Netflix’s “House of Cards” to be Killed

In an interview with Buzzfeed News published on Sunday night (10/29), gay actor Anthony Rapp claimed that he and Kevin Spacey were both working on Broadway in 1986, when Spacey invited him to his apartment one night for a party. Rapp alleges that Spacey, “Picked him up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance.” Rapp was age 14, and Spacey age 26 at the time [1].

Yahoo: Russian trolls watched ‘House of Cards’ to learn about US politics

By Daniella Diaz, CNN Mon October 16, 2017

Washington (CNN)Yahoo correspondent Michael Isikoff [below] said on CNN’s “New Day” Monday that Russians who worked for a St. Petersburg “troll factory” were required to watch Netflix’s “House of Cards” to help them write messages that would influence Americans against their own government [2].

Between this alleged sexual encounter and today, Rapp spoke about what he claimed Spacey did to him in a Q&A with the Advocate in 2001 — “I was bored, so I was in his bedroom watching TV and didn’t know everybody had left, and he came to the bedroom and he picked me up and lay down on top of me.”  Kevin Spacey’s name was redacted from the story. Bruce Steele, then the executive editor of the Advocate, now confirms to BuzzFeed News that Rapp was talking about Spacey [3].

The noose around Kevin Spacey tightened yesterday (10/30), after his above statement on Twitter, claiming he doesn’t recall the incident in question; but said if he did so, it was “inappropriate drunken behavior.”  Spacey then declared that he is gay and is coming out of the closet.

LGBT activist groups have condemned Spacey, who has long-been-assumed to be gay, remarking, “Coming-out stories should not be used to deflect from allegations of sexual assault.”  It never occurs to these moralists that past transgressions such as these shouldn’t be withheld & buried, then conveniently used later to blackmail & destroy others for political purposes, but that’s beside the point. These practitioners of identity politics don’t want Kevin Spacey perpetuating a stereotype that associates gay men with pedophiles, so the latest icon-turned-pariah in our collective newsfeed gets kicked to the curb.

In a sane society this would be between Anthony Rapp & Kevin Spacey, since they are both adults, and both know the entertainment industry well enough by now. Unless Rapp is pressing criminal charges against Spacey (which is his right), then whatever happened between them should be settled by them, face-to-face– instead of through a media teardown campaign. As much courage as it takes a victim to admit something like that happened, it’s just as cowardly to not honestly face the accused. I have a hard time giving out merit points here, because I see only selfish interest on all sides.

This can be seen as a broader campaign against artistic freedom, and an attempt by the establishment to denigrate & cancel an embarrassing political television series. “House of Cards” is still the most popular television show as voted upon by viewers at Rotten Tomatoes. The only reason to kill it, is because it’s sending the wrong message to viewers.  In it’s five seasons, “House of Cards” has dramatized and graphically revealed the ruthless & amoral methods used by the US ruling-class to gain influence & power. In a word, it has gone too far in the eyes of the establishment censors.

So why is a minor sexual assault scandal, which was first reported in the media 16 years ago (and kept hush-hush), now being dredged-up? It is to take down an artist in his prime, along with an iconic television series. These allegations from Rapp certainly sound genuine, but why wait until now, to publicly out Kevin Spacey?

This witch-hunt is most likely a deep-state dirty-tricks campaign, with full media cooperation. McCarthyism works by taking out left-wing opposition, one at a time– until there’s no opposition left, and everyone else gets in line. It’s up to youth & thinking adults to recognize & discredit these fascist intimidation tactics, whether they come from the deep state, or Donald Trump & Stephen Bannon.

All this is going on as testimony by lawyers from Facebook, Twitter and Google begins before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, and the House and Senate intelligence committees tomorrow, on their plans to counter “extremist content and Russian disinformation online.”

“House of Cards” is now in new terrain politically, as liberal feminism, gay rights activists, and the rest of the media establishment will be screaming at Netflix to cancel this series immediately. Currently “House of Cards” is two weeks into its shooting for Season 6, which was to be it’s finale, and reportedly Kevin Spacey is not on the set. It now appears likely the show will be dropped, and the origin of this political attack must be noted by all those who care about art & free expression.
