Donald Trump is NOT Resigning

There’s been a lot of talk in the mass media’s fake news about Donald Trump resigning his presidency, due to a “constitutional crisis,” or from investigative pressure on “Russian interference.” This flak is coming from centrists & left-Democrats, who now fear an uprising from below. Here’s a few samples from the past week:

The Donald Trump presidency will end with his resignation, and it will come “suddenly,” with little warning, according to political commentator Keith Olbermann. Speaking on the latest edition of his GQ series “The Resistance” on Tuesday, Olbermann, a former MSNBC host, said he believed that Trump would call it quits when special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign’s links to Russia grow too close for comfort. [1]

Columbia law professor, Philip Bobbitt predicts Donald Trump will resign from his U.S. presidency on his own accord. Bobbitt perceives an impending constitutional crisis caused by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and his son Donald Trump Jr. as being the catalyst for Trump stepping down in the coming months. [2]

Tony Schwartz, ghostwriter of The Art of the Deal, thinks President Donald Trump will eventually call it quits. On Wednesday he tweeted his ‘forecast’ for Trump’s political future.  “The circle is closing at blinding speed. Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice.”  Schwartz then followed with, “Trump’s presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner.” [3]

Then there’s this piece published on 05/18/17 by Brent Budowsky, titled Why Trump will likely resign as Mueller pursues ‘Putingate’ [4].

“The decision to name the universally-respected former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel on the Russian election scandal is a defining moment in modern American history that sets off a chain reaction that probably leads to the ultimate resignation of President Trump. On Feb. 15, I wrote an op-ed in The Hill titled, “Putingate is our Watergate.” It was true then. It is true now. The Putingate scandal will probably end the same way the Watergate scandal ended, with a presidential resignation followed by a pardon.”

Even the former US vice president has weighed in.

Newsweek: Trump Should Resign After Charlottesville Debacle, Says Al Gore [5]

Class conscious workers & revolutionary youth can never take what liberalism & the media say as good coin, so what’s going on here? In the aftermath of the neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, the Democrats have maneuvered for the restructuring of the Trump administration. The result is now even more direct deep state control of the military-financial aristocracy, with the ouster of Trump’s chief political strategist, fascist Stephen Bannon.

The one element that has always remained sidelined in American politics is the working class, which means ~85% of the population. The needs & concerns of this vast majority are no longer being met, or even listened, to by the elites. Trump’s divisive & confrontational policies are exposing the blatant bankruptcy of capitalism to tens of millions. It is no longer possible to assuage them with empty promises, as too many are reaching the point of giving up on capitalism, and joining a revolution, as they see nothing to lose.

This is the most-feared outcome in ruling circles, so more misinformation must be produced to delay the inevitable. Thus the left-leaning corporate media promotes the illusion that Donald Trump will soon have had enough of politics, and resign– just like that. Therefore, there is no need for the masses to intervene on their own behalf, as “the system” will take care of everything for us. This political “analysis” is put forth by limousine liberal prognosticators without a shred of proof– tangible or theoretical.

Trump’s actions against political protesters go hand-in hand with the government program of Internet censorship under the guise of combating “fake news.” Most prominent are the actions of Google to manipulate search results to block and blacklist left-wing websites, above all the World Socialist Web Site. [6]

Meanwhile Trump announced this week that additional US troops are being sent to Afghanistan, which is seen as “unifying” among the bourgeoisie– and is barely commented on in the media. The ultimate fall-back for capitalism is fascism & military rule. When the market bubbles finally burst, there will be nothing but pain & misery for the working class. At that point, the only way to enforce class rule will be through direct force.

Donald Trump is now consolidating an extra-parliamentary core of fascist supporters for the day when America can only be ruled autocratically by military dictatorship, with the deep state (Wall Street & CIA) pulling the strings. The purpose of the liberal media (and the rest), is to blind us to this fact.

All this hot air on Trump resigning is wishful thinking from the pseudo-intellectual left. Donald Trump faced tougher odds winning Election 2016, and persevered. Why would any rational observer conclude that he’s about to give up, due to political pressure and hostile media coverage? This is simply another Democratic party maneuver to paralyze & blind the rising tide of militancy among working people, and confine them within the two-party system– as always. More than Donald Trump and his relatively small coterie of neo-Nazi supporters, this rubbish on the left represents the greatest obstacle for America’s energized & overworked masses to overcome.
