Why Kamala Harris will lose on November 5

What seemed impossible only a few months ago has turned into reality. Donald Trump currently leads in all 7 battleground states according to Real Clear Politics.

Michigan 48.3 47.4 Trump +0.9
Pennsylvania 47.9 47.4 Trump +0.5
Wisconsin 47.9 47.8 Trump +0.1
Arizona 48.8 47.4 Trump +1.4
Nevada 47.9 47.1 Trump +0.8
North Carolina 48.5 47.5 Trump +1.0
Georgia 48.7 47.6 Trump +1.1

After Joe Biden was forced out by top Democrats following his disastrous June 27 debate performance, Kamala Harris was propelled to the head of the ticket and quickly surpassed Trump in WI, MI & PA– the three battleground states she needs to win to get to 270 in the Electoral College. But in the last month or so, Harris has been slipping in every state. Wisconsin & Michigan which she had initially flipped, have turned back to Trump; and Pennsylvania which Harris had held a slight edge has flipped red with Trump consistently ahead in the polls. How did this happen?

First & foremost, the Trump campaign has received a massive injection of money from fascist billionaires such as Elon Musk, and they have gone on the attack with scathing commercials. Kamala Harris & “Bidenomics” are inseparable, and that message is getting through to struggling American workers. The real economy isn’t working for 80-90% of the population, so Donald Trump can attack & ludicrously posture as a candidate of “hope & change.”

Secondly, Kamala Harris’ position of full support for Zionist genocide in Gaza and the broader war with Hezbollah & Iran that has metastasized, is deeply unpopular with student youth & the working class. Furthermore, slandering anti-war & anti-genocide activists as “antisemitic” is a cynical big lie. This is Kamala Harris, who is no different from Joe Biden, politically speaking. Their debated differences are superficial window dressing, and most people recognize that.

Cracking down on anti-war dissent on campuses across the country is deeply unpopular, and it has been led by the Democrats. Biden, Harris, AOC, etc, have all slandered anti-war genocide protesters as “antisemitic,” which is a big lie from the CIA Democrats. This anti-democratic policy has cost Kamala Harris the young voters she needed to win these all-important battleground states.

Thirdly, the Democrats racialist & feminist cards aren’t working either. These are key planks to their identity politics campaign, which is meant to divide the working class along artificial lines while ignoring class inequality. MAGA Trumpists are fascists, filled with white supremacists & actual antisemites, but they are never called out by Kamala Harris and the Democrats for what they are, all in the name of bipartisanship. Joe Biden said, “We need a strong Republican Party,” when asked why he wasn’t prosecuting Donald Trump for his 1/6 coup attempt. Democrats enabling Republicans is how the two-party system works.

This means the Democrats are going to lose on November 5, because Trump and the far right need this win more than the Democrats. If Trump loses, he & his party are finished. It would be a crippling blow to fascism, which a class of billionaires won’t allow. These elitists will do whatever it takes to ensure a Trump victory, while the Democrats will meekly acquiesce.

That’s not how the majority of the US population feels. What we have with Election 2024 were rigged primaries on both sides, where no leftist or 3rd-party dissent was ever allowed. Massive blacklisting & censorship campaigns were undertaken by both major parties, but particularly the Democrats whose target was anything on the left. Removing 3rd-party candidates from the ballot through legal challenges in Democratic-friendly courts and censoring leftists in the mass media were major prongs of the Democrats election campaign in 2024.

In other words, it was a massive disinformation & censorship campaign on both sides, full of lies, propaganda, and other distortions of the truth. Omission has been a primary distortion. Nuclear war, capitalist-induced climate change, etc, were basically off-limits to serious discussion. Any “debates”, “press conferences”, “interviews”, etc, were distortions of those terms, with “moderators” injecting their bias at every turn, bastardizing the professional terms “journalism” & “reporting”.

When Trump wins, and Kamala Harris graciously concedes, the Democrats will then begin to blame the “deplorables” for their defeat, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016. Deplorables are especially white working males who weren’t smart enough to vote for the Democrats because they are racist, sexist, anti-gay, etc. Deplorables are stooges of Vladimir Putin and that Russian conspiracy to take away all our freedoms, etc. Those who oppose funding Zelensky’s Nazi Azov Battalion in the Ukraine are “agents of Putin” & “antisemites.” All this is why Kamala Harris will lose on November 5.



Facebook account disabled–again

On the morning of Friday, October 4, 2024, Facebook disabled my account. I have since been unable to access my personal page, artist page, or dentist page. Facebook has given me no reason for this. Facebook emailed me an ‘account recovery code,’ but allow me no link to use it.

This is how big tech jerks you around when they are censoring you. I’ve sent Facebook multiple messages through email and their service page, but get no response. It’s all AI bots & attack algorithms on their end.

I’ve received messages from friends who wonder why I’ve disappeared, did I de-friend them, etc? Facebook deletes me whenever they feel I’m too effective on social media. Facebook is controlled by the CIA Democrats, so I have no idea when/if I will return.


Pete Rose (1941-2024)

Pete Rose was a mess, a person who exemplified the difference between a great ballplayer and a great man. 4,256 hits is an unbreakable record, but who cares after what he did? Even his old teammates abandoned him, at least for a time, and some never forgave him. It wasn’t just the betting on baseball, it was his lying & evasions to fans who wanted honest answers. That’s at the heart of how Pete Rose betrayed the game he loved, and in that sense he’s a tragic figure. I have written that despite his transgressions, he still deserved the HoF, but that point is moot now. There’s no point in honoring a dead man when you had plenty of chances to do that while he was still alive.

Pete Rose is a black mark for MLB because of how they handled him in the aftermath of Bart Giamatti’s ruling. At some point for MLB, some measure of forgiveness was in order, but that never happened. Like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, etc, he’s been excluded from the game because a scapegoat was needed, and this was decided largely by people who never played the game– namely media & owners.

From 1985-87, MLB owners engaged in a covert operation to restrict free agency, agreeing amongst themselves not to bid on free agents from other teams, effectively suppressing player salaries and limiting player movement. This is known as the ‘collusion era’ in MLB. When the Pete Rose betting scandal broke, it was used by MLB to deflect attention away from ownership & executive collusion.

Decades earlier, when Cardinals CF Curt Flood fought against the reserve clause in 1970, and asked for player support from stars such as Pete Rose, he was refused by all of them. When free agency came to MLB after Marvin Miller represented Dave McNally & Andy Messersmith in 1976, Pete Rose eventually left the Reds as a free agent to sign with the Phillies for more money. Rose was that kind of person, someone who doesn’t help another player in an important struggle because he’s too selfish & ignorant, but takes the benefit for himself later, long after the fight is over.

He was a bit overrated as a player, but still a HoFer. Pete Rose was the first modern utility player. He made lots of errors, in the field & on the bases, but gave championship effort at 2B, 3B, LF/RF, and then finally 1B. Charlie Hustle was an act, but also a team guy who would move to a new position to accommodate a better player such as Joe Morgan. Rose hung on way too long chasing Ty Cobb’s record, which is a player’s choice, but is painful to watch as a fan. Pete Rose was a lousy manager for the Reds, and deserved to be fired long before the betting scandal sunk him. As you can see I’m conflicted on Pete Rose, and so is everyone else and that’s why he’s so relevant.

Pete Rose came up with the Reds in 1963, in an era where heroes were still deified. The rise of 24/7 sports media with ESPN changed it to creating heroes, then tearing them down. Pete Rose, OJ Simpson, Tiger Woods, etc, became part of this phenomenon. Even the greatest players (workers) can be sacrificed as scapegoats, but the people on top, pulling the strings, they get to keep their power, money & prestige. Meanwhile, today’s fans bet for & against their heroes in every sport.

Pete Rose and many of his teammates took “greenies,” amphetamine pills in a candy bowl available to any player in the clubhouse on every team. So who is to blame? What is a “clean” player? What is the ‘PED era’ and how far does it extend back? These are uncomfortable questions that MLB avoids which are all personified in Pete Rose.
