It never ceases to amaze me, how many ignorant people support such a corrupt & ugly individual? But then again, money & fame are everything in today’s media. Having meaningful content & delivering results are not highly considered, and so we have the Bizarro world of bourgeois politics. This is a problem working people need to fix– and soon.

Pundits ask, “How could a 2020 Democrat attack Donald Trump on the economy?” Most “political expertise” in this field quickly disappears in the responses, as the entire establishment can’t seem to come up with anything of substance.
We’re talking about a US President who has called for repeated Fed rate cuts, while consumer interest rates & the cost-of-living have skyrocketed. Rent & mortgages cost more, food is more, and student loans are oppressive debt; but none of this registers with official talking heads.
That trade war the Trumpster & Co. have started with everybody– China, Iran, Venezuela, EU– isn’t helping any real American businesses or workers. Cuts to the EPA, education, Medicaid, et al. aren’t popular either. Neither is this ICE war on Hispanic immigrants, initiated by the Trumpster’s penchant for whipping up racial hate.
But the Democrats don’t really object, so they won’t bring it up– for as long as possible. That’s why the Blue Dog Democrats keep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the fringes– and a tight leash. It’s all anti-Russian & MeToo campaigning from their side of the aisle. They’ll stick with that weak stuff, even though it has been widely exposed as deep state lies & propaganda. Something about old dogs…
So now basically all federal discretionary spending is controlled by the Trumpster for the next year-and-a-half. Most of it will go towards the police-military-intelligence apparatus. How this helps regular folks & student youth, is never explained. Instead it’s the Russians, and/or racist/sexist white men as the root of all evil. All this to keep their fascist conman (and the public) in check.

This is tied-in with social media censorship. Search engines filter content on the internet through algorithms, artificial intelligence, & an army of human censors. Much of it is controlled by the anti-Trump element of the ruling establishment, but all of them act against the interests of democracy & the working classes.
The fact is the Trumpster lost the popular vote by ~3 million in 2016, but he won the Electoral College, critically by capturing three battleground states (PA, MI & WI) with razor-thin margins in each. He won’t get that support he needs again, with an economy in the toilet & about to collapse. For most workers, the cost of living is far out-pacing wages. Good jobs are too few and hard-to-find anymore.
The US President typically takes the blame for that during an election year. It’s a slam dunk campaign for the Democrats, and that’s why their most conservative candidate, Joe Biden, has already been assured the nomination. The real race among the rest is for the VP nomination. Kamala Harris is a black woman in Congress, which check a lot of boxes. That’s why she’s been such a media darling of the early Democratic contenders. Look for someone like her to fill the 2020 ticket. It’s the Democrats’ version of Mike Pence.
We know this political fixing happens, like in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was handed the nomination, despite the over-powering popularity of Bernie Sanders, who ran as a “socialist” alternative within the Democratic party. It was WikiLeaks that revealed these facts & mechanisms to the world, through leaks from a DNC staffer– most likely Seth Rich. Certainly not the Russians– as even the Mueller Report proved, finding no criminal conspiracies, despite endless official “theories” on “Russian interference” from Democrats & their media boosters.
Trump supporters love to spin their leader as bulletproof, because that’s what he wants to hear. They are generally brain-dead when it comes to politics, just like the ego-maniacal Trumpster himself, so don’t expect clear answers from them. As far as the Trumpster’s “liberal” critics, they are a bit less deluded in mind, but more cowardly in heart. They hate Trump, but can’t muster the will to do anything more than post memes on social media & petition their congresswomen. Marxists label this phenomenon as lobotomizing oneself into political impotence.

After being mostly out of the news cycle for a week (necessarily so!) during the mysterious Jeffery Epstein death saga, the Trumpster has thrust himself back into the headlines by tweeting that he is working on a deal to buy the nation of Greenland! Here’s a good question. Does the Trumpster keep any of his promises?
Greenland has a population of ~60,000, and a government, which can be seen as an obstacle to acquisition. Importantly, Denmark provides economic & military aid to Greenland. The idea has been dismissed by world leaders as ludicrous, which it is. Greenland’s Foreign Minister, Ane Lone Bagger told Reuters flatly, “We’re not for sale.”
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen also pointed out that Greenland is not Denmark’s property to sell, which throws another wrench in the Trumpster grand vision. In a tit-for tat diplomacy move, with the style of a crude gangster, US President Donald Trump then cancelled his meeting with the Danish PM, scheduled two weeks from now. The reason was either a tantrum, or “national security.”

The following in italics is a satirical rendition of the Trumpster attempting to acquire Antarctica, since this is the logical sequel to the Greenland affair.
It’s been a slow news week, censorship as usual, and we desperately need a media distraction so I’m announcing my intention to buy Antarctica. I’m not sure it’s for sale, but my team & I are seriously looking into purchasing this valuable piece of real estate for “national security” reasons. Global warming, which is a myth, has opened up new real estate opportunities.
The original signatories of the Antarctic Treaty are seven countries – Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom – each with overlapping territorial claims to parts of the continent. It must cost them all lots of money to maintain, so why not buy it? We’ll have the Federal Reserve print up more fake money to pay for it, and in return I’ll take Antarctica off everybody hands.
The art of the deal– brilliant huh? In the meantime, I’ll be canceling state visits & cutting diplomatic relations, while applying economic sanctions & “maximum pressure” to those governments who refuse to play ball.
Signed– your fearless leader

These are the methods of a gangster. This is a “businessman” who always lies, then defaults. The Trumpster occupies the White House because his methods are those of the ruling class. Savage & insatiable greed are its characteristics. Hate & fear are its motives.
The deep state, with all its control over the police-military-intelligence apparatus, is its weapon. The corporate media, Wall Street, Silicon Valley & Hollywood all work together to protect their privileged class status. Inequality is what they want: the best for themselves & scraps for the rest– if even that.
When the Trumpster goes into battle, he doesn’t say to his opponents, “I’ll see you in hell,” like conquerors of the past. Instead this modern & privileged sociopath tweets, “I’ll see you in court.” Then his lawyers and other “associates” come into the picture– to handle his dirty laundry. If anyone says one thing out-of-line about him (by his judgment), then “You’re fired!” The truth is the Trumpster is nothing but a chumpster without his legions of hired help, yes-men & go-fers.
These bourgeois leaders are sick in every sense. Deluded by their own egos, too afraid to face hard truths with meaningful words & action. This entire global ruling aristocracy, led by the US, is about to topple upon itself in insolvency. It will then loudly & brazenly declare that it must be saved, because what would working people & our future be without them?