Financial establishment rules in favor of Grayscale in SEC lawsuit

I’ve characterized this Grayscale vs SEC legal battle on social media in the past weeks as Musk (crypto) vs Buffett (traditional finance), which is an oversimplification. The CIA is also big on bitcoin, and that matters.

Bitcoin is used to funnel funds to ISIS militias (formerly Al Qaeda) in Syria & Iraq for the purpose of regime change in Damascus & Tehran, etc. Since the US-German intelligence-backed Maidan coup of 2013-14, large amounts of crypto have been funneled to leading fascists in Kiev. Those were the ‘greater forces’ in play at Jackson Hole last week, which keeps crypto alive– for now.

Every major bank CEO & financial player at Jackson Hole was consulted & listened to while this legal ruling was being decided. It was intentionally kept airtight from the corporate media, which is why you heard no reporting or analysis from any of them the entire time. Rising interest rates & working class interventions loom large over crypto’s long-term future.

If this was a ‘landmark legal decision’ (and it is), then why was there no serious reporting when policy was being debated during these past weeks? It’s because the ruling elites wanted to conspire in complete privacy on this highly sensitive matter. Elite class forces were battling one another to influence this legal ruling, and the corporate media smokescreened it, keeping the public ignorant– until they were told exactly what to say earlier today.

Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder of FTX Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange, departs from court in New York, US, on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022. Bankman-Fried was released on a $250 million bail package after making his first US court appearance to face fraud charges over the collapse of FTX, the cryptocurrency exchange he co-founded. Photographer: Stephanie Keith/Bloomberg

A bitcoin exchange trade fund (ETF) has now been US government approved, that’s what all this means. The crypto industry plan is to have a centralized bitcoin exchange, where different wallet holders, blockchains, bridges, etc, can buy/sell bitcoin & convert into dollars, etc; and (eventually) add ‘ether’ & a few top stablecoins to this exchange. That’s the crypto vision. It’s no longer ‘de-fi’, which divides a segment of crypto purists. That’s the latest in crypto news & analysis.

This essay below was published concurrently in response to the Vatican supporting Russian tsarism.

Tsarist Russia was a brutal absolute autocracy, dating back to the mid-9th century. Historically, Napoleon couldn’t conquer Russia, so it remained a backwards, in-bred monarchy, in an era when the rest of Napoleonic Europe formed into bourgeois representative republics, or what we now call nation states. Germany was the last of these 19th century powers, formed in 1871 through wars, revolutions, and finally counter-revolution– like all the rest.

All the tsars were hated by the peasants throughout its history, from Russia/Ukraine, all the way to Siberia, where dissidents (industrial workers, revolutionists, etc) were exiled as criminals. This eventually led to the Russian Revolution of October 1917, when the Bolshevik Party galvanized workers in St. Petersburg, the industrial capital of Russia, and led a workers’ revolution which turned a broken 3rd-rate world power (about to be carved-up by imperialism after WW1), and transformed it into a powerful workers’ state!

It also ended the Great War, as each imperialist nation ceased its European-theater hostilities, and turned their militarism on the newly-formed Soviet government in Moscow, along with a propaganda & police campaign targeting perceived revolutionary threats in their own countries– see J Edgar Hoover. US imperialism (& the rest) aided the Whites who were led by tsarist generals, admirals, fascist Black Hundreds & other terrorist/anarchist scum. Trotsky formed and commanded the Red Army, the fighting force of the oppressed workers & peasants, which defeated the tsars reactionary forces backed by imperialism. The political leaders of the Russian Revolution were Lenin & Trotsky, who after this bloody Civil War from 1918-22, were politically isolated and eventually killed by reactionary forces in the apparatus– led by Joseph Stalin.

That is a brief history of the formation & early political degeneration of the USSR. The Vatican unapologetically endorses Russian tsarism because BOTH are remnants of feudalism & the Middle Ages, which makes for sticky politics in 2023.

The intention of Lenin & Trotsky was for this to be the FIRST workers revolution, followed by others in Europe– particularly Germany with its powerful working class & industrial might. Revolutionists, Karl Liebknecht & Rosa Luxemburg, were murdered by Wiemar secret police immediately after WW1, while Adolf Hitler was enabled– even after his failed coup attempt in November 1923. Hitler scribed his racist anti-socialist manifest Mein Kampf in prison, and then on release for good behavior, established the Nazi Party which terrorized Europe, exterminated 6 million Jews, and attempted to annihilate the Soviet Union in WW2. This wasn’t just one madman who got out of control. Hitler, like Trump, is historically cultivated by powerful reactionary forces to do its dirty work in defense of capitalist inequality in times when liberal reforms aren’t possible.

Lenin died in January 1924. It was always Trotsky’s suspicion (which he could never prove), that Stalin poisoned him. Trotsky formed his internationalist Left Opposition in 1923, to counter Stalin’s reactionary ‘socialism in one country’ theory he presented as gospel in 1924– after Lenin’s death. Stalin was better than Trotsky at forming murky alliances with reactionary politicians, since that’s who he was. Bourgeois subterfuge & laying traps was how Stalin hijacked the Bolshevik Party and defeated Trotsky to attain complete political leadership of the Communist Party. Many of the best Bolsheviks had died in the Russian civil war, and by 1929 with his Left Opposition politically isolated by a reactionary bureaucratic apparatus, Trotsky was exiled by Stalin. Trotsky would never return to the Soviet Union. He was murdered by an agent of Stalin (with help from J Edgar Hoover FBI agent, Sylvia Ageloff) in Mexico City in August 1940 at the outset of WW2 in Europe.


Fake news: Not in the news?!

Fake news is anything but the truth. Ruling elites (of all stripes) use fake news to lie, manipulate & deny– for everything. The common feature of fake news is that it’s always intended to keep you from the truth.

Everyday it’s the same story in the NYT, WaPost, USA Today, FOX, Yahoo, etc– fake news everywhere. Why is that? Why isn’t this discussed– at all? Why is NO truth even allowed to be mentioned anymore. Comments have been shut off everywhere, with ghosting and other covert online attacks such as de-ranking, de-platforming, etc, being part of this technological suppression of free speech & public exchange of information. AI bots are the new frontier for Zuckerberg & Musk.

It’s not like truth was ever acted upon by the American ruling class, but at least it was allowed to be discussed, somewhere. Not so anymore. This total censorship regime really started with Obama/Biden, when they banned WikiLeaks for publishing its Iraq War Diaries, which included a horrifying video of a US military helicopter murdering a group of reporters just talking in the street. These truths made the US military look bad, so they had to be silenced. Julian Assange is still in a UK maximum security prison because of this ruling-class political vendetta.

Social media is the game-changer which ruling elites can’t fully control. Revolutionists with writing skills & truth on their side, such as myself, are able to electrifying followers online. The World Socialist Web Site fits this category, as the ONLY online socialist daily. The rest (DSA, Greens, etc) are fake left.

Attack algorithms, NSA spying, and a host of other nefarious covert activities by the US Government (which the DSA has been a part of) are now common knowledge, but NEVER allowed into public debate or discussion. America has a propaganda epidemic, and like COVID-19 (& all other problems), it isn’t going to go away on its own.

As much as Mark Zuckerberg hates my online content, he really can’t ban me because he NEEDS me. I provide regular fresh content (exclusively on his platform) that excites & interests people. Without that, he can’t sell advertising (or my personal data without my consent). I don’t go for ‘likes’ or comments. My posts & comments are intended to educate and make people look at things differently. People are searching for that, with all the fake news now.

Once social media connects you to a global audience, you are no longer isolated. That’s the democratizing power of social media, which scares the ruling elites to death. It allows everyone to have a voice, and ALSO allows those with the best ideas (which people online agree with) to become the most influential. That’s why we have such an extreme level of political censorship today.

This especially concerns the ruling class, because they aren’t so good on social media. Trump is considered the best by many bourgeois political observers, and he’s horrible– a total snowflake. They dominate by monopoly and controlling all the levers of power, but their rationale & logic stink. In short, these crybabies lost the REAL social media battle long ago, which is for the truth. That’s what the Millennials are interested in.

Working class rank-and-file committees are the answer to fascism, and they can be formed anywhere, even online. In fact, that’s where most of the work is being done now by the WSWS. The labor union bureaucrats are widely despised by the rank-and-file workers in every industry, from the Teamsters & UAW to teachers & nurses. These self-appointed bureaucratic windbags spout hot air & militant rhetoric to the workers, while they cozy-up to corporate lawyers behind closed doors to sellout the rank-and-file for their own personal gain.

Rank-and-file committees in every industry & profession will take power out of the hands of this corrupt bureaucracy (which is part of the Democratic Party machinery), and put it in the hands of the workers, the ones who create all the economic value with their labor power.

Neighborhood committees need to be formed for the same reasons, as the police (local, state & federal) are agents of the ruling class. When corporate-hired, neo-Nazi thugs are brought-in as strikebreakers to escort scabs across rank-and-file picket lines & physically attack workers, the police will watch these scum in silent approval. They’ve ALWAYS done so.

Rank-and-file committees need to be part of our new school system, which seeks to protect & educate children, instead of de-funding schools and standardizing ignorance in-between shooter lockdowns. Rank-and-file workers’ committees everywhere can link-up online with their global brothers & sisters to affect coordinated strike & workers-defense actions against capitalist assaults. This is the ONLY way workers & youth of the world can win.


The sorry state of US soccer

Preface: Many nations didn’t even allow adult women to play soccer back in the 1990’s. Muslim nations in particular. The US was the only country that allowed a large pool of boys & girls to compete together at a youth level. That helped catapult the USWNT to soccer dominance which lasted for 30 years. This is a follow-up piece to USWNT out early at World Cup 2023: no one cares

The USWNT trained at the sprawling Markham Woods soccer complex (AKA: Lake Sylvan Shores) in north Orlando, throughout the 1990’s and at least into the early 2000’s. It has multiple fields, and the USWNT shared this space with all the youth league teams, including my (then) step-son’s summer teams from 1998-2000. When looking in their direction (as every cognizant soccer spectator did back then), I immediately noticed it was men coaching the USWNT.

My step-son was a good kid and enjoyed playing soccer, though he never had any scholarship or professional ambitions, which helped him fit-in well with all the coaches he played for. His mom made him choose soccer over football in high school on my advice.

He actually liked band better, and played trombone during the football games, so he was much happier for it. I often remarked to her in the bleachers, “The Mount Dora football team sucks, but their band kicks ass– best in conference!” She would laugh, and was proud of that.

His summer coach was a good-hearted father whose son was the center-midfielder. Everyone got along well, and the coach would often admonish his young players for being lazy & unserious by screaming, “Do you see Mia Hamm over there?! She’s won two World Cups & Olympic gold, and she STILL gets pissed at herself when she fucks up! So why are you laughing at your stupid shit when you’re on the same field as her?!!” That was really good stuff from a boys summer league coach– I liked him.

After the USMNT made the Round-of-16 in World Cup 1994, MLS was born. I saw early MLS exhibition games at Disney/ESPN’s Wide World of Sports complex which had opened recently in Buena Vista. We were given tickets from a cousin, the head secretary of WWOS— which is nice. They were sparse crowds, so we always had a good view. Up close, I instantly recognized Lexi Lalas, Tab Ramos, Eric Wynalda and the rest of these hippies & high-strung pretty boys by their “free spirited” west-coast playing style.

I saw it for real when I played my 1985-86 high school year in San Jose. These kids were talented for sure, and they had skills, but they were afraid to be really great, and that’s why they never won anything. I saw it over & over from the bench my junior year in San Jose. I finally had a great coach, and he knew I needed to catch up on skills before I could get serious playing time, but I was ambi-footed & serious about putting the ball in the net for my team.

I was excited to play for this coach my senior year, and was ready to dedicate my 1986 summer to getting better per his suggestions, but my family moved back to Wisconsin before the Cali soccer season ended and that was that. The level of talent & coaching in Oshkosh, WI wasn’t/isn’t anywhere close to Cali, so I only played summer league for a two more years, then gave soccer up for academics. Sports taught me a lot, including when to quit.

Sports also taught me that rich, spoiled Cali boys are the kind of teammates who always yell at you or try to show you up in front of everybody and never apologize for it. You would think a few of these hippies would understand karma or team philosophy, but no, they only care about themselves. They do whatever they want on the field, and waive off any criticism. THESE are the stars, and they are fixed– nothing can re-align that.

These enabled crybabies get where they are by politics, influence & money, more than actual talent. I’m not saying they were terrible, but I am saying they really weren’t that good, and most of it was for the cameras. The 1994 USMNT didn’t even have to qualify because the US was the host nation– for the first time ever. The time had finally come, and these pretty-boy brats simply had the right backing. That only gets you so far on the world stage, and the USMNT has never made it past a Round-of-16 in any World Cup. No one fears them.

Soccer was a winter sport in Cali when I played, as compared to a fall sport in the Midwest. Soccer is a winter sport in Florida too. I feel like soccer skills & basketball skills go together, and that young athletes should be allowed to play both. I think Bo Jackson would agree. California & Florida are where many of the best athletes come from, but forcing boys to choose in high school limits their ambidextrous skill development.

Basketball requires ambi-hand skills, while soccer is ambi-feet. If developed correctly, the ambi-skills reinforce each other, producing a formidable athlete. But in Cali, FL, and elsewhere in the deep South, where there is perhaps the most money for soccer, boys have to choose, as hoops & soccer are BOTH winter sports. Climate has something to do with this, so it’s a complicated regional sports issue, that seriously impacts the quality of the USMNT, and it goes unmentioned.

I saw a few high-school kids in Florida who tried to play soccer after fall football, but often they were too hurt from gridiron action. In some cases, it took most of the winter soccer season for them to recover. Just in time for spring football.

Football & soccer often share the same playing fields in high school, which is another factor in good ol’ boys insisting on staggering high school football & soccer, versus competing head-to-head with soccer for young boys talent. Football coaches get hysterical about their home fields during their season. They don’t want to share it with anyone. This is just some of the politics I’m talking about.

This needs to change for men’s soccer to improve. Otherwise, the US is giving up on men’s soccer. Soccer needs to compete with football for boys. NFL fans don’t want to hear that, and that’s the root of the problem. If soccer acquiesces to football, and insists on competing with basketball, then US men’s soccer will continue to stink.

The talent pool in soccer needs to be enlarged, and you can get that from parents who don’t want their boys playing football. Stuff like this never gets discussed when American fans ask, “How can the USMNT ever become competitive at the WC level?” It requires a revolution in thinking & in deed, because rotten politics controls every game. Politics controls the funding, the coaching, scholarships, grants, etc. They own the huge complexes. They have deals with the corporate media giants, with the Star-Spangled Banner waving behind them.

As this actors & writers strike continues, sports programming will become more coveted by networks looking for fresh content. Sports affects many levels of our thinking & actions. People LOVE sports, they want their children to play sports. It’s nearly a universal childhood dream to be a sports star of some type.

The hardest thing to do is get control of all these emotions that go into our passion for the game, and make rational objective decisions based on all the facts, to come to a conclusion of what’s the best course of action for the good of the game. That requires revolutionary leadership to start, and it’s finished when parents, fans & athletes come together everywhere to get rid of the filthy capitalist politics that are ruining ALL our sports.

Wrap-up: By the late 1990’s, most of the best soccer brains in the US went into helping the women’s national team, as they must have recognized by then that the USMNT was hopeless. These brains were mostly male, but there were more & more butch lesbians working their way up the coaching, political & media ranks. It has been an American feminist agenda to make US womens’ soccer entirely female at its highest levels. All these major phenomenons in womens’ soccer (positive & negative) happened exclusively, or at least most sharply, in the US.

Most soccer-crazy nations in Europe & Latin America viewed fútbol as entirely a mens’ game back in the 20th century. Now the big money is everywhere, so other nations have built better womens’ programs because they have better mens’ players to instruct them. This is why the USWNT is in so much trouble. They have neither the coaching, nor the skill required to beat the best on an equal playing field.

Globally, women’s soccer is now equal, in the sense that the US women don’t scare everyone anymore, Furthermore, they aren’t going to get better– they’ve peaked for the historical reasons I’ve outlined. The USWNT has milked it for as long as they could, but now it’s over, and they have no direction back to the top. You’re not allowed to even whisper that truth on ESPN.

You need more than talent to win at team sports. You need organization, a serious work ethic, and a spirit of community & sacrifice for the greater good. In soccer, if it’s not being taught at the elementary youth level, then it’s hopeless, because every other competitive nation is doing precisely that. You can never win when you’re always behind from the start.

It’s not difficult to find reasons why the USWNT won’t regain its past glory. The US team is no longer formidable, but beatable, and the whole world knows it, so they’re going to get everyone’s best shot from now on. It appears the USWNT is too proud to admit they aren’t the best anymore, which is a problem. So it’s a losing combination of 1) the opponents burning desire to beat those loudmouth American bitches, along with 2) hubris & denial on the US end.

I’ve got online friends from HS, college, and beyond who have raised boys & girls that play soccer. I’m sure they’ve read what I’ve posted with great interest, whether they agree with my conclusions, or not. My job as a sports blogger is to make readers think outside of the corporate box. Soccer parents have been led to believe that they are part of a great social progress, but are they?

Today’s young American boys & girls are behind on soccer skills because the coaching is so poor everywhere. None of these girls are the next Michelle Akers, or anything close. The US men never win. There’s too much mediocrity & politics at the youth & HS levels, and that’s a shame considering the ever-growing American interest in soccer over the past 25 years.

Furthermore, many of today’s professional athletes didn’t play in youth leagues or high school, like we did in the past. If you are recognized early as a prodigy, and your parents have the money, then you are sent to a sports academy, such as ING. Here, kids receive top-level, sports specific training– the best that money can buy. This gives these talented (& privileged) kids an unfair advantage at the collegiate & professional levels, because most kids have never seen that level of competition & skill in their sport.

This ‘youth talent drain’ into the private sector hurts broader youth development for the same reasons. Normal-level kids can’t improve if all the best players are at private institutions. Soccer, tennis, golf, even basketball are now dominated by this private sports academy model. It has created an unlevel playing field for athletic scholarships, etc, and stagnated overall development in every sport– to the benefit a privileged few.


USWNT out early at World Cup 2023: no one cares

Is anyone going to miss these bitches? Megan Rapinoe misses a PK that would have won it (she didn’t even put it on-frame), and then she smiles & shrugs it off during the post-match presser. Is that a leader? Is that a role model? She’s too chicken-shit to put a GW PK on-frame [!], and then none of her teammates call her out for her shit. This USWNT totally mailed-it-in for World Cup 2023. This is so far from 1999, it’s pathetic.

This is what happens when a MeToo campaign takes over an institution. Megan Rapinoe is a LGBTQ+ activist, a pawn of the CIA Democrats. This 2023 USWNT had no soul, because their appointed ‘leader’ is soulless.

Her Subway ad campaign (which has been scrubbed from YouTube) goes down in marketing history as perhaps the most disastrous commercial blitz in TV/internet history. In 2021, loyal customers STOPPED going to Subway until corporate pulled all their Megan Rapinoe advertising spots, as they were killing local franchises EVERYWHERE. Subway needed Steph Curry again, and QUICK!

People just don’t like her, and it’s not because she’s a lesbian– it’s because she’s unappealing. She’s not nice, honest, or brilliant, and she’s certainly not pretty. It’s a universal male fantasy to turn a hot lesbian straight, but I (like many others) have no such desire towards her. I only mention that because it’s important to women. It’s a different standard when measuring women athletes. It doesn’t matter how many titles you have, if you are marketable, then you’re shit.

I was a soccer player in middle school & high school when the sport was in its infancy in the US. Boys & girls played together on summer league teams and in high school– on JV & varsity. I was a soccer step dad in the late 1990’s, and I remember our then-family watching the 1999 Women’s WC final, USA v China, live on ABC. It was maybe the most dramatic sports contest ever, with the US winning in PK’s.

Like many, many others, I still remember the players on that team because they are worth remembering. In 1999, a group of determined under-appreciated young women changed the sports world forever. This 2023 USWNT wasn’t a group of women coming together as a team for a greater good, but a bunch of self-serving bitches wearing the same-colored jersey. That’s why they lost.

I mention my personal history because that’s how girls soccer started in the 1980’s. Boys had to play with girls, and we had to play nice– even in high school. All the girls who stuck it out were better for playing with boys. It wasn’t easy (on all sides), for sure. Michelle Akers, Mia Hamm, etc, all had to deal with those circumstances. It pushed them, in a way girls can’t be pushed today, because there are now girls soccer leagues everywhere– as it should be. It’s all part of global sports progress.

Postscript: So where does the USWNT rank globally now? They finished 2nd in their Group, and lost in the Round of 16 in Australia 2023. That objectively means they are anywhere from 9th to 16th globally. The competitive edge the USWNT has had over their global opponents, starting from the inaugural women’s World Cup in 1991, has been completely eroded. What is the cause? Politics is always a factor in big money sports, and women’s soccer is clearly no exception. The wrong choices are being made for the wrong reasons, and this is what you get. I leave it to the experts analyze the details– that’s what they’re supposedly paid for.

No longer can the USWNT waltz onto the World Cup stage & dominate, or even win. They couldn’t even score this time around. Lack of skills, creativity, chemistry & poor player development are the reasons. Too many egos need to be massaged all the time, and that creates resentment for team players. This drains a team, and it’s almost always the reason a team loses, at any level. You might not expect this ugly pettiness from the USWNT, but then you would be giving them too much credit.

The resources the US sporting establishment has poured into girls/womens soccer since the 1990’s have helped keep the US women ahead of everyone else– through World Cup 2019 which they won. The USWNT had a huge head start by the process I described above in my personal experience. There were hundreds-of-thousands of other boys like me who played fair and (unknowingly) helped develop the original USWNT. I only mention this because I’ve never seen it written anywhere else, yet it surly had the impact I’ve described.

Now that it’s all-girls leagues, US soccer is going to struggle to recapture the glory of its early years. How are you going to make players better when it’s favoritism, enabling & cynical politics at every level? This is the reason why the men’s national team always sucks. I don’t ever see the USWNT team returning to prominence on a world stage. Other counties such as Sweden & China are far better organized at this point. The processes that have undermined the quality of women’s soccer run too deep in American society, and are also part of a global revolution to come.
