Celebrities who can be trained to spread desired messaging

Yesterday, a former US government official, Mike Benz, published an article on the USAID program to integrate imperialist messaging into popular music. Among those prominently named are: Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa & (of course) Pussy Riot. Also discussed in the piece are 22 rappers from around the globe, who have visited the US State Department over the years and been trained to write lyrics that dovetail with US imperialist interests.

The argument that USAID is necessary to fight global hunger, advocate for democratic rights, etc, is a fraud– a cynical concoction of Western intelligence. Trump/Musk are shutting down the notorious CIA fronts of USAID & the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) because of it’s fake left bias, which the fascists despise.

This has nothing to do with democracy, as Trump/Musk seek to reshape US intelligence in their Nazi image. Note that “Trump/Musk” and “intelligence” is an oxymoron.

It was a convenient starting point for the Trump/Musk government wrecking ball because so many people recognize this imperialist corruption. Only a few well-paid rainbow warriors (pic above) have protested the shutting down of USAID & NED. Perhaps the State Department can coax one of these celebrity assets into writing lyrics about the unfairness of this defunding. Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Vogue, etc, would give it a great review– for sure. That’s their job.

“Celebrities who can be trained to spread desired messaging” is the exact State Department phrase which became the title. These trainable celebrities are fascist collaborators & sympathizers. The irony is that most of these puppets weren’t fascists to start, but the Black Hand has corrupted them and that’s the Faustian deal one must make to become a celebrity. These iconic defeatists see no hope, no path to fight Trump/Musk, taking all their political cues from the CIA Democrats. These trained celebrities who learned nothing from history are Vichy France.

Vichy collaborators were paraded though the streets of liberated Paris with swastikas drawn on their foreheads, while the women also had their hair shaved-off for giving aid & comfort to the Nazis from 1940-44. The population of France lined their streets to spit upon & hurl verbal abuse at these fascists, seething with revolutionary anger & class hatred of the bourgeoisie. Fascism, which flows out of imperialism, is the bitterest enemy of democracy and that’s the lesson of WW2. The masses of the world still hate Nazis, and it is this retribution of the international working class that historically awaits celebrities trained to spread desired messaging.


Transgender athletes in mixed & co-ed sports

Preface: This is my follow-up conclusion to “Trump to ban transgender athletes in women’s sports”, published yesterday and linked here.

Perhaps the final hurdle in this ideological debate is the question of transgender participation in co-ed sports. There are sports where women compete against men. Equestrian jumping & horse racing feature women jockeys competing against men from the Kentucky Derby to the summer Olympics. Auto racing forever changed with Danica Patrick. In these mixed sports (which men still dominate), gender doesn’t matter as much, since it is the horse or vehicle that is doing most of the work. Therefore transgender isn’t a competitive issue in these such sports.

For co-ed sports, there are rules to divide men & women– usually equally. For example, in most adult co-ed softball leagues there are 10-player teams (4 outfielders), divided half women & half men. The batting order has to alternate boy-girl-boy-girl, and if a guy is walked (intentionally or not) he gets second base while next batter up (female) gets a walk to first. This effectively disallows pitching around the men.

Transgender participants in co-ed sports need to be considered as their birth sex. If that fair-play rule violates their sensibilities, then don’t play. That’s how it goes in sports where competitive athletes don’t allow enabling. From all of us to them, “In you can’t play by the rules then form your own league or STFU.” Assuming they know how to play, a co-ed softball team with 5 transgender biological males playing as women would be unbeatable in most recreational leagues.

As I’ve discussed, this is an easy political victory for Trump when he needs it most. His anti-immigration policies, along with Elon Musk’s government takeover have backfired domestically, while his plan to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians and build a casino resort for the rich on its ruins have been internationally rejected & condemned. Transgender athletes is a minor issue in comparison, but it gives Trump a much-needed credibility boost and thus more room for his fascist maneuverings. It allows Trump to go on the attack, with moral superiority over the Democrats. In Trump’s warped mind, canceling Biden/Harris DEI initiatives gives him the authority to attack anyone on the left. To be clear: DEI is fake left. Socialists who think & act like this writer are the true left, which is the real target of Trump & DEI/CIA Democrats.


Trump to ban transgender athletes in women’s sports

Donald Trump has announced today that he will ban all transgender athletes from competing against girls & women in sports. This is to apply to all ages, from grade school competition through NCAA & professional leagues. This after the Biden/Harris administration had backed their legal participation in women’s sports for years as part of their sweeping identity politics campaigns.

Much of this story was brought to a head by the controversy surrounding San Jose State University’s (SJSU) women’s volleyball team. The transgender athlete in question is Blaire Flemming (pic above), who led the 2024-25 SJSU women’s volleyball team in kills (314), kills per set (3.88) and total sets played (81). Second on the team in kills was Nayell T’ia with 228, and 3.45 kills/set. No other Spartans women’s volleyball player had more than 169 kills last season. A link to SJSU 2024-25 women’s volleyball stats is here.

A cursory look at these statistics, nullifies any argument that a transgender athlete creates no competitive advantage for a NCAA women’s volleyball team. Blaire Flemming was arguably SJSU’s most effective women’s volleyball player last season. Teammates & opponents describe how much higher Blaire Flemming can jump and how much harder she hits the ball, as compared to biological women.

Upon wide-spread discovery of this transgender athlete, NCAA opponents refused to play against SJSU women’s volleyball in 2024-25, as numerous matches were forfeited over principled opposition to a transgender athlete competing against women.

This is not a difficult issue for most of the population. Most people feel transgender people have democratic rights, but allowing them to compete as women in sports isn’t one of them. In fact, allowing this form of unfair competition only serves to increase society’s hatred towards those who are transgender. The problem here isn’t Blaire Flemming, the problem is the corrosive identity politics of the Democratic Party that (by design) irrationally divides society.

The team captain of SJSU women’s volleyball, Brooke Slusser, is suing her head coach, the university, and the conference over this, after being made to be the roommate of Blaire Flemming, without being told about Flemming being transgender [!!]. Apparently, SJSU & the NCAA knew Blaire Flemming was transgender when transferring to SJSU from Coastal Carolina in 2022.

ESPN has written multiple articles on this matter, in which they refuse to identify the transgender player as Blaire Flemming, in order to “protect privacy.” The privacy of Blaire Flemming’s roommates & teammates are of little-to-no concern to ESPN and this identity politics crowd. The mission of these moralist Democrats has been to create a post-modernist wonderland in female athletics, where protesters are silenced, while the “rights” of a handful of transgender athletes are tightly safeguarded.

Every male athlete in competition discloses that he is male to the NCAA. Every biologically female athlete does the same. But according to identity politics logic, transgender athletes can lie about their gender and are politically protected. For the record, Blaire Flemming is listed as “female,” not transgender, on the SJSU 2024-25 women’s volleyball page. This deeply unpopular & reactionary political position is despised by 99+% of athletes and the fans who watch. It allows a fascist imbecile such as Donald Trump to posture as a reformer for justice & common sense, and only the Democrats can do that.

One final note on gender identity. I always refer to Blaine Flemming as Blaine Flemming. That avoids the he/she them/they identity politicking. When I write about any athlete, I almost always use their first & last name together. For instance, Roki Sasaki was the most coveted MLB free agent this winter, and as a sportswriter I had to publish extensively on that. Notice that his name is Roki Sasaki, not Sasaki. Excessive use of a last name without the first dehumanizes the subject. In two long articles on Roki Sasaki, I referred to him by his last name only a few times over the course of thousands of words. I also referred to him, as a pronoun.

With men & women you easily can use pronouns. But with transgender, I prefer to use their full name only & always– writing & speaking. It’s the most accurate (& comfortable) way to write I’ve discovered. Consider that as my accepting nod of approval to transgender people who are having a hard time identifying themselves. The more these transgender people support the Democratic Party, the more voiceless & confused they become.

Liberals cry that “outing” a transgender person is a crime, when really it is a public reckoning of personal truth. You’re an adult now, so deal with it. It’s always uncomfortable, but more importantly it’s necessary. If you checked “female” to the NCAA when you are a transgender biological male, then you fundamentally lied. Enabling this pathological form of dishonesty is the root of all our problems.

Statistically speaking, as far as sample size goes transgender athletes are an extreme outlier. This means you can’t have a NCAA division of transgender competition because the numbers aren’t anywhere close to supporting it and never will be. There are so few of them, that if transgender people want to compete then they need to do it under rational scientific guidelines, meaning man/woman determination by birth gender. If there’s any question, then the athlete must submit to genetic testing, just like drug testing. Transgender athletes don’t get to make up their gender, or claim identity with a specific gender and make that a fact, which Democrats have shamelessly supported.

This isn’t an infringement on the rights of transgender people, it’s just a fair solution to a new problem. Instead of solving it rationally, the Democrats have tried to cynically exploit the issue of the rights of transgender athletes. What the Democrats always leave behind in the process are the rights of the great majority: in this case it’s the female athletes who have had to live, locker room, shower & compete with an unidentified transgender athlete that has been secretly protected by the NCAA from revealing their true biological gender. That’s creepy & murky murky.

The Blaine Flemming’s of the future will have to compete with the boys & men. It took Trump to do this, after 99% of the population already had clearly expressed their feelings on this issue. It’s an easy political win for Trump, always a specialty of the Democrats. Notice that I almost always refer to Donald Trump as Trump, and that’s because Trump is a dehumanized persona.


Historical truth: fascist imperialism vs international workers & youth

US billionaires & the mass media they control have thrown in their lot with fascism in supporting the second Trump administration. Trump wants to expel all dissidents & immigrants whom he labels as ‘unpatriotic & criminal’. Somehow it is conveniently forgotten that Donald Trump is a convicted rapist who tried to overthrow the American Constitution on 1/6/21. There is no more vile & loathsome criminal, and bigger danger to democracy, than Donald Trump. Those are political facts, and facts are stubborn things.

Trump (like Biden) supports the fascist genocide in Gaza, as the entire political establishment brands political opposition to this as antisemitic, all while sending more arms & money to the Banderite Nazis in Kiev for the purpose of imperialist colonization of Russia. Such is the Orwellian nature of modern mass media. Any dissent is to be grounds for forcible expulsion under the new American dictator Donald Trump.

Elon Musk has now accessed the computer database to the US Treasury Department, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, etc, for the purpose of slashing benefits to citizens and firing government workers. This fascist raiding of government offices has been unopposed by the cowardly Democrats, who seek collaboration with these modern-day Nazis.

It won’t be so easy for Donald Trump to imitate Adolf Hitler’s program of Nazi terror & concentration camps. The world’s population is much more educated than it was 90 years ago. The lessons of history haven’t been forgotten by those who have suffered. Most people see through the fascist & imperialist lies of official politics and will resolutely resist fascism. The working people of the US must organize themselves outside of official politics & the trade union bureaucracies, which are beholden to imperialism and have fallen in line with Trump after the 2024 election.

The big tech CEO’s are among the most cowardly when it comes to protecting free speech on the internet & fighting fascism. Meta, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, etc, have contributed generously to the Trump inauguration campaign and have clearly signaled they are willing partners in imposing any ‘Big Lie’ on their users through propaganda on their platforms.

The battle lines have been drawn, and which side you choose to be on will determine your place in history. At this point in history, all the billionaires & politicians are fascists & fascist sympathizers. These uber-rich Nazis all support attacking immigrants as ‘foreign enemy invaders’ who are deemed as sub-human and deserving of no democratic rights.

Of course, these neo-Nazis forget that America was built on immigration. Ask them, “Where did YOU come from?” There were over 10 million Native Americans here before European immigration began centuries ago. African blacks were forcibly immigrated to the Americas to build the triangle trade: slaves, sugar & rum– which is the origin of the American empire. After the US Civil War, Chinese immigrants were brought in to build the railroads that connected the American economy together. Italians, Poles, Slavs, etc, immigrated to work in US stockyards & factories, which provided the food & goods that grew the US into a mighty global economic power.

In modern construction, it’s Mexicans who do much of the hard labor in building, expanding & repairing critical infrastructure such as roads, highways & buildings– commercial & residential. They do this work because most white & black Americans don’t want to do it, or can’t do it. If Trump/Musk deport all these Hispanics, etc, who will do all this necessary work? Their answer will be slave labor camps.

As anyone with a brain can see, these fascists have no thought-out plan for the social catastrophe they are creating. If you ‘remove’ everyone who disagrees with Trump’s fascist policies, there will be no one left to do the work. This only leads to America’s destruction. Fascists are parasites who consider themselves superior to all others and allow no dissent. Nazis are violent sociopaths who can only rule when they are handed the keys to power by the capitalist imperialists, which is what Biden/Harris did.

It is this diseased social class that must be smashed by an organized resistance of workers & youth. This resistance must be international in nature. The phony “national security” excuse is the hallmark of imperialism & fascism, which vigorously combats being held accountable to public opinion or historical truth. Only “international security” can bring lasting peace and an end to capitalist inequality, exploitation, climate change, etc. The workers of the world must unite under the Trotskyist (Marxist) banner of international socialism to defeat this modern-day Nazi takeover. The starting point for this is to read the World Socialist Web Site daily, and then join the Socialist Equality Party which is the only political party on Earth that represents the international working class.

Linked above (and age-restricted censored by YouTube) is the beginning of “Genocide” which is episode 20 of The World at War (1973), the closest thing to a definitive WW2 documentary series. The World at War was a UK production in twenty-six episodes, each about 53 minutes in length. Its weakness is its inherent misunderstanding of the power of the Russian Revolution in mobilizing the troops & industrial power the Soviet Union needed to defeat the Nazi blitzkrieg in 1941, but beyond that I highly recommend it. World War Two happened for a reason, and we are all obligated as civilized humans to absorb these lessons and teach them to others. That’s how you prevent another Hitler from doing his worst. It’s called educating society to a point where there is no war or inequality. In reality, our educational system in America has been destroyed by the political class to a point where there is very little learning going on in any school anymore. The ruling class promotes every form of reaction & backwardness to preserve their economic interests. It takes work to defeat the fascists and education is where it starts.
