Trump & Sanders: Fascism & Liberalism

Donald Trump skipped the last televised debate before the Iowa caucus, because he objected to FOX moderator Megyn Kelly, whose questioning had angered him in a debate months earlier.  Thus the final debate in Iowa was an ‘event’ absent the figure who had dominated the media coverage of the Republican race for months.


“I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct,” Trump tweeted. “Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter!”

Donald Trump

On February 1, Iowa caucusers supported Ted Cruz 27.6%, Trump 24.3%, Marco Rubio 23.1%.  Significantly, Jeb Bush finished sixth (behind Rand Paul & Ben Carson), with only 2.8% of the vote, despite spending $15 million on TV ads. His $2,888/vote showing in Iowa isn’t fiscally sustainable, but it is a measure of the super PAC support he receives. [1]

Donald Trump doesn’t take super PAC money, because he is the 0.0001%, through ruthlessness & cunning, he is one of the richest men in the world. His face is botoxed to hide the fact that he is a reactionary, foul-mouthed, lying coward– an aggrandizement of everything artificial & rotten in our society.

People who say, “I hope Trump wins the Republican nomination, because he’ll lose to any Democrat,” are supporting fascism through ignorance.  When historical events force the hand of the ruling class, everything swings to the right.  After Bush v. Gore (2000), a blatantly stolen election in which Al Gore & the Democratic party were complicit– meekly submitting to Dick Cheney and his hard-line conservative cohorts, it became 9/11– which remains unexplained to the American public.  Ever since then, the U.S. has increasingly become a police state under the slogan of “War on Terror.”

9-11 Reuters

There’s also been a global economic meltdown beginning in 2007-08, which has plunged 80-90% of the world’s population into economic distress. This collapse was the direct result of U.S. ruling class criminality in banking, investing, and insurance industries in the housing market.

Today’s crisis in commodities, with oil always primary, is led by those same criminals, who were neither named nor punished. They weren’t even removed from their jobs, in fact they were handed bailouts & bonuses. This criminal class is doing quite well today, and plans on maintaining that status quo, with super PAC contributions, manipulated media, rigged voting, etc…

When that no longer holds the masses back, police-state fascism becomes the method of choice for the ruling class.

Operation Garden Plot

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State during the Obama presidency, as has been an accomplice in this criminality. She is rightly seen by many Democratic supporters as a poor nominee. This is a first lady who was cuckolded by her husband, and stayed with him for political convenience. She was unable to secure the party’s nomination in 2008, despite being a heavy early favorite, and was quickly consumed by the Obama campaign machine.

Sanders & Clinton 2016

The same situation appears to be happening in 2016, as Bernie Sanders finished a narrow second to Hillary Clinton in Iowa, a virtual dead-heat at 49.9% to 49.6%. The Clinton campaign spent $9.4M, and the Sanders campaign $7.4 on television ads on Iowa.  Many within the Democratic party see Hillary as a loser, despite being married to one of the most powerful figures in the party. She has limited-to-no appeal to men & younger voters.  If she manages to secure the Democratic nomination, she will likely lose to Trump (or any other Republican), either by hook or crook.

Note: Clinton’s daughter Chelsea and Trump’s daughter Ivanka (pictured below), are best friends, which again proves the primacy of class roots over partisan politics.

Ivanka Trump & Chelsea Clinton

The ruling class is somewhat put off by Bernie Sanders, and his talk of “democratic socialism”– a term his supporters use, but none can really define. He most definitely serves a purpose, as leftist rhetorical veneer.  Sanders is another dying wheeze of liberalism, which has been made a dead letter by Barack Obama, who came to the U.S. presidency in 2008 as a beacon of liberalism.

In 2016, Obama’s blackness of skin doesn’t speak nearly as loudly as his class perspective.  President Obama has supported & extended the criminal Bush/Cheney policies, at home & abroad, including: wars of aggression, torture, indiscriminate drone strikes, trigger-happy policing, and other war crimes being committed in the name of America, which most Americans strongly oppose. The problem for most Americans is there’s no political, economic or social outlet for their frustrations.

Bernie Sanders

Therefore, liberalism is called upon to deceive the masses one more time, until fascism can gather its forces and smash the workers, in order to seize power for itself. Once that happens, world war become increasingly inevitable, unless the working masses intercede under the banner of revolutionary socialism, which is now the only viable option for humanity’s survival.


U.S. Government 2015 Budget Analysis

The graph below is where the U.S. government gets its income:

US Tax Revenue 2015

The main problem with the above chart is that corporations only contribute 13% of the tax revenue, and yet they get to buy all the political influence; while working individuals contribute most of the 46%, and get very little in comparison.

Here is the breakdown of U.S. government total spending:

US Government Spending by Category-2015

Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, along with parts of the budgets for the Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of Education, and Department of Veterans Affairs are mandatory spending items.

Mandatory spending cannot be changed without an Act of Congress. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and Obamacare (ACA) are new forms of parasitism in mandatory spending; while Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Education, etc. are being systematically de-funded.  This is intended to push these programs into bankruptcy, allowing equity capital to raid its coffers through privatization.

Here is the breakdown of U.S. government discretionary spending:

Discretionary Spending 2015

The U.S. military eats 55% of the discretionary budget, and it’s hard to believe that essentials such as housing, education, health, environment, etc… each receive no more than 6% of the discretionary pie.

Food & agriculture gets only 1% of discretionary spending.

The pie graph below is mandatory spending (65%), discretionary spending (29%), and interest on national debt (6%), with the actual figures listed below:

Mandatory vs Discretionary Spending 2015


Total revenue $3.34 trillion
Total expenditures $3.90 trillion
Deficit $564 billion (3.1% of GDP)
Debt $18.69 trillion


Note: Close to $4 trillion will be spent by the U.S. government in fiscal year 2015 (October 1, 2014 — September 30, 2015), while virtually nothing is done to improve the lives of working people in terms of job creation, housing, education, health care, urban renewal, environmental clean-up, or any other issue that matters to them.

No bourgeois politician– Democrat, Republican or “Independent”– will honesty explain any of this to the working people or the kids, much less take any serious action.

The only answer is for workers & students to unite and replace this corrupt capitalist system with a worker’s government, armed with a socialist program in order to rationally allocate resources for the maximum benefit of society.

Why I (We) Don’t Vote

The last time I voted was Bush v. Gore 2000.
For the record, I lived in Mount Dora, FL, and I cast my vote for Ralph Nader.
Who knows how it was counted?

Votes are now counted electronically.
It has been proven (over & over) that anyone can easily manipulate the software in the Electronic Voting Machines (EVM’s), to intentionally miscount votes.
Both Democrats & Republicans do it in the districts they control, as much as they are allowed by the other party.
Three companies control 90+% of the EVM market– Sequoia, Diebold, ES&S.

Please Recycle

Please Recycle

The 435 congressional seats up for grabs (the lower house of the legislature), represent a net-worth of $2 billion this time around.
Their money goes straight to Madison Avenue, which exclusively serves the interests of Wall Street.

Political advertising is void of serious content.
Attack campaigns are the Madison Avenue norm; reflecting their ideology of violence & hate, combined with ignorance & fear.

In this election cycle, there has been zero serious discussion of: US militarism & torture, domestic spying, police brutality, 20+% real unemployment, social inequality, global warming; or any other significant issue.

Over 60% of eligible U.S. voters will abstain on November 4; out of apathy, protest, or disgust.

Those are your early returns on the only numbers that matter in this election.

What are the Police?

There is much popular anger over the police atrocities against the people of Ferguson, Missouri.
What’s happening there is what goes on everyday in NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and any other large US metropolitan area.

Tactical officers fire tear gas into the crowd Ferguson MO  8-11-14

Tactical officers fire tear gas into the crowd Ferguson MO 8-11-14

The #myNYPD hashtag campaign fiasco, only proved how out-of-touch the cops are with the population they claim to serve & protect.

The still-unexplained events of 9-11 and the reaction in its wake, allowed the ruling establishment to build a police state.
US military & CIA techniques of urban warfare, drones, death squads, and torture are all now in place at home.
Tanks, police in riot gear using tear gas, SWAT teams, and ‘black hole’ prison sites are now a living US reality.
Their use against its working people is a conscious class policy of the ruling elite, fronted today by president Barack Obama.

The political establishment in its entirety represents the largest stakeholders & CEO’s of Bank of America (CEO- Brian Moynihan), Walt Disney (CEO- Bob Iger), Microsoft (CEO- Satya Nadella), Exxon (CEO- Rex W. Tillerson), etc.; who are determined to maintain their inequality at any cost.
The philanthropy of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, etc., is a thin veneer to cover up their selfishness & ruthlessness.

The Boston Marathon lockdown of April, 2013 represented a watershed moment in American history; the first time one of its cities was placed under martial law.
Warrentless, mandatory house-to-house searches were conducted– in seeking a lone fugitive.
For an entire week, citizens of Boston were not allowed to freely move or assemble; as the FBI, police and the military controlled the city.


While the police are a tool of the ruling class, it doesn’t take much insight to realize that most cops are themselves working class.
This is the revolutionary potential that must be harnessed by the working people.
Like the US military which has its conscious objectors, the police must also have those within its ranks who are disgusted with its state of affairs.
Police families have some of the highest incidences of alcoholism, domestic violence, and murder/suicides.
From this diseased institution, any healthy wheat must be separated from its rotten chaff, in order to seed a revolutionary people’s militia.

The working people must consciously fight to gain control of the police, wherever possible.
In places where police corruption is thorough, preparations must be made for resistance.
In these cases the population’s overwhelming numbers will be decisive in removing guns from the hands of these killers-with-badges, and putting them in jail where they belong.

Finally, the power behind the police needs to be disarmed.
These puppet masters are the real criminals, and they must be exposed.
Remember–the masters of capitalism will never voluntarily give up this fight, and they must be completely rooted out, arrested & tried before a jury of peers for their crimes against humanity.

Only then, will the police brutality cease.


Thoughts on Earth Day

Every day is Earth Day. — RS

Earth Day (held annually on April 22) needs to be understood in the context of global warming and the imperative task for mankind to convert to solar power for its energy needs.  This is no longer a pipe dream to be discussed theoretically, then dismissed into the future.  Solar conversion goes to the heart of the issue of the continued existence of human civilization.

Current global greenhouse gas emissions can not continue unabated without catastrophic consequences for everyone & everything on this planet.  Earth has a fever and it is getting worse, daily. The graph below shows Earth’s atmospheric CO2 levels for the last 650,000 years, and how far it is above its historic levels.  Lowering those levels back to historical norms will be a huge scientific & technological challenge that will test mankind’s ability to innovate & problem-solve. Before that can happen, further emissions must cease, which at this point is more of a political problem than a technical one.


The answer for human society is solar power, which is the only option that is truly clean and infinitely renewable.

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, or indirectly using concentrated solar power.  Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture.

As integrated circuitry improves, and battery storage of solar power becomes more efficient; and more than enough electricity can be generated & stored for virtually any use. The total solar energy absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules per year. This is more solar energy in one hour than the world uses in one year. If humanity could capture one tenth of one percent of the solar energy striking the earth, it would have access to six times as much energy as humans consume in all forms today, with neither greenhouse gas emissions nor nuclear waste.

Fossil fuel and biomass only add to global warming; while nuclear, geothermal, hydroelectric, and even wind power are far too destructive while degrading the environment.  Needless to say, nuclear power’s potential for catastrophe to human populations is all-too-obvious to anyone who studies history & thinks rationally.

Conversion to solar power can only be accomplished through revolutionary means.  The world’s most powerful corporations control the global energy market, and will not voluntarily give up this all-important lever of power.  Everyone in the industrialized world depends of electricity and automobile transportation.  Solar power is a revolutionary equalizer for the working people of the world, freeing them from their dependence on the energy cartels, while abating global warming.

The endless succession of imperialist wars being fought for control of oil & gas reserves in central Asia & beyond will only end with mankind’s conversion to solar power. Today, oil is the world’s most important commodity, so whomever controls it rules the globe. Solar power threatens that balance, and that is why its technology has been resisted, marginalized, discredited, and kept expensive as ruling class policy for decades.

When people can generate their own power using a solar panel, they free themselves from unregulated utility monopolies. When people can drive solar powered cars, using photovoltaic technology, they free themselves from Exxon/Mobil, Chevron & Texaco. These corporations do not tolerate such threats to their bottom line (and ultimately their existence), without fierce resistance.  For them, the future of civilization and our planet are secondary concerns, compared to their short-term fiscal profits.

Complete conversion to solar power will ultimately be the task of working people everywhere who demand a better life for themselves, their children, and everything that exists on this planet.  It happens when people everywhere regain their will to fight a powerful enemy as if all their lives depend on it, which it does.  It is a revolutionary task that ends with socialism, and it is the true spirit and meaning of Earth Day.