Seventh Inning Stretch

The lyrics to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” were written in 1908 by Vaudevillian songwriter Jack Norworth, in 15 minutes while riding an elevated NYC subway train.  Albert Von Tilzer (his publisher), then composed the music.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

* a sou is an old French coin of low denomination

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” has been in the public domain since 1936, and some would argue that a finer song has never been written.  The purpose here is to present the original-length version in modern form, hopefully sparking an interest in our national pastime.

Baseball 7

The song first became a hit in nickelodeons, which were early movie theaters charging 5 cents admission.  It was presented between silent film features– as an illustrated song, using a pictured set of slides.

Baseball 12

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is baseball’s anthem, and it surely beats any national anthem for fun & singabililty. Norworth’s composition has been squeezed out, by the MLB powers-that-be since 9/11, often in favor of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America.”  Militarism, politics & religion need to be left out of sports as much as possible.

Baseball 2

Recorded @ the Last Minute
Production & Video by TomP;  some still photos by Ric
RS: vocal  
TomP: percussion,  piano MIDI patch & chorus vocal along w/ Maya & Brighton

Copyright/Publishing–Infinitelink Records/No Cliché Songs
