Socialism vs. Third-Party Opportunists

The World Socialist Web Site has been linked many times in these writings.  The WSWS has provided daily political analysis (6 days/week) since 1998, and is the most actively revolutionary website on the Internet.  Its archives are rich in classical Marxist analysis of issues ranging from the Bill Clinton impeachment, right up to the present.  Their coverage is global, with a daily readership of 50K+. [1]

2016 election_SEP

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is the U.S. political branch of the WSWS.  The SEP is running Jerry White & Nile Niemuth as their presidential and vice-presidential candidates. [2]

Niles Niemuth and Jerry White speak to an autoworker at shift br

If you vote this November, I encourage you to write them in.  Be sure to then photograph your ballot, before submitting it.  Who knows how it will be counted?

Puppet Masters & Stalin

There are other bourgeois alternatives to Democrat Hillary Clinton & Republican Donald Trump.  Here’s a quick update on the two major players– the Greens & Libertarians.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign event in New York

The Greens are arm-chair activists, phony environmentalists, and cowardly middle-class ex-radicals, who insist that government can be reformed & must be part of the solution.  The Greens funnel directly to the Democrats in everything.

Jill Stein_ Twitter Plea to Bernie Sanders

Here’s “An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders” published on their site:

“We want to congratulate you on the work that you have done to support Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president. You self-organized to phone bank and reached 75 million voters. You created a social media machine that overcame the commercial media’s attempts to ignore the campaign. You created cool swag, wrote songs and cooked ‘Feel the Bern’ hot sauce. You painted your cars, your houses and giant murals with the words and likeness of Bernie. It was amazing.”  [3]

Bernie-Sanders & Hillary-Clinton_DNC 2016

Not a word on Bernie Sanders’ capitulation to Hillary Clinton’s right-wing machinery, nor any serious discussion of the U.S.-led wars raging in the Middle East, and beyond.  Their mailing address proves them as Beltway-influenced as the Democrats:

Green Party of the United States
PO Box 75075
Washington, DC 20013


How many people knew the Greens just held their convention in Houston, Texas– August 4-7?  This is noteworthy in the lack of media coverage.  Political alternatives to the Democrats & Republicans are strictly censured by capitalism.


The Libs are to the Reps, as the Greens are to the Dems. Both act as safety valves when these major parties fail to adequately capture their constituency.  The Libertarians are a complete mess at this point, which is not surprising considering the state of the Republican party. [4]

Libertarians are ‘loonies’ in mainstream political terms, meaning they are crazy– but considered harmless.  Libertarians are never taken seriously, and are only used as pawns by right-wing power brokers.  This video below actually happened on 5-29-16 in Orlando, FL at their convention:

Libertarian candidate for president is Gary Johnson:

Gary Johnson_Libertarian 2016

“My charitable contributions would be negligible — I mean just, really almost non-existent,” the former New Mexico governor told CNN.  [5]

The other most-memorable moment in Libertarian party history (founded 1971) happened in 1994, when radio shock-jock Howard Stern bum-rushed the Libertarian convention and secured their nomination for governor of New York.

Stern only withdrew his candidacy in an on-air press conference months later, because he refused to disclose his financial records saying: “I spend 25 hours a week telling you all the most intimate details of my life … One fact I’ve never revealed is how much I make and how much money I have … it’s none of your business.” [6]

Howard Stern 1994

The Libertarian Party’s vision is for a world in which individuals can freely exercise the right of sole dominion over their own lives and property.  [7]

