9-11 Pictorial & Video Essay

As the ruling class of every nation moves towards open war with its population, the pretense of the US “war on terror” and its results deserves a summary review. Everything starts with 9-11 [1].

In short, 9-11 was a false-flag operation, planned & carried out by the Bush family, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the cohorts, with knowledge & complicity from the Democrats and the mass media. The US military, intelligence & security services carried out the controlled demolition of the WTC towers, which collapsed at free-fall speed.

This 31-minute CNN video of the South World Trade Center tower collapsing deserves careful study. First, listen to CNN White House correspondent John King describing a “white jet” over the capitol, after all other air traffic had been grounded. He describes it at 2:20-2:38 in this video. King then describes the evacuation of the White House as orderly, until the last people were leaving. “They were told to run by the secret service,” he explains.

King then speculates that VP Dick Chaney is in the Situation Room, which is located in the basement of the White House at 3:35-3:42. The manipulators of 9-11 must have been screaming in John King’s ear at this point, as he quickly gets back on point at 3:50-4:00, when he mentions Osama bin Laden as the prime suspect behind these attacks.

CNN’s Congressional correspondent Kate Snow also mentions she saw a military (or Air Force) plane, circling the Capitol building about a half-hour earlier. She’s reporting this at 10:15 AM, so this would be ~9:45 that this unidentified aircraft was flying over the Pentagon & Capitol building. This occurs at 22:38 – 22:55 in the CNN video. Note that planes over the Capitol are NEVER allowed to happen, as it is among the most secure buildings in the world, and a terrorist attack has just occurred, so therefore this plane must be explained– but yet, isn’t.

The populations’ ability to detect fake news has increased exponentially since 9-11. For instance, check out the eye-witness “report” that political fixer David Ensor (pictured below) coaxes out of “Barbara,” whom he identifies as, “the wife of a friend of mine, who is an exact eyewitness to what happened at the Pentagon…”

This report is calmly delivered by “Barbara,” just moments after the Pentagon attack from 26:15- 28:25 in the video, with uncanny clarity & precision in her voice. Her testimony is kept anonymous, because it is a complete fabrication.

The Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile, as there is no airplane wreckage visible in any of the aftermath photos or videos.

These are all the cameras the Pentagon had in the area of the strike.

And yet these are the best images the public has ever seen. BTW, what’s that UFO circled in the upper right of the photo?

Here’s the raw image, and the unidentified white object is still there:

The same observations & conclusions apply for “Flight 93,” which supposedly crashed in Shanksville, PA; after a heroic cabin break-in, and death struggle by doomed (but ever patriotic) passengers. They even made a movie about it, any why not? They couldn’t write a better modern version of Titanic (1997), if they tried.

Do you see a plane, luggage, bodies or anything resembling an aircraft crash, in the photo above– taken at Shanksville, PA on 9-11?  It’s just a burnt-out hole in the ground, surrounded by emergency vehicles, with people standing around doing nothing, but trying to look important. That’s what the fixers did on 9-11, while the rest of us were shocked and looked for answers.

Here’s the best footage of the South WTC tower collapse, the second to fall at ground zero. This footage was filmed with a tripod for stability, and notice how the entire structure shakes just a few seconds before its free-fall collapse. That’s only explained by controlled-demolition explosives.

We’ve been told that the bad guy in all this was Osama bin Laden & his Al-Qaeda organization. It’s been over 16 years since 9-11, and still most people don’t even know what Al-Qaeda is? Let’s start by taking at look at the supposed nineteen hijackers on 9-11.  As best anyone (without absolute insider knowledge) can tell, all the “hijacked” flights appear to be ghost flights, fictitiously created by the CIA, FBI and other secret service collaboration. The public has never seen the actual flight logs & passenger records of any of the allegedly hijacked planes.

Furthermore, seven (7) of the supposed hijackers are still alive!

“Waleed Al Shehri” is a pilot for an airline in Saudi Arabia, “Mohamed Atta” was/is a CIA asset, and so forth… Why isn’t this investigated & discussed in the media? To ask the question is to answer it.

The only fact-finding and hard research on 9-11 has come from the people themselves. The NIST report & 9-11 Commission are whitewashes of a war crime against the people of the world. Keep in mind, 9-11 has provided the pretext for wars of aggression, rendition & torture, ubiquitous spying, police state build-up, and a host of other undemocratic practices.

Apparently, Al-Qaeda means “data” or “databank” in Arabic. This is because Al-Qaeda is nothing but a list of CIA assets, created from the mujideen in Afghanistan, who fought against the USSR invasion from 1979-89. The CIA backed, armed, & trained the mujideen, in its most ruthless terrorist methods which were unleashed on the Soviet Union’s army & population during he 1980’s. That was called the Cold War.

Shortly after the Afghan war, the USSR was liquidated from within by its criminal bureaucracy, which restored capitalism to Russia in December 1991. This CIA asset list of Islamic fundamentalist terrorists was created in that period, and has been used in various forms ever since. The Taliban, ISIS, ISIL, al Nursa Front, Free Syria Army (below), and now the YPG are all CIA & Pentagon creations, funded with billions of US taxpayer dollars.

The YPG is the People’s Protection Units, a Kurdish militia in Syria, who are being propped up by US imperialism in it’s efforts to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. Turkey, a nominal US ally, has just launched a war against the YPG, which it considers a terrorist organization. Both Iran & Syria are allied with Russia, who is seen as an intolerable strategic competitor to US ruling interests. The same relationship applies to North Korea & China. All this has created deep divisions in NATO & beyond, and threatens global conflagration.

Al-Nusra Front, now renamed the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham since July 2016, is Al-Qaeda (rebranded) in Syria & the Levant. This the balance sheet of 9-11. The only logical conclusion is for a workers & student revolution, with the conscious political purpose of overthrowing the corrupt capitalist states which impose imperialism, and establishing international socialism. This is the only road to peace, equality & happiness, as any capitalist “solution” leads to fascism & annihilation.

Islamic fundamentalism is used as a tool for divide-and conquer in the Middle East, as part of US imperialism’s overall strategy for maintaining domination of this oil-rich region. The debate constantly rages back-and-forth in the various factions of the White House, Pentagon & deep state, over where (and how?) war should be incited. None of this makes us safer, and everyone knows it. The game is over, and it’s time for capitalism to pay it’s overdue historical bill. The working classes of the world will be delivering it in 2018.


JFK Assassination-File Release Withheld by CIA

Donald J. Trump:  Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.
5:35 AM – 21 Oct 2017  — via Twitter

This initially appeared to be an attempt by Donald Trump to embarrass & (possibly) blackmail Mexican bourgeoisie, as many of the to-be-released JFK files pertained to Lee Harvey Oswald’s trip to Mexico City in the weeks before the assassination. This fits in more broadly with Trump’s nationalist & racist agenda, but it also cut across too many powerful deep state interests; therefore Trump had to reverse himself (again)– and the JFK files will remain hidden from the public, 54 years after the event. Trump is at war with the intelligence deep state, and this was a maverick attempt to discredit them, while appealing to the public. More than anything, this shows the current relationship of power in Washington.

The Warren Commission (as most Americans believe) was a complete whitewash, as they refused to analyze the trajectory of the bullet that killed Kennedy. The official cause of JFK’s death was a magic bullet. Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter served as assistant counsel for the Warren Commission, and helped devise the “single-bullet” theory. Marxists are materialists who reason dialectally, and therefore give no credence to anything in the Warren Report, or coming from the mass media during the ensuing cover-up, which goes on up to the present.

The amateur film of the Kennedy assassination shows Kennedy’s body being thrown backwards at the moment of the shot. The book depository, from where Lee Harvey Oswald was supposedly firing, was behind the motorcade. A bullet fired from there would push Kennedy’s body forward, not backwards.

Note that this same physics applies to 9/11, as both twin towers collapsed a free-fall speed (taking ~10 seconds), indicating a controlled demolition, instead of the official US government version.

The bullet that went into JFK’s head, is missing in the materials of the case, as is his brain which had been taken for examination. More than 50 people, who eye-witnessed the mysterious assassination, died mysteriously afterwards. The surgeon, who performed the autopsy of Kennedy’s body, was found dead in his apartment.

The taxi driver, who gave Oswald a lift, died in a car accident. One of the eyewitnesses of the assassination who testified about two men shooting from behind the fence lost his life as well [1].

And then there is Jack Ruby. Why did the police let Jack Ruby shoot & kill Oswald at point-blank range, as he was being transported from a police department to a Dallas prison, only two days after JFK’s death?  Answer: Oswald could disclose the names of his handlers from the CIA and the FBI, so special services set-up a mob-type hit on him. A little more than three years after Oswald’s death, Jack Ruby died in prison, under mysterious circumstances [2].

All amateur photos and video materials depicting the moment of Kennedy’s assassination had been confiscated and immediately classified. The main amateur video, which was made as the motorcade was traveling on the street, was edited in a way to exclude footage showing the existence of another shooter, who was taking aim at the president from behind the fence.

The JFK assassination & it’s cover-up, strikingly resembles 9/11 & it’s aftermath. Both were deep-state controlled, false-flag operations, with complete media compliance, which shifted US politics to the right. To figure them out, one only has to start by asking, “Who benefits?”


9/11: Connecting the Dots

      1. 9-11 - Ric Size


[download label="Download 9-11"]https://ricsize.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/RicSize_911.mp3[/download]

Preface: The current US military re-entry into the second Iraq War (2003-11), should give us all pause to re-examine the events of 9/11 which have led to this crisis. The official US enemy is now the Islamic State in Iraq & Syria (ISIS).  Just months earlier, ISIS was a US proxy in its joint effort to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and before that Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.  Such is the Orwellian logic of US imperialism, in which there are no permanent allies or enemiesonly permanent interests.

9-11 Twin Towers

The best available evidence overwhelmingly supports the 9-11 Truth position, which is: the events of 9/11 were a massive conspiracy against the American people by US deep state figures.
The list begins with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Richard Perle, Richard Armitage, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, John Ashcroft, etc
It was a joint financial-elite/military operation, and its cover-up a bi-partisan political affair, from the top ranks down; with complete compliance from a corporatized media.

Dust samples from ground zero reveal traces of nanothermite, a military-grade pyrotechnic composition, which was likely used to facilitate a controlled demolition of the twin towers.
WTC Building 7 also collapsed later in the day, in the same manner, at near free-fall speed; even though it wasn’t struck by a plane.
Eyewitness testimonies from firefighters & survivors consistently refute the US government’s official conspiracy theory, which is:

Nineteen fanatical Arabs hijacked four US commercial flights, none of which ever emitted a distress signal, then disappeared from radar and flew unchallenged into the WTC twin towers and the Pentagon.  
The most sophisticated and well-funded intelligence & security apparatus in human history had no inkling that any of this was about to happen, due to a failure to connect the dots.
Therefore, no US official is accountable for the events of 9/11.

Bush administration officials immediately blamed Al Qaeda & Saddam Hussein for the September 11th attacks, calling for an invasion.
Phony Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) claims were floated to the American public & the UN, as a pretext for war.
On March 19, 2003, despite the largest global anti-war protest in history a month earlier; shock & awe was unleashed on the people of Iraq.

By 2004, the Bush administration admitted there were never WMDs in Iraq, but the wars still continued…
Abu Ghraib
1,000,000 Iraqi’s dead
4,500+ US soldiers dead & forgotten.
Millions maimed and psychologically scarred in this dirty imperialist adventure.

Iraqi Violence

Oil is the most important commodity in the modern world.
It surpassed cotton in the late 19th century, when the internal combustion engine became widespread throughout the industrialized world.
The US ruling-class interest in Iraq (and more generally, the Middle East) is simple: monopolize the most important resource in the world.

The true targets of the Middle East wars are China & Russia, who are considered strategic competitors.
The ruling class ‘thinking’ is to keep these competitors from getting the oil they need to help their economies grow.
The US has lost its position as the undisputed world’s economic superpower, and thus uses its military supremacy to maintain global dominance.

The same methods are now used to maintain rule at home.

Of course, the world can not be conquered militarily, so this ‘plan’ is complete madness.
It ends with either a permanent international workers’ revolution or mutually assured destruction, via nuclear weapons.

The events of 9/11 must be understood in this context for there to be any progress towards truth and ending the destructive capitalist policies of the ruling elite.
The deep state figures who led us into these conflicts, must be held accountable for their war crimes.
This is not merely an empty gesture, but rather a necessary step towards ensuring humanity’s survival.