Coronavirus Times

Free speech does not allow you to yell “Fire,” and created a false panic which endangers others. The same applies to eliminating non-essential mass gatherings during a pandemic. You are not allowed to be recklessly stupid & selfish, putting others at greater risk. It’s called being a part of a civilized society, which implies, responsibility towards others. All other animals survive as a species by instinctively sacrificing for the greater good.

But for humans we have a class society, and COVID-19 is proof that it isn’t compatible with survival. For instance, in the governmental matter of shutting down churches, there can be no acceptable argument based on religious freedom. The US Constitution gives everyone the right to express their religious beliefs, but explicitly states that there is separation of church & state.

This means churches are no different that sports arenas & bars, when it comes to considering them as non-essential gathering places which must be shut down during a coronavirus pandemic. If you want electricity, internet & all the rest of the modern conveniences, then you must follow a few rational rules. It’s called being unselfish, which we are told is a Christian ethic.

Of course, the concept of church & state being separated was thrown out long ago, as reactionary arguments have been allowed to take precedent in courts of law, where rulings are tailored to fit specific political agendas. The Reagan-Bush era from 1981-1993, accelerated this trend by appointing fundamentalist-leaning judges across the south & great plains. Scientology, with its anti-abortion & anti-vaxer proponents, now flourish in these regions.

Everywhere from Florida to Oregon, political machinery is in the hands of Christian fundamentalists with ties into corporate America. Florida governor Ron DeSantis (below) allowed churches to be open yesterday, Easter Sunday. Most of them were empty, proving that people realize better than the governor what needs to be done. What does that say about our political leadership?

Why haven’t we seen Joe Biden or Donald Trump on the campaign trail lately, giving speeches before large crowds of supporters? If they aren’t doing that, then we know it isn’t safe for workers to get back to work. Right? Trump & Biden need to go first, to prove it’s safe for the rest of us. That’s called leadership, but there is none of that in the two-party system.

People aren’t going to listen to this “get back to work” rhetoric from fake people who haven’t worked an honest day in their lives. Until this pandemic is under control with PPE, testing supplies, and everything else necessary made widely available to those who need it, those who are quarantined at home should stay put. It’s clearly not safe to be working, and those who are, can only be essential personnel. The US government is ultimately responsible, as it failed to protect its people, so they pick up the bill for workers’ lost wages & expenses. We’ll confiscate the funds from Wall Street billionaires to pay for it.

Anything less, isn’t going to work in an election year. With Bernie Sanders finally dropping out last week, Election 2020 is set, but the campaigns are all on hold. It’s now about political survival, and I still predict that these elections aren’t going to be happening in November. This pandemic will likely still be raging, in its second or third wave by then, and the population will be compelled to take measures into its own hands. This scenario was unimaginable a few months ago, but is easy to envision today. That’s how fast things are moving politically at the moment.

Food dumping (above) needs to STOP at once! This is a capitalist dirty trick to create shortages, from which the 0.1% can profiteer. Medical supplies that have been stockpiled by hoarders, need to be publicly seized and distributed to first responders & hospitals– in order of need. The sooner, the better.

This should have been done months ago, but it wasn’t, and both political parties are to blame. Therefore they both need to be thrown out of office & arrested for their crimes against humanity. This is the time for revolution and that’s what’s going to happen, because we’ve reach a qualitative, dialectical tipping point.

What about US soldiers & sailors who have been cooped-up, in close quarters with their comrades for weeks now? Why are they being ordered to live with others who are infected with COVID-19? If our brave men & women are our greatest heroes, then why are they treated as expendable by Trump & the US high command?

When I was a kid, I always had adults telling me, “You can’t say that.” Those were the mantras of the baby boomer generation, but they never served us well. The point is: do not be afraid to speak out & act as a leader. The world needs revolutionary leadership more than ever now. This is to be done online & out in the streets. You must get out and walk around your local area. While getting necessary exercise, you’ll notice the changes.

Now is the time to notice & discuss these changes. Those who can influence through words & other means, are the most powerful people on social media during this coronavirus era. Decent content is now in short supply, so those who can provide answers & quality content are king & queen. The fake media is only trying to scare & coerce people into getting back to work, so they can maintain their class dominance. The alternative is to support the World Socialist Web Site & Socialist Equality Party in every nation– for a socialist revolution!!
