… the rest of the story. Terri married very young, and had no college education. She knew what she was getting into, as this was a handsome, intelligent & powerful man who was the brains of the mafia in Terre Haute, Indiana. That’s a big mob town, I’ve come to learn, going all the way back to the Teamsters & Jimmy Hoffa.

He’s also ruthless & abusive, and so they were divorced. It was not made clear when this happened, before or after he was busted. Anyways, he’s working at a Whole Foods in Indiana under a new identity. Whole Foods is owned by Amazon, which also owns the Washington Post, and has government contracts with intelligence agencies, if you need more context on how this all ties in. I asked Terri, and was always refused, when I inquired about his real name, a photograph, or even a description of what this jealous & dangerous sociopath looks like.
That will kill a boner. Along with realizing all your conversations are being intently monitored. If the agent makes a mistake on the phone, by revealing information the FBI deems “sensitive,” then your call gets instantly dropped. The agent then gets a text from Big Brother reminding her, so when you call back, it’s a completely different conversation.
I’m like Captain Beefheart, I don’t like to talk about my women, but I’m gonna do it anyways. That’s because much of this relationship wasn’t with her at all– it was with the FBI. These are the final text messages from our relationship.
This time she let it slip, that when she flies back to Indiana to see her daughter, she uses Leesburg Airport. I’m not supposed to know that Leesburg Airport is a transport hub for WPP/FBI agents, and neither are you. Here’s my final text thread with Terri, from March 4, 2018, starting at 9:31 PM. I’m in blue.

And that was it. I never saw or heard from her again. All WPP agents are given a code word to text to loved ones, in case they have to be taken to a safehouse for an extended period of time, just to let them know they are okay. That word got changed, so it’s no longer “papaya” for Terri.
Terri was forced by the FBI to move in haste, out of the central Florida area, as her cover had been blown, when she was ultimately rejected by the love target– me. Terri left her expensive hygiene instruments at Classic Dental, and never claimed them, which was most curious to the staff which was still unaware, but is FBI protocol to those who know.
A month or so later, I went into the office on an off Friday, and took the Dr’s & an assistant out to lunch to explain the whole story. It was the female dental assistant who actually best understood & accepted the facts. The women in the office [!] had suspected Terri & I were having an affair, and this confirmed it. The men were clueless, and then it turned to denial & jealously, as this made them look weak & stupid. They only grudgingly acknowledged it, and then buried it afterwards.
I wrote this, because it’s not fair to be carrying all this myself. The FBI & US government deny all this, because that’s what they do, and people are naive & sheepish enough to believe them. Most doctors can’t handle the truth, which is sad. But I’m not one of them. Much of what is happening in dentistry today is an illusion. The only way to grow is to learn to accept hard truths.
In conclusion, I believe the Witness Protection Program must be exposed & dissolved. My experience gives me a personal & professional perspective on this, so it deserves serious consideration. This is a criminal operation, which is allowed to inject itself into society, creating havoc & bad feelings all around. Deception & lies never lead anywhere good. The entire principle to this deep state operation is rotten with corruption, and deserves to be rejected by everyone. Let this be a start.