Problems & Answers

What am I doing, really? That’s a question I ask myself, from time-to-time. I’ve noticed the answer is always changing. Situations change and scenarios become played out, and that’s when changes become part of the equation. Seeing & knowing the changes is called dialectics, which I’ve stressed the importance of– over & over.

It’s when everything is moving at once (falling apart & coming together), that a dialectician can lead by action & example. This mastery seems mystical, but really it’s scientific. Marxism is the science of political economy under capitalism. It’s philosophy is dialectical materialism. The aim of Marxism is to find the truth in all things. All the classical Marxist masters from Engels, Plekhanov, Luxemburg, Lenin & Trotsky were dialecticians. This allowed them to see further (and more clearly) into the future than their contemporaries, even up to the present.

Marxists as dialecticians are problem solvers. Today the world is in crisis, as fascists have captured the US government, while the military-intelligence apparatus is hurtling all of us towards another World War. World War III ends in mutually assured destruction for the planet. Plus, we’ve got global warming on top of all this. These problems are going to take serious brains and real courage to solve.

It’s a political problem, not a technological issue, as mankind could easily socialize today if it had the political awareness. It’s still an issue of educating & organizing the masses for an overwhelming takeover of power. The coming global socialist revolution is going to be a numerically overpowering hostile takeover of the Wall Street banks, Washington’s ruling apparatus, social & mass media, and the stolen wealth of global billionaires who have trashed our planet, while enslaving most of its population in the selfish interest of enriching themselves. That aggression will not stand. The people of the world will not allow themselves to be enslaved & consumed in perpetuity.

The mass media, Internet and social media are key tools in fighting fascism. It must be clearly understood by all in the US, that the most dangerous enemy of the working class is the Democratic party and all that orbits it. Pseudo-intelligent leftists and those preaching identity politics are hypocrites with deep personal & financial interests at stake. They can never be swayed, as they sold their souls to capitalism long ago. They are only to be considered an enemy to be defeated.

The allies of revolutionary socialists are the exploited youth & working masses of the world. The way forward requires “pressing in” in all fronts. Authority needs to be freely questioned, discussed and challenged– everywhere. Abuse-of-power is become standardized by fascism. Fight this by taking the power back.

Fascists don’t listen to reason, they only understand hate & violence. This needs to be met (EVERYWHERE) with fierce resistance, and any necessary back-up. The Second Amendment means regular people have guns too, and the explicit reason is to protect their freedoms from any unconstitutional government intrusion.

We no longer are a nation of laws. This has been evidentially true since Bush v Gore in 2000, and really true since 9/11. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed to the world (through WikiLeaks) the massive NSA global spying operation. Everything we do on an Internet-connected device is recorded into their database. Video & audio recording is also always happening in real time (24/7/365) from your camera app. Americans live in a modern-day police state.

Who monitors the NSA? This institution (like all the rest–really), has no public accountability, and merely serves as a spy & military police tool for the ruling elite. Top Democrats including Mark Warner & Nancy Pelosi are intimately tied into this deep state apparatus. These are today’s leading voices for more domestic spying & foreign drone wars, both policies which were expanded under Obama/Biden. The Democrats live on half-truths, making them the most despicable form of liars.

The secret to conquest of power by the working masses is realizing its own power. The lowliest janitors and first-class privates have keys & access to the most sophisticated military/intelligence centers. The elites don’t keep these places clean & operational, it’s working people who do this. They are already inside, but lack of political awareness incapacitates them.

The most deluded elitists have now turned to artificial intelligence technology as they savior, because 1) paranoia; and 2) they have run out of brains themselves. Elite “leaders” with every resource in the world available to them, can’t even find answers to simple problems anymore, because their “thinking” is so warped.

Thus these elitist scum have someone program a computer to think for them. No more need to think & problem-solve! Convenient, huh? This degenerated ruling bureaucracy is completely enabled by workers, who still don’t quite realize what’s going on; and how bad thing actually are. They need to speed up their learning curve, because things have already gone dangerously too far. What’s required is an attitude that is 100% defiant to the irrationality that surrounds us.

It’s my job to teach & explain this, so that’s what I’m doing. We can win, if we realize our combined strength– and always act in everyone’s best interest. When we forget to help others, eventually they disappear, and then there are less people to help when Big Brother turns on us. That’s why protecting the rights of others (who are less fortunate) is paramount. Only by realizing the true value of solidarity can the evils of capitalism be overthrown in permanence.


What a Beautiful Mind Is

A beautiful mind is the truest desire & highest goal. It is an intellect & personality that is placid & flexible. It absorbs the surroundings as they are, with no bias or preconceptions. The beautiful mind then reacts in a way that is instinctively correct in all situations. Even in scenarios where the truth is purposely hidden, a tranquil intellect can cut through the lies & deceptions, and find the truth most quickly.

The beautiful mind is at one with nature and the universe. It observes, analyzes & communicates with everything in it’s totality, and in its ever-changing relationship to everything else. This allows judgments to be nuanced and meaningful. Incorrect judgments are merely best-guesses that turned out wrong. One these judgments have been proven false, they are updated & corrected to correspond with reality & the truth.

Correct thinking means constantly going back in time and attempting to correct any mistakes, no matter how far they lie in the past. Sorting out old prejudices and past failures is a helpful & healthful mental exercise. It keeps the mind sharp & alert to be solidly connected with your memories of the past.

Those who fail in this, often end up suffering from horrible degenerative diseases of the brain. Alzheimer’s (and all other forms of dementia) is the exact opposite of a beautiful mind. Brain dementia is caused by many factors of modern living, and that’s why it’s so much on the rise among the elderly. For example, too many people are being trained to be mindless zombies, who do nothing but mindlessly produce services in return for access to mindless luxuries & entertainment. That will mess up your head.

Religion contorts & constricts the human brain with guilt & morality, which is an unnatural approach to sexuality & relationships. Many of these religious fanatics eventually become dementia patients, as too many neurons & wires have been crossed & short-circuited. Eventually, only a few brain cells light up, and they’re all the ones that demand immediate gratification. That is dementia– which is hell for the afflicted, family & friends, and care providers.

To prevent this fate, the mind must be nourished. Proper nutrition is essential. Enough sleep of the right type is also required for a beautiful mind. Reading challenging & exciting books is one of the best brain exercises. The true beauty of who you are can not be reflected on the outside, unless the inside is healthy. Conversely, no one who is obese or anorexic has a beautiful mind, as these brains are diseased. These minds need to objectively look themselves in the mirror and re-examine their lives.

The purpose of a beautiful mind is to serve others, while standing out to all. The beautiful mind is the most powerful state that can be reached in personal humanity. A beautiful mind is a problem-solving tool that can adapt to any human situation, and rapidly find the best solution. It is the combination of book learning & social intelligence, and it is unbeatable.

The most compelling aspect of the beautiful mind is it’s application of courage & leadership. This sometimes means acting in ways that are perceived by others as cruel, making you unpopular; when in fact you are acting heroically with the highest ethics. This boldness & daring is only acknowledged after-the-fact, and is often held in contempt by jealous & petty minds.

It takes a beautiful mind to get to all this, and there is nothing else that matters as much in this life. Make yourself beautiful, starting with your mind, and everything else will follow.
