John Brennan is the source of “Russiagate,” which began in earnest the night Hillary Clinton blew Election 2016. This is an open secret in US politics.

Outgoing US President Barack Obama, who always projected himself as the wise & patriotic peacemaker, tried to mediate the 2016 results by declaring the election an “intramural scrimmage.” This surely revealed more than he intended about the US election process. The hidden ugly truth is that big money buys every election under capitalism. The elite Democrats & Republicans are on the same team, and if you aren’t supporting the richest 1%, then you don’t count. The lower 90% just gets to watch this intramural scrimmage. They can be cheerleaders if they like, but there are no real rewards for them when it’s over.
Only those who actively support the cause of the big banks & conglomerates get rewarded. CIA Democrats entered Congress en mass in 2018, and now hold enormous influence in the House of Representatives. But curiously, most of the sensational headlines are directed towards powerless “liberals,” including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) & Ilhan Omar (D-Mn) who are used as flogging horses to push everything to the right, when most of the population is moving sharply to the left.
Fake news is promoted through the corporate media, and dissent is met with government-intelligence censorship of the internet– most particularly in social media. The US government permanently creates new crises, to cover up old disasters. This is called propaganda, and its trademark methods are media manipulation, psychological warfare & false-flag operations. This is turned into incendiary foreign policy, by projecting US military power globally to offset its continuing economic decline.
For example: less than two weeks ago the fascist cabal in the White House was provoking a coup attempt in Venezuela that ended in fiasco; by this past weekend, these same war criminals are threatening to start a war with Iran– for any reason. This, combined with Donald Trump escalating the trade war with China, which he started, leads us to the present geo-political crisis humanity faces.
The DJIA, Nasdaq and all the rest of the stock indices are plunging as I type this article. The source of the problem is US Federal Reserve Bank, which has been electronically printing money for a decade, that has been invested in nothing productive– by society’s wealthiest speculators.
Hyper-inflation of the US dollar is now a threat to bring down the entire global financial system. History proves that the intransigence & willful blindness of capitalism can only lead to world war, unless the working masses intervene in their interest.
Any political solution proposed by the two-party set-up in the US (and anywhere else) must be rejected with contempt by workers & youth. In the US, Democrats & Republicans ALWAYS work together, as their perceived “differences” are tactical only, while agreeing in objective.
Their religion is American nationalism, in an era where scientific thought is now needed to revolutionize society, and solve its most pressing issues through international cooperation including: massive inequality, rampant militarism that threatens nuclear war, and impending global environmental disaster due to climate change, etc…

Trump, Bolton, Pompeo & Co always insist that “all options are on the table,” but this never includes rationality or facts. Veiled threats, arrogant assertions, and fascist bluster are the total content of Trump’s rants. Of course, peace through socialism is never an “option on the table” for the ruling class.
Deep state Democrats are also pushing for fascism, and are offering no resistance to Trump, because they agree in objective. Bernie Sanders is trailing front-runner Joe Biden for the 2020 Democratic nomination, both in the polls and in fund-raising.
What’s happening here with the Democrats is the same failed strategy as 2016, but this time with a male candidate. A conservative Democrat tied to Wall Street & the military, with political skeletons in his closet, sounds like a good match-up for Trump 2020. Losing a presidential election is a sacrifice the Democrats have made many times before (2000, 2004, 2016), as the deep state clearly feels they can’t allow a left “extremist” such as Bernie Sanders to represent their party in the Oval Office.
Sanders, AOC & Ilhan Omar are the final line of “leftist” ideology in official US politics. By the end of 2020, these political fakers will be crushed by big money and the weight of world events. Liberals are snowflakes by definition. Snowflakes may look pretty, but they have no power. They fall softly to the ground, before turning into slush and then mud, as soon as the temperature rises.
It will be impossible for the US to have a “socialist” president and/or congress in 2020-21, because there is no support for it within the two-party system. Joe Biden is the preferred the choice of the deep state, warts and all– and that’s that. The Bernie Sanders campaign will be dispatched in a similar manner to 2016, as shown by WikiLeaks. This is why it’s important to learn from history.
The campaign to free Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning has now become a struggle for internationalism. What has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt is that no nation’s government on this planet will support Julian Assange, the courageous whistle-blowing journalist who revealed mass criminality on a world-wide scale. All who remain silent, or support his rendition & imprisonment are fascists. This has become a free speech issue, where if you don’t stand up now, then no one will be left to stand up when the police state comes for you.
The conclusion is that time is running short. The elite ruling classes around the world have all increased their military spending in the wake of Trump’s Electoral College win in 2016. The world is re-arming in preparation for World War III, and there is no constituency in official US politics & the media that opposes this madness.
The US two-party political straitjacket is hurling humanity towards an abyss through its covert operations, reckless militarism, and economic strong-arming of rivals. The impending global financial crisis will morph into a political crisis, questioning the viability of capitalism with revolutionary consequences in every nation.
The only social force that can prevent a historical catastrophe of civilization is an internationally united & organized youth & working class, armed with a Trotskyist program of revolutionary socialism. None of these briefly outlined problems are going the go away, until the crisis of revolutionary consciousness & leadership is overcome globally.