The Writing Style & Influence of Trotsky


The writing style of Marxists typically suffers from dryness. This is inherent to scientific socialism & dialectical materialism, which can be dense and abstract concepts. Sports & Hollywood is easier & more titillating, and that’s what most people follow. Unfortunately those areas are mostly banal dead-ends of militarism & conformity, so little (if any) political insight comes from these spheres, as everything dirty is kept hidden from the masses by corporate. This is the job of the media, to distract, confuse, mis-inform, and when necessary– censor & blacklist.

Marxists typically don’t enter entertainment domains in polemics, as mass media has a 24/7 bureaucratic machine that floods the Internet with content, which can be intimidating & overwhelming. But really these distractions are very much are part of the entire propaganda organ known as US politics, so they must be confronted & analyzed by Marxists.

When QB Colin Kaepernick is blacklisted from the NFL, sports gets political (again) in a hurry. When Hollywood gets behind the CIA Democrats’ #MeToo witch-hunt campaign, then elite cliques & mobs are supporting fascism. When teachers’ across the country are going out on strike, without the consent of their unions; only to be betrayed by “their” bureaucratic machinery, then workers, families & students become politicized. This is where writing skills & creativity, along with clear Marxist rationalizations of the facts, can attract new political readers hungry for the truth.

Normally people don’t pay attention to politics, because they know it’s corrupt and beyond their reach. US politics has now reached a dialectical tipping point, where the old rules aren’t applying anymore. The vast majority of Americans are ready to make some new rules! This scares the ruling elites, and that’s why we have global increases in military spending, with cuts in social spending. Every government preparing for war, both foreign & domestic.

The most artistically brilliant Marxist writer in history was Leon Trotsky, who was able to explain the most-dense complexities with clarity, economy & flair. His use of analogies to make a point (or skewer an opponent), was that of a warrior spirit who composed with an ever-alert, but calm mind. Trotsky is the great unmentionable in “official” history.

Writing specifically and naming names, was another remarkable attribute to his genius and style. You are never left in doubt after reading Trotsky, as to what his position is, and what the position of all his opponents are. That’s valuable stuff, especially when you consider that 99+% of bourgeois historians are well-paid liars & falsifiers of history. The point is, if you want historical truths that resonate up through today, then read Trotsky and your understanding will be incomparable higher than all of these ivory tower pseudo-intellectuals. Much of the war that socialists are fighting is informational.

This piece was written and published on the 200th birthday of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism. The philosophy of Marxism is dialectical materialism, which is always rejected by bourgeois “intellectuals,” due to its revolutionary core. In short: all facts in man & nature are based on matter (material), and are always undergoing changes in quantity & quality (dialectics).

The more Marxists who write effectively & prominently, the better people will understand the necessity of revolutionary socialism for ending capitalist inequality & oppression. In summary– it is up to Marxists to become more artistic, detailed & succulent in their prose. It is up to workers & youth to find genuine Marxism, to absorb & apply its lessons.
