Trump assassination attempt in PA: Murky murky

Sat 13 Jul 2024 08:20 PM CDT

Insane news, just breaking. Someone tried to shoot Donald Trump during a campaign rally in PA earlier this evening.  Evidentially the shooter is dead, and a rally attendee was killed. You can see someone go down in the audience to the above right of Trump after shots were fired. Trump was grazed by a bullet to his right ear, but is okay, according to reports. All this violence plays into the hands of the far right, which is why all socialists condemn assassination as a political weapon.

The US Secret Service has probably already identified the shooter, but aren’t releasing any information to the public yet. Everything is kept secretive in events like this. A narrative needs to be established (behind close doors) that doesn’t make Uncle Sam look bad before info can be released. Any unpleasant facts (ex-military, far-right, etc) will be buried, or at least overlooked in the media. This is standard operating procedure.

I was just chatting this afternoon with someone who has to work downtown next week, with all the security restrictions surrounding the Fiserv Forum & beyond. There are “red zones” you can’t go into, “pedestrian zones” surrounding that where no vehicles are allowed, etc. Parking & traffic downtown is always a problem, as everyone who lives in Milwaukee knows, and now it’s going to be much worse for the week of the RNC.

There are ~50,000 Republicans coming to town, who all think they are VIPs and demand immediate service. Everything is gonna be way worse now, after this. For instance, this could affect the ability of prostitutes to get to the major hotels and service clients. That would cause outrage among these politicians.

These streets & buildings that Milwaukee taxpayers don’t have access to for the next week are to be used for a gigantic orgy of wealth & debauchery. This shooting that Trump was a target of today is a result of his countless incitements to violence. He has himself to blame for this, but he will blame the far-left & socialists, as always.

If there’s anything crazy that ties the Trump shooter to the US military or Intelligence, it’s being deep-sixed right now. This tampering of evidence was prevalent during the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando back in 2016. The shooter’s father had ties to US Intelligence in Afghanistan. The bin Laden family was protected and flown out of the US after 9/11, etc. Controlling the information the public gets during murky events such as these prevents uncomfortable truths from becoming widely known. This censorship & withholding of facts is essential to news propaganda.

It feels like Trump has angered so many dangerous people that this was inevitable. self reflection is important here. The whole world wants to know who this asshole was, but the US Secret Service/FBI have things locked up tighter than the Virgin Mary. Where is the network reporting here? They all still have nothing and it’s nearing midnight, hours after the event. These media lapdogs are too used to being spoon-fed stories to know what to do here. National security BS. A witness says he informed agents and they just stood around as the shooter was bear crawling onto a rooftop with a rifle.

I keep mentioning the Black Hand as a powerful force that works imperceptibly to the public eye. That’s active now. Keep you eyes open & a clear head. “Two officials told The Associated Press that the shooter was not an attendee at the rally.” Officials must know the identity of the shooter to make that statement. Still nothing to the public…

Well after midnight, the shooter was finally identified to the public as Thomas Crooks, a while male age 20. He was a registered Republican.

Sun 14 Jul 2024 11:30 AM CDT

Thomas Crooks was killed by Secret Service snipers. The FBI is still keeping his motive airtight. Why? How did he get the weapon & ammo? Why did he do it? We are being kept in the dark on that by the FBI– standard procedure. Narratives were being created & crafted in the meanwhile.

Apparently in 2017, Crooks donated $15 to ActBlue a centrist-Democrat PAC. Crooks obviously drifted to the far-right since. The fake media describes ActBlue as “left-leaning,” when it is actually centrist. A 2017 donation means Crooks was age 13 when he donated $15 to the Dems. Why was this information released, instead of facts & a motive?

The concealed motive of the FBI, Biden & Trump will be to cover-up anything embarrassing and blame the left. Trump has incited & encouraged this type of violence for years, while Biden has stood silent. By all indications, this Trump shooting was blowback. The US government doesn’t want to talk about that– especially during an election.

Try to imagine being grazed in the ear by a bullet. Trump was speaking as a megalomaniac in front of his die-hard supporters when he discovered there are people who really hate him and are willing to act on that. One supporter died hard and two others are critically injured. Trump is fortunate that shooter wasn’t steady & accurate because he reacted very slowly, lowering himself to the ground awkwardly after being hit. He didn’t realize. The JFK shooters [!!] would have gotten Trump easily.

Of course, now Donald Trump is a martyr to his fanatics. Sad really. We won’t see Trump for awhile, he’s never endured such physical pain in his life. Perhaps worse is the psychological pain he can never get rid of. A near-death experience teaches you are vulnerable. It also reminds Trump he is hated. This will affect him personally & politically.

Historically, Trump is Hitler. When a group of top Wehrmacht officers tried to assassinate Adolph Hitler in July, 1944, he was injured & shaken by it. The Wehrmacht was then ruthlessly purged. Serious questions need to asked on all sides. What Thomas Crooks teaches us politically is that the Republicans are just as divided as the Democrats. Crooks was a registered Rep… killed by US Secret Service. Murky murky

Lawmakers this morning are urging people not to jump to conclusions, the FBI is on it, etc. That’s their “leadership” on this. Let’s see this kid’s social media posts, online activity, etc– PRONTO! Perhaps that would help people understand better. Where & how did he get the military assault rifle & ammo? This could be a black eye for the NRA.

Lots of security questions being covered up presently, that’s for sure. Murky murky. Ex-presidents get Secret Service protect for life. Evidentially, Trump’s assigned security team isn’t entirely enthusiastic about protecting him. Agents were told there was a threat and they apparently didn’t act. I imagine there are those who feel the same way whose job it is to protect Joe Biden.

Sun 14 Jul 2024 08:00 PM CDT

Final update: Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican who was a bullied loner, according to classmates. The political conclusion is that he took his right-wing anger & violent aggression out on the chief bully of the Republican Party. Trump is lucky the kid was a confirmed lousy shot. That’s hard for certain people to say or admit.

Joe Biden blathered on & on to us again about the importance of unity with Republicans on national TV. He did this after 1/6, but had taken the opposite position during his 2024 “campaign,” stating that Trump is a tyrant who condones violence, etc. This was Joe Biden’s political position as recently as last Thursday evening… But when this violence he encourages blows back to Trump directly, Biden is there to defend him & prop him up. It’s the ‘presidential’ thing to do. The shooter is a “monster” and Trump must be saved, that’s all we need to know.

Unasked question to Joe Biden: Why do you keep flip-flopping on Trump?

Where did Thomas Crooks get his gun & ammo? It been over 24 hours and the public still hasn’t been told. And what about his politics? The FBI, etc, absolutely know. “Don’t listen to online chatter,” we’re being told by leading politicians & pundits. Instead listen to the people who told us Jeffery Epstein committed suicide in prison. Anything else is a conspiracy theory to be ridiculed.

Trump was lucky, but a firefighter & two others weren’t. Violence begets collateral damage, which becomes propaganda. That’s where everything is going here in the fake media and both parties of capitalism. This completes the propaganda cycle and another dramatic episode in the US civil war election campaign.


The Electric Cat: advance promo

I have fans on all inhabited continents. My demographic is 18-24, girls & boys. The messages I receive from them are mostly, “Wow!! How come I’ve never heard of you? You’re amazing!!” These are serious young kids who have been scouring the internet for new acts, kinda like the kids who devoured the fanzines & watched MTV obsessively back in that day. My reply to them is, “I’m too good & too far left, so I’m blacklisted. Read all about it on my site.”

That’s how I’ve marketed & promoted myself over the years. Eventually the platform cuts me off from my fans as a power grab and that’s when I stop on that platform because you can do anything without a true connection to the fans. The industry rule is: there is no money for Ric Size so every platform steals my juice to pump themselves up & put me down.

In the real world, I’m blacklisted from every venue and even if I could book something, that venue would soon get pressured to drop the show. That’s the nefarious influence of the CIA Democrats. No one will pay 100% in advance, non-refundable to an artist, so I’m being unreasonable there, etc. It’s impossible for me to do business with anyone and that’s why I don’t perform live. I have covers and can do-it-all solo, but too few people in the business even respect that anymore. The fans are the ones who suffer the most. Mainstream music today sucks and it’s been that way since the late 1990’s.

With that introduction, I’d like to advance announce the latest Ric Size single, “The Electric Cat”. This is the cover image and it was created with artificial intelligence (AI) by my producer. I’ll be publishing much more on this exciting & powerful new technology.
