Money Talk

“We have a gentleman that likes a very strong dollar at the Fed. I want a strong dollar, but I want a dollar that’s great for our country, not a dollar that is so strong that it is prohibitive for us to be dealing with other nations.”   — Donald Trump

President Donald Trump speaks during the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland, on March 2, 2019.

Donald Trump has no idea what a “strong dollar” means. Trump has always been a privileged bully, who gets to borrow money for nothing and then default, so what does he know about economics?

The US dollar has been diluted by a decade of money printing (QE) for speculators, which has now been made permanent. The Fed & big banks have injected over $500 billion into the stock markets since their swoon in December 2018, which happened as soon as the Fed tried to end QE & raise interest rates.

“Quantitative tightening” has been abandoned, and it’s back to money printing, with sustained near-zero interest rates for the banks. That doesn’t help anyone who works for a living, but it keeps this financial house of cards from collapsing– for a little longer.

The US dollar has been inflated (ie- weakened) by financial parasites, which is why foreign governments are now buying gold, to hedge against the collapse of the greenback. If you are the average person with a few thousand dollars (or less) in the bank, you take comfort in knowing that it isn’t much to lose, when the banks collapse. The US dollar’s purchasing power, in real terms, is less than ever as housing, education, and even food cost more– in term of percentage of wages spent on these essentials.

Things forever changed economically in the early 1970’s for many reasons. US President Richard Nixon & his most-trusted advisor Henry Kissinger took the US off the gold standard in August of 1971. The reason was that the US could no longer afford to be the world bank, reimbursing gold at $35 an ounce. From there the US dollar was floated, and fiat speculation was born. This unbalanced the foundations of the post-war order under Bretton-Woods.

The rise of computers & globalization, along with a loss of economic preeminence by the US, which was reeling from the costs of the Vietnam War, led to the US ruling class launching an offensive against the working class, which has only been escalated up to today. In other countries it’s called “austerity.”

The lessons for working people are that they need to organize for themselves, as government & union “leaders” have sold them out. Governments are committees of the ruling class, which are the bourgeoisie under capitalism. Political independence of organized workers is the only way to redistribute wealth against this fascist current of late-stage capitalism. Liberal reformism is dead, as it died with the hopes & dreams of Barrack Obama.

In America there is now a sociopathic President of the United States, who openly speaks against socialism with lies & threats of violence, and no voice of opposition from the Democrats or the mass media. This only proves that the Democrats, along with MSNBC & CNN, are as much fascist as Trump & his core supporters.

The Democrat version of fascism is identity politics domestically, and anti-Russia (anti-socialism) in foreign policy. Trump is a racist, so he prefers China & Latin America as the main targets of US foreign aggression– diplomatically, covertly, and/or militarily. That’s the actual difference in politics between Republicans & Democrats, which is a fake debate.

There are many financial elites who support Trump on foreign policy, because they see China, with it’s rise as a technological superpower, as the primary threat to US economic hegemony. Russia doesn’t have that technology edge, but is still seen as a threat because of its history.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the most defining event of the 20th century, with enduring lessons for the workers of the world. It was led by Lenin & Trotsky, whose Bolshevik party captured the trust of the masses, and organized an insurrection that toppled the hated tsar & it’s feudalist regime.

Instead of moving into capitalism, Lenin & Trotsky galvanized the workers of Russia, who organized a socialist government of workers’ councils. These workers’ councils were called “soviets.” After the October (November) Revolution, Russia became a “government of soviets,” with the Bolsheviks as the majority among the workers.

The imperialists who started the “Great War” (1914-1918) recoiled at these events & reacted with horror. By 1918, “the war to end all wars” was over, but every country turned its military might onto the incipient Soviet government. Trotsky organized & led the Red Army, which ultimately defeated the traitorous “Whites,” and their imperialist backers. By 1923, all foreign troops had been defeated and the revolution was saved, but Russia had been bled white.

When Lenin finally succumbed to a series of strokes in January 1924, a factional political battle raged between Leon Trotsky, the recognized leader (along with Lenin) of the Russian Revolution, and Joseph Stalin. Stalin was better at laying traps, and making ever-shifting alliances behind-the-scenes. This talent at intrigue led Stalin’s bureaucracy to take power, and become the fascist version of socialized property relations.

Socialism never existed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), because workers never had control over production, and allocation of resources. A Stalinist bureaucracy attached itself to the Revolution, and consumed it from within. Trotsky was defeated politically by an ever-expanding bureaucracy led by Stalin. Trotsky was isolated, exiled, and ultimately murdered by a GPU agent in Mexico City in 1940.

In 1991, the USSR suddenly collapsed, and bourgeois intellectuals of the world were all speechless as to what happened. Trotsky wrote (above) in 1936, that the Soviet Union would either have a workers’ revolution and overthrow the bureaucracy, or it would fall back into capitalism. Trotsky was proven right in the negative. Today, Russians have a much lower standard of living than they did as citizens of the USSR. Bourgeois historians & economists never mention any of these historical facts or lessons.

Stalin advocated for “Socialism in one country,” as opposed to Trotsky’s “Theory of Permanent Revolution.” Trotsky was an internationalist, in the tradition of Karl Marx, who understood at this point of capitalist development (20th century), there could be only global socialism. Any genuine socialist revolution would be permanent in nature. National Socialist is what the Nazi’s called themselves, and Stalin was the communist equivalent to Adolf Hitler under capitalism.

Donald Trump is the US version of Hitler/Stalin, but notice there is no resistance coming from the so-called “left.” Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have staked out the furthest left position under two-party US capitalism. It consists of unattainable reforms, green rhetoric, and a blind eye to militarism, the expanding police state, and a criminal detention policy for refugees & their children, etc.

The main “progressive” plank of the Democrats today is identity politics, which is #MeToo feminism, Black Lives Matter racialism, and LGBT rights. These identities are used as ideological weapons, to attack artists, socialists & workers who question this system of economic inequality.

The most foul of these has been the #MeToo campaign, which has a Hollywood face, but deep state roots. It’s ideology is to attack those who expose these political & economic terrorists for their crimes. Julian Assange was among the first victims of this internationally-coordinated campaign of sexual intimidation, in the name of imperialism.

Democrats, the deep state, and their supports will only continue to double down on the #MeToo campaign & racialism– as it’s all they’ve got. Each week the New York Times published another expose’ meant to take down an artist in entertainment, etc. Pretty soon there won’t be any good performers left, which means all the movies, television & music will be fake. We’re almost there already.

The Fed will print more fake money, while Trump and his fascist crowd will continue to provoke confrontations globally, exerting “maximum pressure,” in order to create flashpoints for war & crisis. This is the only way they can stay in power, which is what it’s all about.

None of this is in the interest of the workers who earn wages to live. A nuclear winter from a war between India & Pakistan is all it takes to wipe human civilization, and we’ve gotten far too close to that. The recklessness of our “leaders” must be checked with a mass intervention to avoid catastrophe for our planet.

There is no faction among the ruling elites which prefers socialism over world war, therefore they all must go. Revolutions happen in history, and we as a civilization are long overdue. The faster we learn these lessons & organize ourselves, the faster it will happen.

Fri 08 Mar 2019 09:50 AM EST : Keiser Report Update:

Max is correct in that the dollar is being inflated, not burned, by QE & 0% interest rates for big banks & financial speculators. His analogy of a Tomahawk missile for the US government burning money is more correct than Stacy’s. The US economy is war-based, as the military is now considered its primary strength, with the decline of the greenback. The Afghanistan War is now the longest running US war in history, and imperialism has lost again. But there is too much invested in the ideology of war for US elites to admit defeat, therefore the charade goes on for a bit longer…

War & police-state measures with mass censorship are seen as the only option for the ruling class in this late stage of capitalism. A Tomahawk missile built by Raytheon costs $1.4 million each. When it blows up, all its “value” is instantly exploded. By any reasonable measure, the cost of a Tomahawk missile exploding in a home, neighborhood, or business district would be recorded as a net loss for any nation’s economy.

No one ever discusses these actual costs in the “authorized” media. In America, elite Republicans & Democrats manipulate the numbers & facts through the corporate media, to turn reality on its head. Every “issue” & “debate” is fake because of how it’s framed, which is always in the interest of the richest class.


Art: Explained by an Artist

What is art? How does it happen? What’s it’s role in human society? These questions are now more important than ever. They demand immediate & correct answers. Here they are.

Art is how we express our inner essence. It’s the best we have in us, as art applies to any profession, passion, or endeavor you choose. It has traditionally been achieved through paint, music, film & pen. Art moves minds. True art is revolution, embodied in its form.

Oscar Wilde was correct when he said the public needs to become more artistic. Most people still try to tell you it’s the other way around, for whatever reason they may have. Everyone has it in them to be artistic. Applying this instinct is a primary tool in defeating fascism. Conversely, ignoring & desecrating art, leads directly to fascism.

Attempts to wipe out art are futile & hypocritical. Recall the Nazi’s of Germany who ruled Europe from 1933-1945, they were infamous art thieves & hoarders. Much of their booty is still maintained in private collections around the world, stolen from persecuted Jews in WWII.

Science, technology & ideology always impact & define art. When revolutionary ideas become embodied in art, it becomes very powerful. Art impacts society as soft power, enveloping an era in its influence & vision. The ruling class always fears this, as art unites the oppressed workers with the youth, who see no future in the current set-up.

Art can jump outside that box, as Pablo Picasso, the Surrealists & Andy Warhol are 20th-century examples of artistic geniuses transforming society. Once their ideas exploded into mass consciousness, society was forever changed. It’s often waxed in social terms as, “no longer being innocent.”

The Beatles were revolutionary artists, who abandoned their teeny-bopper beginnings, and became 1960’s counter-culture. Psychedelic rock & transcendental meditation side-trips became cultural oddities, that eventually transitioned into an anti-Vietnam War movement. Rock music had been sanctioned art, by the creation of Rolling Stone magazine in 1967, with John Lennon featured in its inaugural issue.

That watershed moment was the birth of rock music criticism. Art spawns criticism, which seeks to influence art. Generally speaking, critics are a bureaucracy meant to represent the ruling class in art. Often lawyers, guns & money aren’t enough, so controlling the narrative becomes the purpose of criticism.

For eons, humans have been creating art, and others have been judging it. What’s different today, is the level of expertise & authority these self-sanctioned critics reserve for themselves. Today Rolling Stone magazine remains a powerful force in American popular music, with sterilizing everything as its corporation mission.

In contrast the leader and revolutionary genius of the Beatles, has been dead for nearly four decades. He was murdered by a reactionary psychopath, with full approval of the ruling elite. John Lennon had been a target of the FBI since Nixon was president, as later revealed in declassified CO-INTEL-PRO and other documents.

Everyone appreciates some form of art. The problem is when too many people become too narrow in their tastes & definitions of art. There’s a whole lot out there, that you aren’t even aware of, and it’s criminal to short-change yourself in not appreciating as much of it as you can. Art depends on an audience, otherwise society is condoning cultural vandalism.

Great art doesn’t just happen. It is deeply thought-out, planned, and worked through in great detail. What the public sees as the final work, is often years of hard work. Creating new material and staying ahead is the most challenging task. It often involves going to very dark places in your mind. This is emotionally exhausting, and involves personal sacrifices in health & happiness, which is why so many artists burn out.

It is necessary for artists who truly love, to understand how these ruling sociopaths think & act. They are manipulating the levers of power, which affects the ability for art to be shared, and therefore they have very rational reasons for their psychotic behavior.

The most obvious example today is media & Internet censorship & blacklisting. This reaction is sweeping through sports, entertainment, and politics like a swarm of locusts. The only force that can resist witch-hunts & fascist goon squads, are a united youth & working class, armed with revolutionary socialism.

Marxism, and more specifically Trotskyism, is the most reviled political tendency in bourgeois politics. Any mention of Leon Trotsky is proscribed in the mass media. If his name comes up, there is an immediate hysterical reaction from fixers & political heavyweights– who are always monitoring. This is because Leon Trotsky was the most artistic & influential political figure of the 20th century.

Today this repressive apparatus which involves the corporate-intelligence deep state, has launched an all-out, multi-pronged attack campaign on art. When Hollywood actors are witch-hunted, and their careers destroyed by a #MeToo campaign of right-wing feminism, then artists know the official political spectrum has tipped completely to fascism.

As much as art is universal to the human experience, we all sense it uniquely. Example: Stevie Wonder! That is the mystery & magic of art, which is challenges & seduces all of us. Understanding & embracing art is how we avoid being manipulated by hidden interests with evil intentions.

Art in the hands of a united working class, with revolutionary consciousness, can internationally transform society into a global community with socialist foundations. My music & albums are on all the major streaming services, and those songs are meant to be anthems for revolution. The more that ideas such as these are expressed, distributed & absorbed, the closer we get to a revolutionary scenario, where the working people of the world can come together & win.


Why Marxism?

Just Because mp3

RS: gtr & vocals
Tom Pearce: percussion & production
Bill Pelick: lead gtr & bass

The economic level of all societies in human history is the foundation for its political & social culture.
Marxism is a scientific method for measuring & understanding capitalism.
Capitalism is the ever-evolving economic system we all live in.
Capitalism is about money & power, which are emotionally-charged interests for everyone.
Marxism provides an objective measurement of capitalism, by boiling everything down to its atomic root–the commodity.

All commodities can be thought of as a congealed amount of human labor.
Human labor creates all commodity value, which is measured in money.
A commodity is worth the money-amount of human labor it contains.

Human labor itself is a commodity; it is in fact the most unique & valuable of all commodities.
It is from the theft of worker labor-value, that the capitalist becomes rich & powerful.

All modern philosophical, political and social ideologies reject Marxism’s fundamental adherence to rational Enlightenment principles.
Marxism is also unique in embracing dialectics, which all bourgeois ideologies virulently oppose.
Dialectics is the study of motion & transformation, recognizing the significance of changes in quantity/quality, possibility/inevitability, etc…

For example: when a sufficient quantity of heat is added to water, it qualitatively changes form– turning into steam.
Revolutions are achieved in the same manner.

Marxist philosophy is dialectical materialism.
It recognizes matter [1] as primary, rejecting all variants of idealism; all of which inevitably introduce ‘god’ into their equation.
Marxists think dialectically, correctly interpreting deep-going economic, political, and social processes.

The greatest classical Marxist of the 20th century was Leon Trotsky.
Trotsky ranks second only to Karl Marx, in terms of socialism’s historical importance.
Trotsky collaborated with V.I. Lenin to achieve the first [and only] successful worker’s revolution in human history.
This revolution was strangled by a combination of imperialist encirclement after WW1, Russia’s historical backwardness, and critically by the lack of an industrialized ally in the west– namely Germany.

After WW1, reaction spread across the globe and revolutionary party leaders were exterminated by fascist death squads in Europe & China, or jailed in liberal democracies such as the US.
After Lenin’s incapacitation by stroke in 1923, Trotsky was isolated by a growing bureaucracy which was conservative & reactionary in nature.
The bureaucracy was ultimately embodied in Joseph Stalin, whose secret police murdered millions of old Bolsheviks & revolutionary fighters in the 1930’s, devouring the revolution from the inside.
It is still a testament to the power of socialist property relations & centralized state-planning, that a backwards & defeated Russia in 1917 would survive imperialism’s attempts to strangle their revolution; and still catapult itself to world superpower status under Stalinism– until the USSR’s final collapse in 1991.

As an alternative to Stalin’s ‘Socialism in One Country’, Trotsky posed his Theory of Permanent Revolution.
In essence it states, a revolution that achieves socialism will be permanent in nature.
This implies its international character; its permanence will prevent the growth of bureaucracies.
The workers of the world must own this revolution and be its caretaker.

Trotsky is the great unmentionable in official 20th-century history & political discourse.
His contributions include: planning & carrying out the Bolshevik revolution with Lenin’s Bolshevik party; forming & commanding the Red Army during the civil war (1918-22); and establishing the Left Opposition line in opposition to Stalin’s “Socialism in One Country.” Trotsky’s contributions were expunged and his character distorted in all the history textbooks composed by Stalin’s censors.
This exiled revolutionary found no asylum in the US or Europe, and was forced to flee to the third world as WW2 broke out.

One of Trotsky’s most far-sighted achievements was to build a 4th International.
Stalinism’s Communist Party [3rd International] had capitulated to fascism, allowing Adolph Hitler to take power in 1933, without firing a shot.
The 4th International was founded in Paris in 1938, two years before Trotsky was assassinated by an agent of Stalin– in Coyoacan, Mexico.

Trotsky’s life & writings still remain a target of gutter journalism, especially among the intelligentsia.
Their mainstream filth is easily exposed & refuted by Marxists, as the 4th International is still in existence.
Its daily organ is the World Socialist Web Site.

Karl Marx

Dialectic Art

A boy wanted to be a rock star, so he learned music
To create new music, she had to become an artist
In becoming an artist, they became a revolution
