Here’s my Page Overview, which says I have 1,485 followers, and that in the last 28 days I’ve had 28 reaches on all my posts– combined. That’s called being in Facebook prison.
I’m censored because I’m too good. Mark Zuckerberg hates Ric Size. He’s been taught that by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Mark Warner, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. Those are the people who run the Democratic Party. For these elitists, 99.9% control isn’t enough.
That’s why I keep getting these notices, shown above.
Since less than 0.1% of my audience is being reached due to Facebook censorship, I don’t get too upset when they threaten to delete me for violating their “Community Standards.”
Above: Ric Size Facebook demographics on gender & leading urban markets
Censorship of this social media page began immediately when it was established in 2012. There was a qualitative increase in online repression in the summer of 2016, as this blog became more widely read. The DNC email Wikileaks were severely damaging, and demanded a strict censorship response from the political establishment. When Donald Trump won the Electoral College in November 2016, the World Socialist Web Site, Julian Assange, and myself were their top targets.
The #MeToo & BLM campaigns have also targeted this site for blacklisting, de-ranking, de-platforming, etc. This has occurred on all platforms, including Google, YouTube, Amazon & Disqus.
Fake news has existed for a long, long time; for as long as mass media has existed. Newspapers, radio & television have always been propaganda tools of the ruling state, as government is nothing more than a committee of the ruling class. What’s new today is that fake news is discussed openly in the media. Donald Trump has popularized this terminology to call attention to Democrat-biased news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times & Washington Post. This is a primary reason why he’s hated so much in the liberal media.
Trump is correct in his assertions of bias against him, which gives him populist credibility among his fascist supporters. When he states that the mass media is the “enemy of the people,” and his White House Press Secretary reinforces that statement, his popularity among his hardcore supporters goes up, because he’s correct. The flipside is that his base of support is shrinking. That’s the dynamic at work here.
Republicans have always been viewed by the educated working class as the party of the rich, and the worst liars. But Donald Trump has become somewhat of a Democrat in his tactics, in that he mixes in tweets which are half-truths about the media. Trump rarely vilifies Fox News in his rants against fake news, and they are the most brazen & shameless liars of all. Ideologically speaking, Trump & his cohorts have moved the Republican party to the right, past it’s traditional platform, more in line with the Tea party & police state fascism.
An instructive case study in fake news and how it’s manipulated (and in whose interests), is the recent furor over American “pastor” Andrew Brunson, who is being held under house arrest in Turkey for his alleged involvement in the June 2016 coup attempt to overthrow president Recep Erdogan. Brunson has been in Turkish custody for nearly two years now, but suddenly it’s widely declared an issue of vital “national interest” that he be released. Let’s begin with a fundamental question: Who is Andrew Brunson?
A Google search of “pastor Andrew Brunson images,” won’t turn up a single picture [!] of him with a church congregation– in Turkey or North Carolina. Also, no members of his “congregation” in Turkey (said to number ~25) have called for his release, because they don’t exist. Brunson is clearly a CIA agent, as this is dirty politics between Erdogan & US imperialism. The working masses of Turkey are caught in this vice of economic sanctions & covert war. Only international revolutionary socialism can end this diplomatic intrigue & drive towards world war.
Currently the Trump administration’s foreign policy is focusing on starting a war with Iran, which has been a long-held objective of deep state hawks. Iran has the second-largest oil reserves in the world, behind Saudi Arabia– which is the motive. This American intrigue is about bringing the global oil supply chain under US government-corporate control, which is madness. Proxy armies in Syria & Turkey will be used for this operation.
The US-Syrian war is in it’s seventh year, and now reportedly has over 2,000 US troops on the ground in that country– who weren’t invited. Their purpose is to aid terrorist proxy armies (Free Syria Army, White Helmets, ISIS, etc) in overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia has intervened military to prop up Assad, and help contain these Islamic terrorists, who are trained & directed by Washington & the CIA. They have been largely successful, provoking the wrath of the deep state, which metastasizes itself into the media through the Trump-as-an-agent-of-Putin & #MeToo campaigns.
Notice that you never hear these facts, or this type of rational analysis in any mainstream media outlet. That’s why fake news exists, to distract the masses from the truth, with a tsunami of lies & distortions. This is too dirty is be explained honestly. But how long can this go on? By all appearances, not much longer, as the Internet has connected the masses to alternative outlets for news & analysis, and social media allows instant sharing of content, globally.
The Internet is being ruthlessly censored by the CEO’s of Google, Fakebook, YouTube and all the rest of the tech giants; but it’s not going to stop this information revolution. People crave answers. They want the truth, and mass media has finally discredited itself, to the point of no return. The youth of America (and the world), no longer watch the evening news or read newspapers, as these corrupt institutions are now understood to be nothing more than a propaganda arm of the capitalist system.
Increasingly, the ruling classes of every nation (particularly the US), will resort to violence to maintain their grip on power. Information is power, and once people know the truth, they become energized. For decades, strikes and other workers struggles have been suppressed by the media, identity politics, and union bureaucracies. What is coming in the near future, will be mass-organized wildcat worker action that can’t be ignored.
When every teacher in the US goes out on strike, that (and the issues underneath) can’t be swept under the rug. When the US post office, UPS & Fed-Ex stop delivering packages & the mail, people will notice. This is what’s on the horizon, and the battle lines are already being drawn up– on both sides. That’s some real news worth knowing & considering, don’t you think?
What is currently going on in the US media is nothing less than a witch hunt against male celebrities. Today, a celebrity is broadly defined as anyone on TV: athlete, actor, musician, politician, etc. The first question that must be asked is: Who is directing this? This has clearly been a planned-out & coordinated campaign, with political orders being carried out by media interests & their minions.
It began with Harvey Weinstein, a despicable Hollywood figure, which is significant. Witch hunts are roving moral blacklists, that descend upon their prey in an ordered & calculating manner. Since no one cares for Harvey Weinstein, he’s an easy first target. Everyone who personally hates him, or is with the current political agenda, gets their cut. Once established as legitimate, witch hunts takes on a life of their own. There are very few who defend fundamental democratic principles such as: presumptive innocence before definitive proof, the accuser facing the accused with their claims, or the right to privacy.
Instead we get yellow journalism, muck-raking and lies; 24/7/365 from CNN & the New York Times. The “Russian interference” campaign has worn too thin for too long, so here’s the change-up. The analogy in baseball is when the smart hitter ignores this garbage as well, and takes ball four– again.
Barry Bonds was the greatest baseball player of his generation, and most-likely– ever. The video below is proof of this, as well as a quick slide into the sports side of blacklisting; namely Barry Bonds’ MLB Hall-of-Fame candidacy. Why are all these pitchers & pundits so afraid to throw a strike, or face the truth? [1]
Little boys, pretending to be men, to all the guys / Hysterical girls, posing as women, for all the gals — Ric Size “Unsung”
In the mass media, there is no truth, just a non-stop side-show of distractions. When was the last time you (as a viewer) saw any serious labor coverage in the news? Strikes, work stoppages, deaths on the job; do you ever see, read, or hear about this in any depth from a rank-and-file, real-world perspective?
The answer is “No.” It’s exclusively NYSE-analysis of the labor markets in the corporate media. In a class society driven with inequality, how could it be otherwise? What passes for “official news” today is nothing more than sports, celebrity gossip, talking head opinions, and Trump tweets.
Do you know what’s going on with the US wars being waged in Africa, Asia & Latin America? Tens-of thousands of troops have been deployed to these faraway battlefields, for reasons unknown to most of the American population. Isn’t the government of a democratic nation supposed to declare a good reason, and prove it to the people, before sending their children off to war? What is democracy?
Soldiers being killed, maimed, and/or psychologically scarred doesn’t make the news. Neither does an analysis of what they are fighting for. The unspeakable truth is– it’s always economic (power) interests, with China & Russia being the opponents. Do you personally feel any animosity towards the people of these nations? Most Americans don’t, but the media always tells us we should, because they are the enemy. Therefore all their allies are our enemies too, and so North Korea, Syria & Iran are “existential threats” to our way of life, and must be annihilated. That is the logic of US imperialism, refracted through a corporate/intelligence media lens.
It’s still the same set-up as the Cold War, and all the old methods of red-baiting leftists & artists are being brought out again. History proved when this blacklist barrier was smashed in the 1960’s by social forces and artists like Bob Dylan & the Beatles, it became a revolutionary situation. Political figures began to be assassinated (JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, RFK), always under murky circumstances. Most remain unsolved in many ways. This was the deep state in action, snuffing out revolutionary impulses by beheading liberalism & black radicalism in the 1960’s.
Today the political enemy of the deep state are the class-conscious workers armed with socialism. The only political tendency that represents genuine socialism are the Trotskyists of the Fourth International. Every other political tendency on Earth falls within imperialism’s grasp.
The Socialist Equality Party(SEP) is the US branch of the Fourth International. In ruling circles, the SEP is equated with “Russian terrorism.” The political program of the SEP is world socialist revolution, which puts it into the most bitter life-or-death struggle against the US deep state. Hence the propaganda & Internet censorship campaigns from Google, Facebook, and the rest of corporate social media. [2]
The deep state is composed of elite political power brokers who dominate finance, Wall Street, Madison Avenue (PR), and Langley (CIA/ intelligence services). The Bush & Clinton (& now Obama!) families are part of this nexus, which pulls-the-strings on Donald Trump & the rest of the political figures you see & hear in the news.
This is the origin of this ongoing witch hunt against “sexual predators” in Hollywood, NYC & Washington. The hypocrisy of all this is astounding, as everyone knows these places are infamous for being fleshpots for the rich, glamorous & powerful. This can’t even be described as an open secret, it’s just a fact every adult knows today.
Their level of depravity is seemingly infinite, and for many common people (sadly), that’s the allure. Too many ordinary hedonists wish they could join in this depraved orgy. This is how people have been trained to be, as education & civility has been degraded. There aren’t many good jobs anymore either, even if you are a college graduate– deep in debt. So what’s there to hope for, still living with your parents at age 25? Opioids & other prescription painkillers are readily available to soothe all types of pain…
Most Americans still aren’t ready to face the need for conscious & continuous work in political education, to prepare themselves for the necessary socialist revolution– to come. Most are too busy with day-to-day living (survival), and have been taught to take care of themselves first & always. This isn’t compatible with species survival, but don’t ever try to explain that to a liberal, as their knowledge in arts & science ends where class interests begin. In fact. these attacks are coming specifically from deep state liberal identity-politics ruling circles.
Therefore the impulse to defend celebrities, artists & left-wing politicians will not come from Democratic party supporters; it will come from the working people & youth who have dumped both parties. The truth of the two-party system is that it works together to exploit youth & workers. They appear to act in the interests of the common man/woman, from both sides of the aisle, but in earnest always defend capital– in all its forms. The Democrats use the unions & pseudo-intellectual liberalism, to blind workers and educated youth. The Republicans use religion, racism & nationalism to rally its rural working-class base. The former party is for philistines, the latter is for fascists.
The battle against blacklisting & media sex-scandal pogroms is but one front in the greater war for socialist equality, which can only be achieved by revolution. Those who are enlightened & educated are the ones who care the most about art & human culture. What is happening now is a desecration of human society, as fascists have taken the White House, and the supposed opposition (Democrat) party has done nothing to warn the people, because they are it’s most hostile enemy.
Until this fact is absorbed into the marrow of enough politically conscious workers & students, this witch hunting & Internet censorship will continue, and things will generally continue to get worse for most everybody. Once this reaction is beaten back, a revolutionary window will open, as this witch hunt campaign signals a final ideological arrow. Once you get past sex scandals & censorship, there’s nothing else to titillate & distract. Politics is then exposed for what it is, corrupt & bankrupt.
That’s when all the nonsense lies end, and revolutionary action starts. The battle lines in this upcoming civil war are already being drawn, so it’s important figure out which side is which. and what it means. It can save a life, and the life you save may be you own, as well as those you love.
This is Mark Warner (D-Va), vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Evidentially in late May, after much prodding from Obama, he personally paid a visit to Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook headquarters…
Fakebook has since snapped into line, and produced a list of 3,000 accounts– which it has turned over to intelligence services. Is your account one of them…?
This fake news about “sowing divisions” during the 2016 election, is nothing but a neo-McCarthyist attack on free speech [1].
There are two ways to change people’s minds: sexual attraction & sense of humor