Seated at a table are the following: a Black Lives Matter protester, a #MeToo feminist, a LGBT activist, and a Biden-Harris voter; along with a Blue Lives Matter advocate, a US military fanatic, a Christian fundamentalist, and a Trump supporter.
The zombie petty bourgeois reductionist insists the score is 4-4, good vs. evil (either way), with an urgent need to appoint a tie-breaker. The Trotskyist knows it’s 8-0, in favor of political reaction, against the working people & youth.
I don’t answer dumb questions anymore, unless I’m paid to do it. The problem with dumb questions is the selfish nature of the person asking them. The are needy of attention, and always have follow-ups. Once you answer one (1) dumb question, the floodgates are open.
It’s the kid in class who won’t stopping raising his hand, and in the process slows down everyone else’s learning. These are special-needs children, who need special help. Read serious books to avoid asking dumb questions, or saying stupid stuff.
For those ramping up their personal politics because a Presidential election is near, beware there are people who take politics seriously ALL THE TIME. Trotskyists know the issues & facts, and consider those who parrot dumb stuff to be dilettantes.