CHAZ folds shop

After three weeks of lawlessness & violence in six blocks of downtown Seattle, the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) has been taken down. On the evening of June 30, Democratic mayor Jenny Durkan issued a public safety emergency order to vacate the area, and the police were sent in the following morning (7/1) under the cover of rain. This roughly coincided with the end of the ban on lethal force by police to disperse crowds, issued by Durkan in her effort to promote CHAZ as a ‘summer of love’ event.

“Four shootings – two fatal – robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area,” police chief Carmen Best said in a statement. The concrete barricade supplied by the city were finally removed, along with the porta-pots, furniture, and the endless streams of garbage in the streets. As of this publication, police officers have arrested at least three dozen people for failure to disperse, obstruction, resisting arrest, and assault.

For the record, it was a socialist-minded city councilwoman Kshama Sawant who led protesters to the mayor’s doorstep over the weekend, which proved to be the stunt that ended CHAZ in Seattle. The question remains: Why wasn’t this done weeks ago? The lesson is that when activists pick the right targets with a revolutionary socialist perspective– trash gets taken down. Kshama Sawant is now being investigated by mayor Jenny Durkan in retaliation.

Is there a SPD arrest warrant for Raz Simone? Since he was the CHAZ/CHOP warlord, it can be presumed that he knows much about these unsolved shootings, and the other crimes. Have the Seattle police issued a warrant for his arrest? Or is he a protected agent of US intelligence? There is blanket silence on these critical questions across the fake media.

If CHAZ got chopped, like so many claim, then where are Raz Simone & the rest of the leadership? They have unregistered AK-47’s & lots of ammunition, so why aren’t they considered dangerous by the media, and wanted by the police? If they aren’t under arrest, or being actively sought by the SPD, then these anarchists are just being hidden underground until the next time they are needed for provocation & violence. These criminal ‘anarchists’ are deep state assets– nothing more.

On June 20, 2020, this author wrote, “This anarchy is meant to divide people racially, terrorize the population, and then provoke a police crackdown. These terrorists will be the first to vacate when that happens, in fact, they’ll have advanced notice, as they are mostly provocateurs & government agents.”

This perspective has been completely vindicated, as the whereabouts of Raz Simone & his criminal cohorts remains unknown at this time. They were long gone when the police moved in to clear out CHAZ. So much for BLM resistance.

This is a complex situation, where the population of the occupied zone mostly welcomed the police to clear out CHAZ, who were dominated by gang bangers & provocateurs. Every night was marked by lawless violence. CHAZ is a Democratic party campaign meant to divide people racially and antagonize the police, in order to invite a crackdown. The leaders such as Raz Simone were given advanced notice and have disappeared. Presumably they are under federal protection. Otherwise they would have been arrested for their blatant criminal activity.

There are already multiple lawsuits being filed from residents who are suing the city of Seattle for not protecting them against CHAZ violence & terror. As revolutionists, we must keep refining our position towards the police using dialectical thinking. It’s primary to understand that police are essential, and CHAZ proves that forever. The question is who controls the police, the ruling class or the masses? That’s the revolutionary struggle, because Trotskyists can’t win a revolution without having a few trained guns on their side. To reach this end, it’s sound revolutionary strategy to split the police into good cops vs. Nazis. The same applies to protesters & activists.
