Facebook account disabled–again

On the morning of Friday, October 4, 2024, Facebook disabled my account. I have since been unable to access my personal page, artist page, or dentist page. Facebook has given me no reason for this. Facebook emailed me an ‘account recovery code,’ but allow me no link to use it.

This is how big tech jerks you around when they are censoring you. I’ve sent Facebook multiple messages through email and their service page, but get no response. It’s all AI bots & attack algorithms on their end.

I’ve received messages from friends who wonder why I’ve disappeared, did I de-friend them, etc? Facebook deletes me whenever they feel I’m too effective on social media. Facebook is controlled by the CIA Democrats, so I have no idea when/if I will return.


What you must never forget!

Today is the 18th anniversary of 9/11, and lots of people are memeing “Never forget!” That got me thinking about things we are told we should never forget.

Never forget that it was Osama bin Laden & 19 Arab hijackers who were entirely responsible for 9/11. There was a bi-partisan government investigation, which examined the evidence of 9/11, and came to this conclusion, which matched the narrative the media & the Bush administration pushed from the start. We are in a life-and-death struggle against “Arab terrorists” who want to destroy our way of life, so don’t ever forget that.

If you are a white male, then don’t ever forget that you are a racist lackey of white supremacy. This means you are not allowed to write, speak, or express yourself publicly on any issues concerning people of color & women– due to your racial & sexist bias. You can’t possibly understand the agony which women & blacks have gone through, so don’t even go there. You are white, and thus implicitly responsible for all their misery, so don’t ever forget that.

Never (ever!) forget that the Russians are our enemy. The Russians meddled with our elections, which gave the American people President Trump. Of course, there has never been any hard proof of this story, but we always have to remain vigilant– and never forget!

Never forget that there’s a lot of “fake news” out there. Watching exclusively CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and/or Fox means you only approve of “authorized news.” Printed articles, photos, and videos from other sources, which contradict “official news,” must be treated with the utmost skepticism, as the internet has become a haven for “fake news.”

This applies particularly to social media. The CEO’s of Facebook, Twitter, et all have your best interests in mind, but they are overwhelmed by Russian troll bots & left-wing extremists who spread “fake news” into your feed. Fakebook executives and the rest are working diligently to protect you from these nefarious forms of manipulation, by using artificial intelligence & human monitors (not censors) to make sure you only see stuff that is “correct.” Never forget that.

While you may see news stories of high-level corruption on a daily basis, never forget that this is America, the greatest democracy in the world. Our leaders are working to keep America great– or make it great again– depending on which political party you cheer for. The point is they work for all our best interests, so don’t ever forget their sacrifices.
