Electoral College Soup 2024

Election 2024 crescendos on Tuesday, and it’s the Electoral College the decides things in the US presidential race. This archaic & anti-democratic set-up is poorly understood by the American people, which is the intent of the ruling political class. The first premise that voters need to understand is that unless you are in a “battleground state” your vote largely doesn’t matter. Most states are baked-in before any of the campaigning starts, especially in 2024 with the strict exclusion of 3rd party candidates.

If we didn’t have the antiquated Electoral College, then we wouldn’t have had 1/6. No one in bourgeois politics wants you to understand that.

The latest Real Clear Politics polling has the Electoral College as stands below, with 270 electoral votes needed to win. Note that anything more than 1.0 points in the polling is too much to overcome at this point, so battleground states like GA, NC, NV & AZ all go to Trump in 2024.

Donald Trump: 268

Kamala Harris: 225

Toss-ups: WI (10) Harris +0.3; MI (15) Harris +0.5; PA (19) Trump +0.3

Maine (4) & Nebraska (5) can split their electoral college votes, and have done so recently (2008 NE, 2016 NE & ME, 2020 ME). I’ve accounted for that in Maine, with 3 electoral votes for Harris, and 1 for Trump baked-in. Nebraska is trickier, with 4 votes going to Trump for sure, but one district is considered a toss-up and that may come into play on election night.

Harris has to win WI, MI & PA just to get to 269 and make NE relevant, or a congressional tie-breaker even possible. If she loses any of the three, Trump wins outright.

If neither candidate gets a majority of the 538 electoral votes (both at 269), the election for President is decided in the House of Representatives, with each state delegation having one vote. A majority of states (26) is needed to win. and the Senate would elect the Vice-President with each Senator having a vote. A majority of Senators (51) is needed to win. This scenario was brought up in Season 4/5 of House of Cards (2013-18), when Frank & Claire Underwood steal the election from Republican challenger Will Conway.

In 2024, neither major party will accept the “official” results, as both sides can honestly claim the other cheated & don’t deserve the presidency. If Kamala Harris can’t pull out MI, WI & PA, it’s over on election night. But if she does, this election has the very real possibility of dragging out for weeks, with endless anti-democratic maneuvering behind closed doors to decide the presidency, and Donald Trump as the clear favorite in that murky campaign.The US Supreme Court ruling Bush v Gore in 2000 taught us that.

The most democratic way to elect a president would be for every political party to be given a media voice & ballot status, so the issues could be seriously discussed before the electorate decides by popular vote who their leader should be. But in America we don’t have that freedom. There were no choices allowed in either Dem/Rep primary, and no leftist or anti-war voices were allowed to speak in the mass media, in fact they were attacked and slandered as “antisemites” through a coordinated smear campaign organized by the CIA Democrats with full Republican (Trump) support.

What we have with Election 2024 is American capitalism rotting on its feet, and doing everything in its power to prevent a popular uprising of the working masses & disenfranchised youth. It is this massive social force that must mobilize itself in solidarity to protect itself against the forces of imperialism & fascism that have dominated American politics & Election 2024.



Why Kamala Harris will lose on November 5

What seemed impossible only a few months ago has turned into reality. Donald Trump currently leads in all 7 battleground states according to Real Clear Politics.

Michigan 48.3 47.4 Trump +0.9
Pennsylvania 47.9 47.4 Trump +0.5
Wisconsin 47.9 47.8 Trump +0.1
Arizona 48.8 47.4 Trump +1.4
Nevada 47.9 47.1 Trump +0.8
North Carolina 48.5 47.5 Trump +1.0
Georgia 48.7 47.6 Trump +1.1

After Joe Biden was forced out by top Democrats following his disastrous June 27 debate performance, Kamala Harris was propelled to the head of the ticket and quickly surpassed Trump in WI, MI & PA– the three battleground states she needs to win to get to 270 in the Electoral College. But in the last month or so, Harris has been slipping in every state. Wisconsin & Michigan which she had initially flipped, have turned back to Trump; and Pennsylvania which Harris had held a slight edge has flipped red with Trump consistently ahead in the polls. How did this happen?

First & foremost, the Trump campaign has received a massive injection of money from fascist billionaires such as Elon Musk, and they have gone on the attack with scathing commercials. Kamala Harris & “Bidenomics” are inseparable, and that message is getting through to struggling American workers. The real economy isn’t working for 80-90% of the population, so Donald Trump can attack & ludicrously posture as a candidate of “hope & change.”

Secondly, Kamala Harris’ position of full support for Zionist genocide in Gaza and the broader war with Hezbollah & Iran that has metastasized, is deeply unpopular with student youth & the working class. Furthermore, slandering anti-war & anti-genocide activists as “antisemitic” is a cynical big lie. This is Kamala Harris, who is no different from Joe Biden, politically speaking. Their debated differences are superficial window dressing, and most people recognize that.

Cracking down on anti-war dissent on campuses across the country is deeply unpopular, and it has been led by the Democrats. Biden, Harris, AOC, etc, have all slandered anti-war genocide protesters as “antisemitic,” which is a big lie from the CIA Democrats. This anti-democratic policy has cost Kamala Harris the young voters she needed to win these all-important battleground states.

Thirdly, the Democrats racialist & feminist cards aren’t working either. These are key planks to their identity politics campaign, which is meant to divide the working class along artificial lines while ignoring class inequality. MAGA Trumpists are fascists, filled with white supremacists & actual antisemites, but they are never called out by Kamala Harris and the Democrats for what they are, all in the name of bipartisanship. Joe Biden said, “We need a strong Republican Party,” when asked why he wasn’t prosecuting Donald Trump for his 1/6 coup attempt. Democrats enabling Republicans is how the two-party system works.

This means the Democrats are going to lose on November 5, because Trump and the far right need this win more than the Democrats. If Trump loses, he & his party are finished. It would be a crippling blow to fascism, which a class of billionaires won’t allow. These elitists will do whatever it takes to ensure a Trump victory, while the Democrats will meekly acquiesce.

That’s not how the majority of the US population feels. What we have with Election 2024 were rigged primaries on both sides, where no leftist or 3rd-party dissent was ever allowed. Massive blacklisting & censorship campaigns were undertaken by both major parties, but particularly the Democrats whose target was anything on the left. Removing 3rd-party candidates from the ballot through legal challenges in Democratic-friendly courts and censoring leftists in the mass media were major prongs of the Democrats election campaign in 2024.

In other words, it was a massive disinformation & censorship campaign on both sides, full of lies, propaganda, and other distortions of the truth. Omission has been a primary distortion. Nuclear war, capitalist-induced climate change, etc, were basically off-limits to serious discussion. Any “debates”, “press conferences”, “interviews”, etc, were distortions of those terms, with “moderators” injecting their bias at every turn, bastardizing the professional terms “journalism” & “reporting”.

When Trump wins, and Kamala Harris graciously concedes, the Democrats will then begin to blame the “deplorables” for their defeat, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016. Deplorables are especially white working males who weren’t smart enough to vote for the Democrats because they are racist, sexist, anti-gay, etc. Deplorables are stooges of Vladimir Putin and that Russian conspiracy to take away all our freedoms, etc. Those who oppose funding Zelensky’s Nazi Azov Battalion in the Ukraine are “agents of Putin” & “antisemites.” All this is why Kamala Harris will lose on November 5.



Facebook account disabled–again

On the morning of Friday, October 4, 2024, Facebook disabled my account. I have since been unable to access my personal page, artist page, or dentist page. Facebook has given me no reason for this. Facebook emailed me an ‘account recovery code,’ but allow me no link to use it.

This is how big tech jerks you around when they are censoring you. I’ve sent Facebook multiple messages through email and their service page, but get no response. It’s all AI bots & attack algorithms on their end.

I’ve received messages from friends who wonder why I’ve disappeared, did I de-friend them, etc? Facebook deletes me whenever they feel I’m too effective on social media. Facebook is controlled by the CIA Democrats, so I have no idea when/if I will return.


December 8, 2023

How do US representatives who tried to overthrow the US Constitution avoid jail & all accountability for their criminal actions? It’s because Joe Biden & the Democrats have covered for them in the name of ruling class “bipartisanship.” Democrats enable fascists while attacking & censoring true leftists. That’s how Biden’s proxy war in the Ukraine (and now ethnic cleansing of Palestines in Gaza) are being sustained, despite their unpopularity among American working people & youth.

Both Democrats & Republicans agree we need to be at war with China over Taiwan sometime in the near future. Obama/Biden ‘pivoted to China’ after the “war on terror” under Bush/Cheney became an untenable US foreign policy doctrine to sell to the American people.

Donald Trump pushed past that on the far right, by reneging on the long agreed-upon doctrine of One China, which was Richard Nixon’s foreign policy baby to open up China to US business interests. It got him re-elected in 1972 despite strong anti-war & youth opposition on Vietnam, and capitalism flourished through the 1970’s into the early 2000’s because of it.

US recognition of One China was a conscious ruling class policy of economic globalization to lower costs for American corporations and make them more profitable. It brought humanity the internet, mp3s & social media– but it has wrecked our planet with pollution, deforestation & runaway global warming which isn’t being addressed at all. The US military can’t win a world war for many reasons, foremost are: 1) Russia & China (and Israel [!!]) have nuclear weapons and will use them if their existence is seriously threatened, and 2) US businesses depend on the world for supply chains & cheap labor.

Cheap oil means affordable global transportation, and that’s what all the fighting is about in the Middle East and why the Zionist Netanyahu regime of fascists are always proclaimed to be inseparable partners in US foreign policy, which is imperialism. That’s what the IDF’s ethic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza is about. To Zionists. a multi-ethnic state living in peace is out of the question. This racist ruling ideology is opposed by many Jews in Israel, the US & beyond, but this fact is never mentioned in the American fake media.

Zionists are today’s Nazi’s, as is Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, whose fascist cabal are the direct political descendants of Nazis under Adolph Hitler. Zelensky’s war over Crimea with Russia is unwinnable, yet Joe Biden & his CIA Democrat cohorts keep doubling down on it. Republicans will hold up funding in Congress for awhile (when it is politically convenient) to get more anti-immigrant militarization for the US-Mexico border.

Canada is our friendly neighbor to the North, historically a safe haven for Nazis who fled Europe after WW2. Death squad democracies under Truman (Dem) & Eisenhower (Rep) administrations in Latin America harbored WW2 Nazis under US protectorate. They were used to teach the CIA their methods for becoming known globally as Murder, Inc.

This capitalist economic boom period ends with WW3, unless the youth & working class unite to overthrow capitalism before it’s too late. Workers of the world, unite– by joining the Socialist Equality Party in whatever country you live, or form one if there isn’t one yet. The SEP is the only political party of Trotskyism, which is the true socialism of Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.

All other ‘left’ variants, from the DSA & the labor union bureaucracies, are the fake left. So is PBS, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post & Rolling Stone magazine. Pussy Riot is fake, they reek of CIA provocation as its members have been designated “foreign agents” by Russian president Vladimir Putin. Hillary Clinton was Pussy Riot’s biggest fan back in the day. Pop music & entertainment have been thoroughly fake since American Idol & 9/11.

For publishing these truths, you are branded a ‘class reductionist antisemite’ by the fake left, which is well-funded by the CIA Democrats. The Black Lives Matter & MeToo campaigns also originate with the CIA Democrats.

MAGA Trumpists are the ultra-nationalists on the far right. This means white supremacists, holocaust deniers, anti-vaxers, Christian fundamentalists, and other reactionary variants of militia anarchism. They all prefer to let their fists & guns do their talking when it comes to politics, since their limited talking points never hold up.

Historically speaking, December 8 is the day after the date that lives in infamy. What was the American workers’ mood on December 8, 1941? It was anger, which was exploited to the benefit of the American ruling elite. Working kids got drafted and sent overseas to fight & die, while rich kids got deferred. Just like Bill Clinton and just like Donald Trump. They’re all cowards. Enabled bullies, actually.

The danger is this sociopathic class controls all the levers of power, and Trump has fascist shock troops at his behest & command, which the world saw on January 6, 2021. That was a coup attempt by Donald Trump & his fascist cabal which extended to all branches of government & the military/police, and intended to establish a presidential dictatorship.

This threat to human democracy needs to be overwhelmingly crushed by an internationally united working class & youth. That’s the path to victory and saving our planet (& ourselves!) from self-inflicted destruction. The work is in party building and the development of political conscious & united leadership of the working class. Social media is what unites us, so all platforms must be democratized to be de-Nazified.

Leading antisemite Elon Musk bought Twitter last year and changed its name to X. He’s had to cash in more than a few bitcoins to do it, but for Musk it’s worth it. Elon Musk is a Nazi, who pretends he’s a prodigy. He’s acts as if he’s intelligent, but he’s a proven philistine– even in his so-called fields of expertise. Elon Musk needed a big platform he could dominate on every level, so he overpaid for Twitter, which was estimated at around $12B, but Musk was forced to pay $44B.

Elon Musk had to recoup lost value somehow, so he has encouraged his fascist followers by inviting Donald Trump back onto the platform– which the Donald refused. Trump now rants exclusively on his Truth Social platform. Trump, Inc is always lying, ripping people off, and going bankrupt– that’s the Trump business cycle. His hardcore supporters are on Parlor & Breitbart spreading their filth.

A sign of global financial turmoil is the crypto bubble being re-inflated, with bitcoin now at ~$44K after starting 2023 at ~$17K. Bitcoin as ‘digital gold” is a myth, but it’s being hyped as a ‘safe haven’ & ‘good investment’ in the face of weakening currencies. Crypto has to get past SBF/FTX  & CZ/Binance before Elon Musk can sell his crypto garbage as good coin again. The bitcoin market is being pumped again, for sure, but there is still strong opposition among powerful US business & political interests. As mentioned before, US intelligence is the Black Hand in crypto.

Finally, December 8, 1980 was the day John Lennon was murdered in NYC. Beatles fans around the world mourn this tragic anniversary every year by trying to celebrate what John Lennon’s existence brought to humanity. Pop culture & art changed with the Beatles, and the idea that there are deranged people out there who want to kill that is deeply offensive to anyone who thinks & feels.


Election 2024: the civil war election– a preview

For a Trotskyist theorist, the task is to be on the cutting edge of historical events with the most precise analysis & revolutionary insights. History is being written every day, so Marxists use historical materialism in their analysis of events. Dialectics is the science of change & revolution. Only the wisest become historical materialist Marxists. The dialecticians in this group are the theorists.

For instance, Patrick Martin of the WSWS analyzed the 2018 US elections and noticed a remarkable increase in former military & intelligence candidates for Congress as Democrats. This was when all the media hype was about AOC & her squad on the fake left supposedly getting ready to take over the Democratic Party and be its future. Patrick Martin dismissed that fake left nonsense and theorized this right-wing militarist caucus was to be of decisive importance for them and thus branded them as CIA Democrats. Trotskyists have since used that correct political definition of this right-wing shift in the Democratic Party. CIA Democrats are all pro-war & pro-police, and so are AOC & Bernie Sanders, which is why Trotskyists correctly refer to them as the pseudo-left.

The value of the Marxist definition of the CIA Democrats is that it precisely explains everything. Everything in the bourgeois media is meant to confuse the masses and it is precisely targeted to your computer or device. It’s streaming live audio & video 24/7 365 to the NSA and the rest of the intelligence/military/police apparatus. We’ve known this ever since 2013, when Edward Snowden gave it to Wikileaks. Today, Julian Assange is still in a London maximum security prison, mostly in solitary confinement. He was abducted by the UK police at the behest of US intelligence & the White House in April 2019 because he told the world the truth.

Since then, things have gotten worse everywhere. A novel coronavirus pandemic which started as a wildlife-human crossover in a Wuhan wet market in late 2019, has now become a forever pandemic. Best estimates are over 20 million dead globally, over a million in the US, and these are acknowledged in the scientific literature to be vast undercounts. Excessive deaths are 50-100% higher than these mortality figures which have been skewed down to minimize the human impact of ‘let it rip’ pseudo-science in politics.

For those who don’t die, Long COVID remains, which means COVID-19 is going to be with us until we unite as a planet to stamp out this highly contagious & infectious virus. It’s possible to do this in 2-3 months with a globally-coordinated effort led by science. The capitalist markets will never allow this, so they must be overthrown. If this coronavirus is allowed to spread unchecked & mutate globally, in 30 years no one will be healthy enough to work anymore. The futures for COVID under capitalism are scary as they indicate that a virus is smarter than humans.

Humanity has to do better in applying science & rationality to every significant problem we face– political, economic & social. There’s too much stupidity & bad behavior that goes entirely unpunished because of privilege & inequality. This only emboldens the most reactionary layers to act even worse. History teaches us this is how world wars begin.

Both fascist Republicans & CIA Democrats want to start WW3. Joe Biden & his rabid anti-communists have their war with Russia in the Ukraine already. The MAGA fascists would prefer WW3 to start in China. Trotskyists reject this madness of MAD, and oppose an international perspective of worker revolution to take power out of the hands of the capitalists and organize a new & equal society on a socialist basis. This means abolishing the police, military & intelligence apparatus. The banks, corporate media & industries need to fall under worker control to have any progressive possibility. As it is under capitalist ownership & management these essential institutions are parasites.

Obviously, none of these realities can be uttered in the corporate media from NPR & CNN to FOX & Breitbart. All these tendencies share common traits: political ignorance, laziness & dishonesty. They all have talking points they stick to firmly, and have no flexibility or chops outside of their pampered bubbles. They embrace the fake media because it validates them.

Crypto is the libertarian expression of this intellectual & ideological poverty. None of the crypto geeks can explain its use value except in terms of laundering money & tax evasion. The FTX collapse in November 2022 led directly to the global banking crisis that has set upon us since Silvergate Bank collapsed & vanished earlier this month. Silvergate was all-in on crypto, and so was Signature Bank.

Silicon Valley Bank was over-leveraged in the bond market, which has collapsed since the Fed started raising interest rates for the first in 15 years. Both markets, crypto & US treasuries, relied on free money from the Fed. As soon as it gets cut off, these banks, venture capitalists, hedge funds, etc, are finished because they are so indebted as bond holders and/or they hold useless crypto– see Elon Musk.

It’s very important to take all this into account when analyzing & theorizing about Election 2024 being the civil war election. First thing to understand is that it’s already started. What have coming in 2024 is a reversed-role re-run of 2020, which sucked– as did 2016. Two right-wing candidates in reversed roles, with the CIA Democrats as the incumbent in the form of a senile & frothing anti-communist and Wall Street pillar, while the Nazis have Trump.

Trump consumed the Republican Party in 2015-16, and then spat it out on January 6, 2021. There is nothing remaining on the right that can compete with Trump, he is their fuhrer. Being from Florida, I can tell you Ron DeSantis doesn’t have a chance against Trump, and that’s why there is a fake campaign to take the Donald out of the running. That’s what the Stormy Daniels sex & hush money scandal is about. It will fail (it’s designed to fail), just as the MeToo campaign shipwrecked itself during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings in Sept/Oct 2018.

Donald Trump led the January 6, 2021 insurrection on the Capitol building where US Congress was going through the formality of certifying the 2020 election, which was their Constitutional duty. Hoards of well-coordinated & armed fascists overwhelmed Capitol police as Donald Trump & his coup plotters refused to send them help. Trump was helping the fascist barbarians. When this plan failed, Trump immediately pivoted to pressuring Republicans to vote “No” on impeachment in the hearings that immediately followed in January 2021. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell caved to Trump, cowardly fearing the backlash from his fascist supported if he didn’t.

Since then, no Republican or fake left Democrat has seriously challenged Donald Trump by insisting he be arrested & prosecuted for plotting a fascist coup to overthrow the US Constitution and establish himself as dictator. That’s against the law, and a most-serious felony offense. But the Democrats think a stale sex scandal makes a better case, and that’s why Trump is free to run for US President again in 2024, where he will surely defeat Joe Biden. The liberal Democrats & college kids aren’t going to come out for Biden in 2024, and that’s enough to swing it to Trump in the key states he needs to win the Electoral College.

What happens in the weeks after Tuesday, November 5, 2024 can be generally theorized as follows. No matter which side wins, the other side will not accept the result as legitimate. This all started in Florida in 2000, which ended in the Supreme Court voting 5-4 for Bush. Hanging chads, butterfly ballots, uncounted ballots, etc, were hyped to death, but never rationally explained. The Republicans stole that election, and most people didn’t know it, and still don’t. The Democrats made sure of that. The shock & awe of 9/11 came shortly after, and the US political landscape has shifted far-right ever since.

Election 2016 was pathetic, as Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton was handed a rigged nomination, then lost to Donald Trump in November. She graciously accepted defeat early and hasn’t been heard from since, but her influence is still there. Hillary Clinton is the Black Hand behind the MeToo campaign, featuring Pussy Riot as agents of US intelligence.

I was the first to say fascism won election 2016, the night it happened, and also the first to identify the ‘MeToo campaign’ as a right-wing attack from the CIA Democrats. Its punk protégées were Pussy Riot. These fake rock phonies & CIA stooges never performed live or made any real music, but they do do NFT drops to fund-raise crypto to send to neo-Nazis in Kiev in the name of freeing Russia.

When Putin outed Pussy Riot as foreign agents a few years back on New Years Eve, this Trotskyist theorist was vindicated. The music business’ tie-in to state propaganda is always murky, but this is murky murky. Pussy Riot was a totally fake band (art collective, protest activists, etc) recruited & created by the CIA and hyped as real. They had an AllMusic biography & discography for years presenting them as a legitimate punk rock band. All fake. Since being outed as agents, AllMusic changed (updated?) all the Pussy Riot pages on their site.

Election 2020 was the worst US election ever. No real choice anywhere on the ballot. Just CIA Democrats & Nazis. Anyone with any kind of political sense knows that 2024 is portending to be an even bigger shit-show. It’s lesser-of-two-evilism, a political myopia, that compels so many despairing & politically disoriented people into voting for their favored party of capitalist exploitation without understanding these charlatans are really their class enemies. There’s simply too many clueless old folks who vote either Democrat or Republican and will do so every two years until they die. They can’t be appealed to under the strait-jacket of their two-party mentality because that’s all they know. They mostly need to be retired or put in hospice and get out of serious politics.

Serious politics means revolution. It’s going to be the working masses & the disenfranchised youth that intervene with a Trotskyist program to lead humanity out of this quagmire I’ve just outlined. If we don’t get serious NOW, then Nazis will surely take political power again, and they will never relinquish it until they’ve unleashed all their ugliness, hatred & venom upon humanity & our planet.

Liberals are too lazy & intellectually bankrupt to come up with any serious answers to any serious question, so avoid the DSA, Greens & Bernie in 2024. The Nazis are always ready to fight, in fact that’s what they prefer to do. MAGA fascists want Trump because he’s a perceived leader who enables their racist/homophobic pathological rage.

This is only 2-3% of the total US population, and surely no more than 5%, but they are very dangerous because they are being incubated & emboldened. CIA Democrats & Republican Nazis have created this sick society because it provides them the shock troops needed to attack the working class. They will be unleashed in 2024, and the working class better organize and be ready for them, otherwise… well, we have history to teach us valuable lessons here.

In November 1923, Adolph Hitler led his Beer Hall Putsch, which failed badly and he went to prison where he wrote his racist diatribe Mein Kampf. In January 1933, Hitler was handed the chancellorship of Germany as the Wiemar Republic was in its death throes, under an insurmountable weight of WW1 debt & global economic depression. The choice to the rulers of Germany were either revolution or fascism, and they chose Hitler. Joe Biden & the CIA Democrats will surely do the same thing with Trump in 2024 when push comes to shove.

So that’s what to expect politically in 2024 if there is no organized intervention from the working class. By this I mean mass strikes, economic shutdowns, and increased worker militancy with political class consciousness. This is what is happening across Europe & the Middle East right now in France, Germany, Israel, etc, and it’s coming to the US soon. The decisive question will be Trotskyist leadership within the working class ranks.

The Fed’s policy of raising interest rates is a ruling class strategy to induce a global recession and quell labor cost demands. In other words, the puppet masters want to unemploy tens & even hundreds of millions of workers to create a larger available labor pool, which reduces labor costs. The problem is, the banks & volatile tech industries such as crypto are hyper-sensitive to interest rate increases, necessitating taxpayer bailouts for them into eternity. This is being hidden from the public.

The fake economy is collapsing under mountains of unpayable debt, but it wants to keep plunging. There’s a pathological element of addictive gambling in play among the ruling elites. This aggression can not be allowed to stand, and must be met with a politically armed & united international working class with a socialist program.


The people aren’t fooled

Yesterday, The New York Times published its account on who bombed the Nord Stream pipelines last September. Recall that at first they blamed Putin.  A summary on Yahoo! titled, “US intelligence sees ‘pro-Ukraine group’ behind Nord Stream sabotage: report” received many comments from readers. Here is my Top 10 list from that piece:

1) I’ll take “Things the CIA says to cover their tracks” for $100, Alex.
2) I don’t know who did it, but they found Joe Biden’s passport a few meters from the blast site.
3) It was the Palestinian Navy.
4) It was Chinese attack balloons.
5) Per the CIA, it wasn’t Joe Biden. Of course, if he did it, he wouldn’t remember ordering it.
6) Gaslight much? It’s already been exposed by a real journalist that the US did it.
7) The fake news is strong with this one.
8) I stopped reading after, “US officials…”
9) America has a propaganda epidemic.
10) US intelligence must have the best magic mushrooms.

Bonus comment:

11) I’m running out of conspiracy theories to mock– they’re all coming true!!



Marilyn Manson vs. the abusive MeToo campaign

Who anointed the MeToo campaign as the morality police, judge, jury & executioner? Whether you like Marilyn Manson or not isn’t the issue. The guy worked hard to make millions of fans, and his relationships with those people has been poisoned by cynical politics & a dirty-tricks campaign. I know fans of Marilyn Manson (men & women) who say his music helped them get through a tough period in their lives, etc. Who is MeToo to judge all this with absolute authority?

In the case of Marilyn Mansion & Ashley Morgan Smithline, it’s Evan Rachel Wood who is the abuser. Evan Rachel Wood is a perjurer who (among other criminal activities) submitted a fraudulent letter from the FBI as evidence under oath in court. Commenters online are now calling Evan Rachel Wood “Amber Heard 2.0”, which is accurate. Evan Rachel Wood has the full backing of the CIA Democrats as Marilyn Manson has been the victim of a coordinated MeToo-style hit job because he’s an easy target.

The MeToo campaign and its fanatic adherents have no compassion & understanding for a man’s career ruined with lies. Just as they have no compassion for women who are teaching in classrooms with COVID, or female healthcare workers, retail employees, etc.

The MeToo campaign supports the criminal US/NATO-led proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia, nevermind all the women & children who have become casualties. The MeToo campaign still supports sanctions on Syria, even after a series of devastating earthquakes hit the region. Women & children buried under rubble doesn’t register on the MeToo campaign’s radar.

MeToo doesn’t care one whit about women autoworkers who have been unfairly fired for reporting sexual harassment & wage theft to the UAW bureaucracy. When a woman working on the line in an Ohio auto plant had a miscarriage last year, because she was doing work she shouldn’t have been doing, the UAW helped deny her insurance claim. And so on, etc…

MeToo doesn’t care about working class women, it is only concerned with gaining privileges for a thin layer of women in the upper-middle class. That’s the focus of all the identity politics campaigns (Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, etc) which come directly from the CIA Democrats. This cynical attempt to divide workers & the poor only strengthens the hand of the far right.

Ashley Morgan Smithline has declared that Evan Rachel Wood manipulated & abused her. So why wouldn’t you believe her? MeToo (who claims women should ALWAYS be believed) is silent on this question.

The MeToo campaign, like capitalism, is exploitative & abusive to its core. The only way to end this nefarious, dirty-tricks MeToo campaign is by organized mass resistance to the capitalist system itself.

Music is such an important form of communication, perhaps the most influential as its primality touches & stirs our deepest emotions. The question of questions becomes: Who controls the music? Consider all music of the past in its historical materialist context, with a philosophical understanding of dialectics in revolution. These days, if the music doesn’t also stimulate the intellect, it’s crap.
